Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
Autotrophic poly-3-hydroxybutyrate accumulation in Cupriavidus necator for sustainable bioplastic production triggered by nutrient starvation
2024 Santin, Anna; Spatola Rossi, Tatiana; Morlino, Maria Silvia; Gupte, Ameya Pankaj; Favaro, Lorenzo; Morosinotto, Tomas; Treu, Laura; Campanaro, Stefano
Bioaugmentation strategies based on bacterial and methanogenic cultures to relieve stress in anaerobic digestion of protein-rich substrates
2024 Agostini, S.; Bucci, L.; Doni, D.; Costantini, P.; Gupte, A.; Muller, B.; Sibilla, F.; Basaglia, M.; Casella, S.; Kougias, P. G.; Campanaro, S.; Favaro, L.; Treu, L.
Biotechnological Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Agri food R residues: Sustainable Approaches
2023 Basaglia, Marina; Costa, Paolo; Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ; Casella, Sergio; Favaro, Lorenzo
Breeding and metabolomic approaches to develop superior Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for the lignocellulosic ethanol
2022 Gupte, A.; Gronchi, N.; Basaglia, M.; Corte, L.; Cardinali, G.; Casella, S.; Favaro, L.
Consolidated bioprocessing of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste into bioethanol
2024 Gupte, A. P.; Di Vita, N.; Myburgh, M. W.; Cripwell, R. A.; Basaglia, M.; van Zyl, W. H.; Viljoen-Bloom, M.; Casella, S.; Favaro, L.
Deciphering the genetic landscape of enhanced poly-3-hydroxybutyrate production in Synechocystis sp. B12
2024 Santin, Anna; Collura, Flavio; Singh, Garima; Morlino, Maria Silvia; Bizzotto, Edoardo; Bellan, Alessandra; Gupte, Ameya Pankaj; Favaro, Lorenzo; Campanaro, Stefano; Treu, Laura; Morosinotto, Tomas
Development of superior yeast strains for the production of bioethanol from multiple waste streams: a combination of classical and modern genetic approaches
2023 Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ
Efficient production of biohydrogen from African lignocellulosic residues
2024 Tiegam Tagne, R. F.; Costa, P.; Gupte, A. P.; Corte, L.; Casella, S.; Favaro, L.
Exploitation of spoilage dates as biomass for the production of bioethanol and polyhydroxyalkanoates
2024 Madi, Fathia; Hachicha, Ridha; Enrique Rodriguez Gamero, Jesus; Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ; Gronchi, Nicoletta; Haddad, Mansour; Favaro, Lorenzo; Casella, Sergio; Basaglia, Marina
Harnessing the potential of Cupriavidus necator for CO2 capture from alcoholic fermentation and its bioconversion into poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
2025 Rossi, T. S.; Francescato, L.; Gupte, A. P.; Favaro, L.; Treu, L.; Campanaro, S.
Integrated production of bioethanol and biomethane from rice waste using superior amylolytic recombinant yeast
2025 Gupte, A. P.; Agostini, S.; Gronchi, N.; Cripwell, R. A.; Basaglia, M.; Viljoen-Bloom, M.; van Zyl, W. H.; Casella, S.; Favaro, L.
Microbial valorization of wine lees as low-cost substrate for efficient polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production
2024 Caminiti, Viola; Favaro, Lorenzo; Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ; Casella, Sergio; Basaglia, Marina
Renewing Lost Genetic Variability with a Classical Yeast Genetics Approach
2023 Gupte, Ameya Pankaj; Pierantoni, Debora Casagrande; Conti, Angela; Donati, Leonardo; Basaglia, Marina; Casella, Sergio; Favaro, Lorenzo; Corte, Laura; Cardinali, Gianluigi
Rice waste streams as a promising source of biofuels: feedstocks, biotechnologies and future perspectives
2022 Gupte, A. P.; Basaglia, M.; Casella, S.; Favaro, L.
Unveiling the fitness of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for lignocellulosic bioethanol: a genomic exploration through fermentation stress tests
2025 My, Rebecca; Gupte, Ameya Pankaj; Bizzotto, Edoardo; Frizzarin, Martina; Antoniali, Paolo; Campanaro, Stefano; Favaro, Lorenzo
Valorisation of CO2-rich Waste Gas into Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Cupriavidus necator
2024 SPATOLA ROSSI, Tatiana; Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ; Santin, Anna; Morlino, Maria Silvia; Favaro, Lorenzo; Treu, Laura; Campanaro, Stefano
Wine Lees as a substrate for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
2023 Caminiti, Viola; Favaro, Lorenzo; Gupte, AMEYA PANKAJ; Casella, Sergio; DE ISEPPI, Alberto; John Brearley-Smith, Edward; Basaglia, Marina