Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute - MAPS  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 413 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.051 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A hàzinyùl vàgòértékét és hùsminoségét befolyàsolò tényezok. 2003 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA BAROMFI ÁGAZAT - -
A nyulhus, mint funkcionàlis élelmiszer 2011 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + BAROMFI ÁGAZAT - -
A takarmànyozàs hatàsa a vàgàsi tulajdonsàgokra és a husminoségre 2003 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA BAROMFI ÁGAZAT - -
A vemhessèg ideje alatt bekövetkezö testösszetétel vàltozàsok nyomonkövetése anyanyulakban komputeres röntgen tomogràfia segìtségével. 1996 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLAXICCATO, GEROLAMO + - - Proc. "8th Hungarian Rabbit Science Symposium"
Alimentación y Calidad de la Carne. 2006 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA - - Proc. 2º Jornadas Patagónicas de Cunicultura
Analisi della carne di coniglio mediante spettroscopia NIR 1994 XICCATO, GEROLAMODALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + ZOOTECNICA E NUTRIZIONE ANIMALE - -
Animal fat and vitamin E in rabbit diets: Total tract apparent digestibility, growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits 2020 Dalle Zotte A.Cullere M.Gleeson E. + CZECH JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Apparent nutrient digestibility of broiler quail diets supplemented with black soldier fly larvae reared on two different substrates 2017 CULLERE, MARCOTASONIERO, GIULIAVINCENZI, SIMONEDALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Application of computed tomography to assess the effect of egg yolk ratio on body composition in chickens of different genotype and gender at hatch and during the rearing period 2013 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLASARTORI, ALBERTO + BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE - -
Applicazione della spettroscopia NIR per la stima della composizione chimica ed acidica di tuorli d'uovo liofilizzati e per discriminare l'inclusione alimentare di Portulaca oleracea. 2008 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLABERZAGHI, PAOLORIOVANTO, ROBERTOSERVA, LORENZO + - - Riassunti. 3° Simposio Italiano di Spettroscopia NIR
Are fast growing broilers more efficient when fed the same daily feed quantity as a slower growing strain? 2014 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + - - Proc. XIV European Poultry Conference
Are meat quality traits and sensory attributes in favor of slow-growing chickens? 2020 Pellattiero E.Tasoniero G.Cullere M.Gleeson E.Contiero B.Dalle Zotte A. + ANIMALS - -
Assessing the impact of dietary Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz inclusion on meat quality and sensory traits of growing rabbits 2025 Pontalti, EmanueleSingh, YazavinderCullere, MarcoPalumbo, BiancaDalle Zotte, Antonella + MEAT SCIENCE - -
Assessing the possible interaction between Carduus marianus and dietary deoxynivalenol on caecal microbiota and fermentation of growing rabbits 2015 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + POLJOPRIVREDA - -
Authentication of raw and cooked freeze-dried rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by means of near infrared spectroscopy and data fusion 2014 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLAOTTAVIAN, MATTEOSERVA, LORENZO + FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Avantage diététiques. Le lapin doit apprivoiser le consommateur 2004 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA VIANDES ET PRODUITS CARNES - -
Az elvàlasztàs utàni takarmànykorlàtozàs hatàsa a novendéknyulak termelésére és vàgàsi tulajdonsàgaira. 2008 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + - - Proc. 20th Hungarian Conference on Rabbit Production
A survey on rabbit meat perception and consumption in seven countries 2024 Dalle Zotte, Antonella + CZECH JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Behaviour of growing rabbits under various housing conditions 2008 DALLE ZOTTE, ANTONELLA + APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE - -
Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) as dietary source for laying quails: live performance and physical traits of eggs 2019 Marco CullereYazavinder SinghGiulia TasonieroAntonella Dalle Zotte + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - ASPA 23rd Congress Book of Abstracts