Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute - MAPS  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 89 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.049 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A colorimetric screening method to evaluate the presence of pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and their N-Oxides in bee pollen 2019 DE JESUS INACIO, LUCIANAVittoria BisuttiRoberta merlantiLorena LucatelloBarbara ContieroLorenzo ServaSeverino SegatoFrancesca Capolongo - - Book of Abstract 5th Symposium on Bee Products - InternationalHoney Commission
A comparative evaluation of maize silage quality under diverse pre-ensiling strategies 2024 Lorenzo Serva PLOS ONE - -
A correlative study on data from pork carcass and processed meat (Bauernspeck) for automatic estimation of chemical parameters by means of near-infrared spectroscopy 2013 OTTAVIAN, MATTEOFACCO, PIERANTONIOBAROLO, MASSIMILIANOSERVA, LORENZOBALZAN, STEFANIANOVELLI, ENRICO + MEAT SCIENCE - -
A Machine Learning‐Based Assessment of Maize Silage Dry Matter Losses by Net‐Bags Buried in Farm Bunker Silos 2022 Segato S.Marchesini G.Magrin L.Contiero B.Andrighetto I.Serva L. AGRICULTURE - -
A methodological approach to compare continuous and instantaneous sampling and two methods to deal with animals out of sight on dairy cattle behavior and interaction with their calf in the first hours post-partum 2024 Manfrè, ClaudiaSimonetto, AlbertoContiero, BarbaraServa, LorenzoNormando, SimonaBrscic, Marta + FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
An easy decision-making graphic tool to improve herd level milk yield in a local scale dairy farming system 2024 Serva L.Marchesini G. + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Analisi di diete unifeed per bovini da carne mediante due diversi strumenti NIRS 2004 SERVA, LORENZOCOZZI, GIULIOGOTTARDO, FLAVIANA + - - -
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy for frozen-thawed characterization of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) 2019 Lorenzo ServaStefania BalzanSeverino SegatoEnrico NovelliLuca Fasolato + JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
Applicazione della spettroscopia NIR per la stima della composizione chimica ed acidica di tuorli d'uovo liofilizzati e per discriminare l'inclusione alimentare di Portulaca oleracea. 2008 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLABERZAGHI, PAOLORIOVANTO, ROBERTOSERVA, LORENZO + - - Riassunti. 3° Simposio Italiano di Spettroscopia NIR
Applicazione della tecnica NIRS per la predizione del profilo acidico in due tipi di formaggio 2004 SEGATO, SEVERINOBERZAGHI, PAOLOSERVA, LORENZOELIA, CARLAFASOLATO, LUCACOZZI, GIULIO + - - Simposio Italiano di Spettroscopia nel Vicino Infrarosso
Assessment of chicken breast shelf life based on bench-top and portable near-infrared spectroscopy tools coupled with chemometrics 2021 Lanza I.Conficoni D.Balzan S.Cullere M.Fasolato L.Serva L.Contiero B.Trocino A.Marchesini G.Xiccato G.Novelli E.Segato S. FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY - -
Assessment of Fermentative Quality of Ensiled High-Moisture Maize Grains by a Multivariate Modelling Approach 2022 Severino SegatoGiorgio MarchesiniLorenzo ServaBarbara ContieroLuisa MagrinIgino Andrighetto AGRONOMY - -
Assessment of Maize Silage Quality under Different Pre-Ensiling Conditions 2023 LORENZO SERVAIGINO ANDRIGHETTOSEVERINO SEGATOGIORGIO MARCHESINILUISA MAGRIN + DATA - -
Assessment of the effectiveness of a portable NIRS instrument in controlling the mixer wagon tuning and ration management 2021 Serva L.Magrin L.Marchesini G.Andrighetto I. ANIMALS - -
Authentication of Asiago PDO cheese by using NIR spectroscopy 2018 Segato SBerzaghi PServa LContiero BCozzi G - - Book of Abstracts of the 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas
Authentication of honey floreal origin by using NIR spectroscopy 2018 Lorenzo ServaRoberta MerlantiVittoria BisuttiLorena LucatelloBILELLO, GABRIELESandro TentiGiulia TrevisanSeverino SegatoFrancesca Capolongo + - - Book of Abstract VII Simposio Italiano di Spettroscopia NIR
Authentication of raw and cooked freeze-dried rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by means of near infrared spectroscopy and data fusion 2014 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLAOTTAVIAN, MATTEOSERVA, LORENZO + FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Capitolo 18. Automazione e sistemi di precisione per l'alimentazione e l'abbeveraggio 2024 Lorenzo Serva + - - Zootecnia di precisione e tecnologie innovative in allevamento
Characteristics of Buffalo Farming Systems in Turkey Based on a Multivariate Aggregation of Indicators: A Survey Study 2022 Serva, LorenzoMagrin, Luisa + ANIMALS - -