Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Alternative somatic cell count traits exploitable in genetic selection for mastitis resistance in Italian Holstein and Jersey cows 2018 Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. + - - Proceedings of The 2018 International Bovine Mastitis Conference (NMC 2018)
Alternative somatic cell count traits exploitable in genetic selection for mastitis resistance in Italian Holsteins 2018 Bobbo, T.Penasa, M.Cassandro, M. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between pathogen-specific cases of subclinical mastitis and milk yield, quality, protein composition, and cheese-making traits in dairy cows 2017 BOBBO, TANIASTOCCO, GIORGIAFIORE, ENRICOGIANESELLA, MATTEOMORGANTE, MASSIMOPASOTTO, DANIELABITTANTE, GIOVANNICECCHINATO, ALESSIO + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Breed of cow and herd productivity affect milk composition and modeling of coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis 2017 Stocco G.Cipolat-Gotet C.Bobbo T.Cecchinato A.Bittante G. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Cellule somatiche differenziali: istruzioni per l'uso e protocolli per un'asciutta selettiva 2020 Bobbo TaniaPenasa MauroCassandro Martino + L'ALLEVATORE VENETO - -
Cellule somatiche totali e differenziali: uso combinato per una migliore definizione dello stato sanitario della mammella 2020 T. BobboM. PenasaM. Cassandro BIANCO NERO - -
Combining total and differential somatic cell count to better assess the association of udder health status with milk yield, composition and coagulation properties in cattle 2020 Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Comparison of machine learning methods to predict udder health status based on somatic cell counts in dairy cows 2021 Bobbo T.Taccioli C.Penasa M.Cassandro M. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Cut-off values and genetic aspects of differential somatic cell count in dairy cows 2019 Tania BobboAli ZidiMauro PenasaMartino Cassandro ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Book of Abstracts of the XXIII National Congress of the Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA), ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE
Dairy cows’ health during alpine summer grazing as assessed by milk traits, including differential somatic cell count: A case study from Italy 2021 Niero G.Bobbo T.Callegaro S.Pornaro C.Penasa M.Cozzi G.De Marchi M.Cassandro M. + ANIMALS - -
Effect of breed and dairy system on milk composition and udder health traits in multi-breed dairy herds 2014 T. BobboA. CecchinatoC. Cipolat-GotetG. StoccoG. Bittante ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVÁRIENSIS - Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis
Estimated breeding values of differential somatic cell count in Italian Holsteins 2019 Ali ZidiTania BobboMauro PenasaMartino Cassandro ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Book of Abstracts of the XXIII National Congress of the Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA), ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE
Factors affecting differential somatic cell count, an additional parameter for mastitis screening in dairy cows 2021 Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. - - -
Factors affecting the serum protein pattern in multi-breed dairy herds 2015 Bobbo, TGIANESELLA, MATTEOFIORE, ENRICOMORGANTE, MASSIMOBittante, GCECCHINATO, ALESSIO + - - Book of Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
FOCUS GROUP PROGETTO STALLA 4.0: le cellule somatiche differenziali P.S.R. 2014-2020 - DGR 2175/2016 - Misura 16.1.1 e Misure Collegate 2019 Tania BobboSofia TonMarco FranzoiFlaviana GottardoSamuele TrestiniMartino Cassandro L'Allevatore Veneto - -
Genetic parameters for linear type traits including locomotion in Italian Jersey cattle breed 2019 Roveglia C.Niero G.Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. + LIVESTOCK SCIENCE - -
Genetic parameters of bovine milk fatty acid profile, yield, composition, total and differential somatic cell count 2020 Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. ANIMALS - -
Genetic relationships of alternative somatic cell count traits with milk yield, composition and udder type traits in Italian Jersey cows 2019 Bobbo T.Roveglia C.Penasa M.Cassandro M. + ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL - -
Genetic variation and effects of candidate-gene polymorphisms on coagulation properties, curd firmness modeling and acidity in milk from Brown Swiss cows 2015 CECCHINATO, ALESSIORIBECA, CINZIABOBBO, TANIABITTANTE, GIOVANNI + ANIMAL - -
Genetic variation in serum protein pattern and blood β-hydroxybutyrate and their relationships with udder health traits, protein profile, and cheese-making properties in Holstein cows 2018 Cecchinato, AlessioBobbo, TaniaGallo, LuigiBittante, GiovanniPegolo, Sara + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -