Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A novel approach for the valorization of wine lees as a source of compounds able to modify wine properties 2021 De Iseppi, AlbertoMarangon, MatteoVincenzi, SimoneLomolino, GiovannaCurioni, AndreaDivol, Benoit LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE - -
A Novel Method for the Quantification of White Wine Mannoproteins by a Competitive Indirect Enzyme-Linked Lectin Sorbent Assay (CI-ELLSA) 2018 Marangon, MatteoVegro, MaraVincenzi, SimoneLomolino, GiovannaDE ISEPPI, ALBERTOCurioni, Andrea MOLECULES - -
Applicazioni del lievito come ingrediente alimentare 2020 Alberto De IseppiAndrea CurioniMatteo MarangonGiovanna Lomolino INGREDIENTI ALIMENTARI - -
Characterization and emulsifying properties of extracts obtained by physical and enzymatic methods from an oenological yeast strain 2019 De Iseppi A.Curioni A.Marangon M.Vincenzi S.Lomolino G. + JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE - -
Characterization and emulsifying properties of mannoproteins extracted from the oenological yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118 by physical and enzymatic methods 2018 A. De IseppiA. CurioniS. VincenziM. MarangonG. Lomolino + - - 32nd EFFoST Conference Proceedings
Characterization and emulsifying properties of mannoproteins extracted from the oenological yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae EC1118 by physical and enzymatic methods 2018 DE ISEPPI, ALBERTOA. CurioniS. VincenziM. MarangonG. Lomolino + - - 32nd EFFoST Conference Proceedings
Characterization and identification of yeast bioactive peptides released during fermentation and autolysis in model wine 2023 A. De IseppiM. MarangonV. CorichG. ArrigoniA. Curioni + - - OENO Macrowine 2023 - Book of abstracts
Characterization and Identification of Yeast Peptides Released during Model Wine Fermentation and Lees Contact 2024 De Iseppi, A.Rocca, G.Marangon, M.Corich, V.Arrigoni, G.Curioni, A. + JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Chemical and Electrochemical Assessment of Wine Lees Extracts Tested as Novel Antioxidant Additives in Model Wine 2024 De Iseppi, ACurioni, AMarangon, M + JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Chemical characterization of cherry (Prunus avium) extract in comparison with commercial mimosa and chestnut tannins 2022 Cesprini, EDe Iseppi, AZanetti, MMarangon, MTondi, G + WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
Comprehensive analysis of colloid formation, distribution, and properties of monovarietal red wines using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with online multidetection 2024 Marangon, MatteoDe Iseppi, AlbertoMarangon, ChristineCurioni, Andrea + FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Current and future strategies for wine yeast lees valorization 2020 De Iseppi, AlbertoLomolino, GiovannaMarangon, MatteoCurioni, Andrea FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Effect of vacuum application on the physical, rheological and sensory characteristics of an artisanal ice cream 2022 Lomolino G.De Iseppi A.Vegro M.Marangon M.Crapisi A.Curioni A. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY - -
Emulsifying activity of potato proteins in the presence of k-carrageenan at different pH conditions 2022 Lomolino G.Vincenzi S.Zannoni S.Marangon M.De Iseppi A.Curioni A. FOOD CHEMISTRY X - -
Fecce fini: quali strategie per valorizzarle 2020 Alberto De IseppiAndrea CurioniMatteo Marangon + - - Civiltà del bere
Foam Characteristics and Sensory Analysis of Arabica Coffee, Extracted by Espresso Capsule and Moka Methods 2022 Lomolino, GiovannaDal Zotto, ValentinaZannoni, StefaniaDe Iseppi, Alberto BEVERAGES - -
Garlic greening: Pigments biosynthesis and control strategies 2021 De Iseppi, AlbertoCurioni, AndreaMarangon, MatteoVincenzi, SimoneLomolino, Giovanna ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE - -
Genetic variability and physiological traits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from “Vale dos Vinhedos” vineyards reflect agricultural practices and history of this Brazilian wet subtropical area 2018 CROSATO, GIULIACarlot, MilenaDE ISEPPI, ALBERTONadai, ChiaraGiacomini, AlessioCorich, Viviana + WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY - -
Ice recrystallization and melting in ice cream with different proteins levels and subjected to thermal fluctuation 2020 Lomolino GiovannaZannoni StefaniaZabara AndradaDe Iseppi Alberto + INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL - -
Mannoproteins and Beta-Glucans from oenological yeasts and wine lees: extraction and characterization for food applications 2018 Alberto De IseppiMatteo marangonGiovanna Lomolino - - Proceedings Book, XXIII Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology