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Risultati 1 - 20 di 876 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.041 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Electrical Properties, Reliability Issues, and ESD Robustness of InGaN-Based LEDs" in III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications 2013 MENEGHINI, MATTEOMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO - - Topics in Applied Physics III-Nitride Based Light Emitting Diodes and Applications
'Hole Redistribution' Model Explaining the Thermally Activated RONStress/Recovery Transients in Carbon-Doped AlGaN/GaN Power MIS-HEMTs 2021 Meneghini M.Meneghesso G.Zanoni E. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES - -
24 Hours Stress Test and Failure Analysis of 0.25 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs 2018 M. RzinF. RampazzoM. MeneghiniG. MeneghessoE. Zanoni + - - Proceedings of the 9th Wide Bandgap Semiconductor and Components workshop
2DEG Retraction and Potential Distribution of GaN-on-Si HEMTs Investigated Through a Floating Gate Terminal 2018 Rossetto, I.Meneghini, M.De Santi, C.Meneghesso, G.Zanoni, E. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES - -
A combined electro-optical method for the determination of the recombination parameters in InGaN-based light-emitting diodes 2009 MENEGHINI, MATTEOTRIVELLIN, NICOLAMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO + JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS - -
A combined µ-Cathodoluminescence and µ-Photoluminescence Investigation of the Degradation of InGaN/GaN Laser Diodes 2013 MENEGHINI, MATTEOCARRARO, SIMONEVACCARI, SIMONETRIVELLIN, NICOLAMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO + - - 10th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (online abstract)
A comprehensive reliability evaluation of high-performance AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for space applications 2016 DE SANTI, CARLODALCANALE, STEFANOSTOCCO, ANTONIORAMPAZZO, FABIANAGERARDIN, SIMONEMENEGHINI, MATTEOMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO + - - proc. of the 8th Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and Components Workshop
A Distributed Electrical Network to Model the Local Shunting in Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells 2012 MAGNONE, PAOLOBARBATO, MARCOMENEGHINI, MATTEOGILIBERTO, VALENTINAMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIO + - - 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, EU PVSEC 2012
A Generalized Approach to Determine the Switching Reliability of GaN HEMTs on-Wafer Level 2021 Modolo N.Minetto A.De Santi C.Meneghesso G.Zanoni E.Meneghini M. + - IEEE INTERNATIONAL RELIABILITY PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings
A led lighting device with an adjustable spatial distribution of the emitted light 2011 MENEGHINI, MATTEOZANONI, ENRICOBRUSATIN, GIOVANNA + - - -
A model for the thermal degradation of metal/(p-GaN) interface in GaN-based light emitting diodes 2008 MENEGHINI, MATTEOTREVISANELLO, LORENZO ROBERTOMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO + JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS - -
A new approach to correlate transport processes and optical efficiency in GaN-based LEDs 2009 MENEGHINI, MATTEOZANONI, ENRICO + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D. APPLIED PHYSICS - -
A new method for CdSexTe1-x band grading for high efficiency thin-absorber CdTe solar cells 2021 Gasparotto A.Barbato M.Meneghini M.Meneghesso G. + SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS - -
A novel degradation mechanism of AlGaN/GaN/Silicon heterostructures related to the generation of interface traps 2012 MENEGHINI, MATTEOBERTIN, MARCOSTOCCO, ANTONIOMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIOZANONI, ENRICO + - - IEDM 2012, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
A novel high voltage and high speed measurement system for dynamic RON measurements in GaN‐based high mobility transistors (HEMTs) 2016 BARBATO, ALESSANDROROSSETTO, ISABELLABARBATO, MARCOMENEGHINI, MATTEOZANONI, ENRICOMENEGHESSO, GAUDENZIO - - Proc. of 40th WOCSDICE ‐ Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe
A novel in-situ approach to monitor the variations in the on-resistance of power transistors during switching operation 2023 Cavaliere, A.De Santi, C.Meneghesso, G.Zanoni, E.Meneghini, M. MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY - -
A novel on-wafer approach to test the stability of GaN-based devices in hard switching conditions: Study of hot-electron effects 2020 Modolo N.Meneghini M.Barbato A.Nardo A.De Santi C.Meneghesso G.Zanoni E. + MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY - -
A Novel Physics-Based Approach to Analyze and Model E-Mode p-GaN Power HEMTs 2020 Modolo, NicolaDe Santi, CarloMeneghini, Matteo + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES - -
A Novel System to Measure the Dynamic On‑Resistance of On‑Wafer 600 V Normally-Off GaN HEMTs in Real Application Conditions 2017 Alessandro BarbatoM. BarbatoM. MeneghiniM. SilvestriG. MeneghessoE. Zanoni + - - Proceedings of the 41th WOCSDICE - Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits 2017