Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.546
NA - Nord America 6.256
AS - Asia 914
SA - Sud America 28
OC - Oceania 23
AF - Africa 21
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 13.794
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.241
IT - Italia 5.262
CN - Cina 412
SG - Singapore 321
FR - Francia 240
FI - Finlandia 203
DE - Germania 165
SE - Svezia 143
UA - Ucraina 129
GB - Regno Unito 93
NL - Olanda 49
VN - Vietnam 44
GR - Grecia 36
IE - Irlanda 33
RO - Romania 33
CH - Svizzera 32
ES - Italia 29
AU - Australia 21
PT - Portogallo 17
HK - Hong Kong 16
TR - Turchia 16
CA - Canada 15
ID - Indonesia 15
IN - India 15
AT - Austria 14
PH - Filippine 13
ZA - Sudafrica 12
BE - Belgio 11
MY - Malesia 11
IR - Iran 10
KR - Corea 10
PL - Polonia 10
JP - Giappone 8
AR - Argentina 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
HR - Croazia 6
MT - Malta 6
PE - Perù 6
BR - Brasile 5
CL - Cile 5
EU - Europa 5
DK - Danimarca 4
EG - Egitto 4
PK - Pakistan 4
RS - Serbia 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
SI - Slovenia 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AM - Armenia 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CO - Colombia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
NA - Namibia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
SM - San Marino 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BW - Botswana 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ET - Etiopia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
RW - Ruanda 1
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 1
Totale 13.794
Città #
Fairfield 753
Jacksonville 539
Padova 502
Woodbridge 493
Ann Arbor 479
Chandler 413
Houston 375
Ashburn 346
Wilmington 341
Milan 339
Rome 277
Seattle 275
Boardman 243
Cambridge 230
Singapore 229
Princeton 191
Roxbury 149
Santa Clara 140
Medford 119
Venice 115
Nanjing 98
Palermo 98
Turin 95
Naples 93
Beijing 92
San Diego 90
Des Moines 80
Catania 73
Helsinki 67
Verona 59
Bari 54
Bologna 51
Dong Ket 44
Florence 41
Genoa 39
Messina 39
Tiers 34
Dublin 32
Shenyang 32
Vicenza 31
Brescia 30
Salerno 30
Munich 27
Jiaxing 25
Mestre 24
Modena 24
Rubano 23
Trieste 23
Nanchang 22
Norwalk 22
Cagliari 21
Hebei 21
Treviso 20
Venezia 20
Indiana 18
Changsha 17
Perugia 17
Prato 17
London 16
Udine 16
Lecce 15
Redwood City 15
Torino 15
Afragola 14
New York 14
Rimini 14
Sassari 14
Istanbul 13
Parma 13
Ancona 12
Athens 12
Paris 12
Tianjin 12
Trento 12
Vienna 12
Dallas 11
Foggia 11
Lissone 11
Monza 11
Bergamo 10
Como 10
Guangzhou 10
Manchester 10
Pescara 10
Reggio Emilia 10
Taranto 10
Alfonsine 9
Belluno 9
Fisciano 9
Riese Pio X 9
San Martino Buon Albergo 9
Santa Lucia Di Piave 9
Barcelona 8
Campolongo 8
Catanzaro 8
Napoli 8
Pegognaga 8
Vigonza 8
Busto Arsizio 7
Carpi 7
Totale 8.652
Nome #
Autodeterminazione e scelte scolastico-professionali: Uno strumento per l’assessment. 800
Psicologia positiva e preadolescenza 570
Verso una nuova concezione della Psicologia dell' orientamento 527
Promuovere l’autonomia e l’autodeterminazione 424
Il costrutto dell'adattabilità professionale 347
L'autodeterminazione 328
So affrontare i miei problemi? Un questionario per l’analisi delle abilità di problem solving 280
Design My Future: An instrument to assess future orientation and resilience 219
Visions about future: A new scale assessing optimism, pessimism, and hope in adolescents. 196
Modelli e strumenti di orientamento 187
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Italian Form: Psychometric proprieties with Italian preadolescents 168
Il coinvolgimento e il ruolo dei genitori per una scuola inclusiva di qualità 160
Idee ed atteggiamenti sul futuro scolastico-professionale: uno strumento per l’analisi dei livelli di indecisione di persone di età compresa fra i 15 e i 19 anni 157
Congruenza, autoefficacia, valutazione delle proprie capacità e controllo primario nell'orientamento professionale di giovani che svolgono le prime esperienze lavorative 153
Facilitating school inclusion 149
A Multivariate Analysis of the Self-Determination of Adolescents 138
A Crisis in Career Development: Life Designing and Implications for Transition 138
L'adattamento italiano del Career Beliefs Inventory: un esempio di assessment cross culturale. 134
Career exploration and occupational knowledge in Italian children 125
Essere genitori di figli disabili 121
Realistic major previews in the school-to-college transition of Italian high school students 120
Promuovere l’inclusione lavorativa e sociale 119
Parental support in adolescents’ career development: Parents’ and children’s perceptions 117
Self-determination, social abilities and the quality of life of people with intellectual disability 116
Positive youth development in preadolescence: The contribution of recent theoretical paradigms and positive, strengths based interventions 115
Career Adaptability and Career Resilience: The Roadmap to Work Inclusion for Individuals Experiencing Disability 113
Validation of the Childhood Career Development Scale Among Italian Middle School Students 112
Time perspective and indecision in young and older adolescents 108
Career search self-efficacy, family support, and career indecision with Italian youth 106
What are emerging trends and perspectives on inclusive schools in Italy? 106
Inclusion in Italy: From numbers to ideas that is from special visions to the promotion of inclusion for all persons 104
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Italian Form: Psychometric properties and relationships to breadth of interests, quality of life, and perceived barriers 104
Attitudes of social service providers towards the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disability 102
Il ruolo della famiglia 100
