Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A gibberellin-assisted study of the transcriptional and hormonal changes occurring at floral transition in peach buds (Prunus persica L. Batsch) 2024 Girardi, FrancescoCanton, MonicaPopulin, FrancescaBettio, GiorgiaRasori, AngelaCardillo, ValerioBotton, Alessandro + BMC PLANT BIOLOGY - -
A systems biology approach to shed light on apple fruit development 2016 Populin, Francesca - - -
Alla ricerca della mela ipoallergenica: strategie e prospettive future 2013 ECCHER, GIULIAPOPULIN, FRANCESCAVEGRO, MARAPASINI, GABRIELLACURIONI, ANDREABOTTON, ALESSANDRO + ITALUS HORTUS - Acta Italus Hortus
Apple (Malus domesticaL. Borkh) as an emerging model for fruit development 2014 ECCHER, GIULIAPOPULIN, FRANCESCABOTTON, ALESSANDRO + PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -
Flooding Responses on Grapevine: A Physiological, Transcriptional, and Metabolic Perspective 2019 Ruperti, BenedettoBotton, AlessandroPopulin, FrancescaEccher, GiuliaQuaggiotti, SilviaTrevisan, SaraCainelli, NadiaGuarracino, PaolaSchievano, ElisabettaMeggio, Franco + FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - -
Grape Berry Responses to Sequential Flooding and Heatwave Events: A Physiological, Transcriptional, and Metabolic Overview 2022 Botton, AlessandroGirardi, FrancescoRuperti, BenedettoBrilli, MatteoTijero, VeronicaEccher, GiuliaPopulin, FrancescaSchievano, ElisabettaRiello, TobiaCanton, MonicaRasori, AngelaCardillo, ValerioMeggio, Franco + PLANTS - -
Identification of culturable bacterial endophyte community isolated from tissues of Vitis vinifera“Glera” 2014 BALDAN, ENRICONIGRIS, SEBASTIANOPOPULIN, FRANCESCAZOTTINI, MICHELASQUARTINI, ANDREABALDAN, BARBARA PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -
Identificazione e caratterizzazione di endofiti batterici in Vitis vinifera 2012 BALDAN, ENRICONIGRIS, SEBASTIANOPOPULIN, FRANCESCAZOTTINI, MICHELASQUARTINI, ANDREABALDAN, BARBARA - - Book of Abstracts
Old apple (Malus domestica L. Borkh) varieties with hypoallergenic properties: an integrated approach for studying apple allergenicity 2016 VEGRO, MARAECCHER, GIULIAPOPULIN, FRANCESCAPASINI, GABRIELLACURIONI, ANDREABOTTON, ALESSANDRO + JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Physiological and molecular responses to flooding in grapevine. 2018 Ruperti BBRILLI, MATTEOCAINELLI, NADIAEccher GQuaggiotti STrevisan S.Populin FPitacco ABotton AMeggio F - - ICGB - XII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics,
Profili trascrizionali dei geni coinvolti nella biosintesi e trasduzione del segnale etilenico durante l’abscissione dei frutticini in melo 2013 ECCHER, GIULIABOTTON, ALESSANDROPOPULIN, FRANCESCARAMINA, ANGELO ITALUS HORTUS - Acta Italus Hortus
Thermographic imaging to identify abscising apple fruitlets after a thinning treatment 2022 Populin, FrancescaMeggio, FrancoBotton, Alessandro + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -