Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC
A Direct SAXS Approach for the Determination of Specific Surface Area of Clay in Polymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites.
2012 Marega, Carla; Causin, Valerio; Saini, Roberta; Marigo, Antonio; A. P., Meera; S., Thomas; K. S., Usha
A method based on thermogravimetry/differential scanning calorimetry for the forensic differentiation of latex gloves
2009 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Marigo, Antonio; Carresi, P; DELLA GUARDIA, V; Schiavone, S.
A method based on time domain nuclear magnetic resonance for the forensic differentiation of latex gloves
2011 M., Mauri; L., Mauri; Causin, Valerio; R., Simonutti
A quantitative differentiation method for acrylic fibers by infrared spectroscopy
2005 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; S., Schiavone; Marigo, Antonio
A quantitative differentiation method for plastic bags by infrared spectroscopy, thickness measurement and differential scanning calorimetry for tracing the source of illegal drugs
2006 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Carresi, P; Schiavone, S; Marigo, Antonio
A quantitative differentiation method for plastic bags by wide angle X-ray diffraction for tracing the source of illegal drugs
2007 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Carresi, P; Schiavone, S; Marigo, Antonio
A SAXS-WAXD study on the mesomorphic-alpha transition of isotactic polypropylene
2008 Marega, Carla; Causin, Valerio; Marigo, Antonio
A study on emulsion polymerized poly(tetrafluoroethylene)
2004 Marega, Carla; Causin, Valerio; Marigo, Antonio
A study on the structure and morphology of polypropylene/montmorillonite nanocomposites
2005 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Marigo, Antonio; G., Ferrara
ABS-clay nanocomposites obtained by solvent and melt-blending methods: influence of clays' organic modifiers
2007 Modesti, Michele; Besco, Stefano; Lorenzetti, Alessandra; Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; M., Zammarano
ABS/clay nanocomposites obtained by a solution technique: Influence of clay organic modifiers
2007 Modesti, Michele; Besco, Stefano; Lorenzetti, Alessandra; Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Gilman, Jw; Fox, Dm; Trulove, Pc; DE LONG, Hc; Zammarano, M.
Addition of Fibroin to Tannin-Furanic Bio-Based Ad hesive for Plywood Product
2022 Cesprini, Emanuele; Jorda, Johannes; Causin, Valerio; Valentini, Luca; Zanetti, Michela; Tondi, Gianluca
Aliphatic poly(alkylene dithiocarbonate)s: Thermal properties and structural characteristics of poly(hexamethylene dithiocarbonate)
2007 Berti, C; Celli, A; Marchese, P; Marianucci, E; Marega, Carla; Causin, Valerio; Marigo, Antonio
Approaching forensic analysis from a polymer science perspective: the measurement of the molecular weight of polymeric trace evidence
2016 Causin, Valerio
Assembly of poly-3-(hexylthiophene) nanocrystals in marginal solvent: The role of PCBM
2018 DA PIAN, Marta; Maggini, Michele; Vancso, G. Julius; Causin, Valerio; Benetti, Edmondo M.
Assessing organo-clay dispersion in polymer layered silicate nanocomposites: a SAXS approach
2005 Causin, Valerio; Marega, Carla; Marigo, Antonio; G., Ferrara
Assessing organo-clay dispersion in polymer layered silicate nanocomposites: a SAXS approach
2005 Marega, Carla; Causin, Valerio; Marigo, Antonio; G., Ferrara; F., Fantinel
Auto-assembled fiber-filled polymeric composites
2013 Causin, Valerio; Benetti, EDMONDO MARIA; Maggini, Michele; Marigo, Antonio
Average molecular weight of polymers: a feature of forensic interest
2015 Causin, Valerio; Robles De Medina, E. A.
Bayesian framework for the evaluation of fiber evidence in a double murder-a case report
2004 Causin, Valerio; Schiavone, S.; Marigo, Antonio; Carresi, P.