Disability and Work: A Difficult but Possible Association. Contribution and Challenges of Life Design 98
The relation of cultural context and social relationships to career development in middle school 97
The Italian path to school and social inclusion: Problems, strengths and perspectives 94
The Structure of the Career Beliefs Inventory on a Sample of Italian High School Students 93
Attitudes of parents of typically developing children towards school inclusion: the role of personality variables and positive descriptions 93
Passi verso l’inclusione e la partecipazione lavorativa di tutti: il contributo degli interventi per la progettazione professionale e il career counseling tra passato, presente e futuro 92
Using the hope-centered career inventory (HCCI)-Italian version with healthcare professionals 91
The development of the Problem Solving Inventory with Italian youth 90
Counseling for adolescents and children at risk in Italy 89
Elementary school children’s willingness to help and be friends with disabled peers 89
Constructions of Work Among Adolescents in Transition 88
Strumenti e procedure di assessment per l’orientamento e la progettazione professionale 87
Quality of life and self-efficacy beliefs in young adults with cleft lip and palate 86
Peer tutoring for university students with disability: Tutors' and tutees' benefits. 86
Training for Career Guidance and Counseling Academic Scientists: Future Challenges and Directions 85
Introduction to the world of insects: a didactic research in kindergarten 85
Evaluation of an Intervention to Foster Time Perspective and Career Decidedness in a Group of Italian Adolescents 84
Un training per l' incremento delle abilità  di coping: The best of coping 83
An Examination of the Structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) among Italian High School Students 82
Lo sviluppo professionale delle future giovani generazioni: un esempio di intervento 82
Correspondence of children's anticipated vocations, perceived competencies, and interests: Results from an Italian sample 82
Ritardo mentale e attività  della vita quotidiana 81
Gli atteggiamenti verso l’inclusione scolastica e formativa 81
Bridging Disability and Work: Contribution and Challenges of Life Design 78
The relationship among positive emotional dispositions, career adaptability, and satisfaction in Italian high school students 77
Promoting vocational development: methods of intervention and techniques used in Italian context 76
Parental influences on youths' career construction 76
Abilità  sociali: L'osservazione indiretta. 75
Abilità  sociali e inerenti al lavoro. 74
Progettazioni itinerari e passi possibili di orientamento. 74
Career guidance for children and youth with disabilities 74
Conceptions of work in Italian adults with intellectual disability 73
Career Development and Career Design 73
Work Valence as a Predictor of Academic Achievement in the Family Context 72
Promuovere una vita di qualità per tutti 72
Life Management and quality of life of parents of children with diverse disabilities 71
Career guidance for persons with disabilities. 70
Social and emotional learning and resilience in Southeastern Europe: Educators’ cross-cultural perspectives 69
Improving coping strategies of rural adolescents in Australia and Italy 68
'Il futuro dei figli’: uno strumento per misurare il supporto fornito dai genitori ai processi di riflessione e scelta circa il futuro dei figli. 68
L’analisi dell’inclusione scolastica procedure e strumenti 66
Autodeterminazione 64
Vocational designing and career counseling in Europe: Challenges and new horizons 64
Relation of occupational knowledge to career interests and competence perceptions in Italian children 63
Le storie nel counseling e nel career counseling 63
Prevention and Schooling in Italy 63
Interventi per l'inclusione scolastica 62
Psicologia dell'orientamento e minoranze. 61
Work inclusion: A goal enriching society 61
Il concetto di lavoro in adulti e giovani adolescenti 59
Nuove dimensioni per progettare il futuro professionale e per dare significato al lavoro 59
Training Teachers to Become Effective Life Design ‘Agents of Change’: Suggestions and Directions for Future Actions 59
Family setting in Down syndrome 58
Career counseling and career counselors in Italy 57
L'integrazione scolastica 57
La visione sociocognitiva dell'orientamento 57
Il career counselling e le nuove tecnologie: Programmi e considerazioni per il futuro 56
Considerations on supports that can increase the quality of life of parents of children with disability. 56
The Best of Coping: A training to improve coping strategies 54
Il ruolo della famiglia e del supporto percepito sullo sviluppo professionale 54
Attività di tutorato in favore degli studenti disabili dell’Università di Padova 53
Il ruolo del supporto familiare percepito e dell'autoefficacia sull'indecisione professionale. 53
Changing Work in Changing Contexts: New Perspectives for Job Analysis in Career Counseling 53
Social-emotional learning and career development in elementary settings 53
Totale 11.691
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.780
article - articoli 20.859
book - libri 141
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 331
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 17.119
Totale 77.230

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020921 0 0 0 0 0 120 115 170 124 202 89 101
2020/20211.635 58 101 45 241 87 103 81 122 216 183 252 146
2021/20221.798 37 283 192 136 135 72 45 173 93 29 151 452
2022/20231.786 260 71 49 125 257 174 44 106 245 112 229 114
2023/20242.667 102 130 168 218 219 159 193 176 227 342 448 285
2024/20251.924 243 254 301 347 614 165 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.013