Università di Padova
Correlating Interface and Border Traps With Distinctive Features of C–V Curves in Vertical Al2O3/GaN MOS Capacitors
2023 Zagni, Nicolò; Fregolent, Manuel; Verzellesi, Giovanni; Marcuzzi, Alberto; Santi, Carlo De; Meneghesso, Gaudenzio; Zanoni, Enrico; Treidel, Eldad Bahat; Brusaterra, Enrico; Brunner, Frank; Hilt, Oliver; Meneghini, Matteo; Pavan, Paolo
Isolation properties and failure mechanisms of vertical Pt / n-GaN SBDs
2022 Fregolent, M; Boito, M; Marcuzzi, A; De Santi, C; Chiocchetta, F; Treidel, Eb; Wolf, M; Brunner, F; Hilt, O; Wurfl, J; Meneghesso, G; Zanoni, E; Meneghini, M
Origin and Recovery of Negative VTH Shift on 4H–SiC MOS Capacitors: An Analysis Based on Inverse Laplace Transform and Temperature-Dependent Measurements
2024 Marcuzzi, A.; Avramenko, M.; De Santi, C.; Geenen, F.; Moens, P.; Meneghesso, G.; Zanoni, E.; Meneghini, M.
Review and Outlook on GaN and SiC Power Devices: Industrial State-of-the-Art, Applications, and Perspectives
2024 Buffolo, M.; Favero, D.; Marcuzzi, A.; Santi, Carlo De; Meneghesso, G.; Zanoni, E.; Meneghini, M.