Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new approach to measure methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of concentrates 2013 CATTANI, MIRKOMACCARANA, LAURATAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSCHIAVON, STEFANOBAILONI, LUCIA - - Book of Abstracts of the 64 th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
A ring test of a wireless in vitro gas production system 2013 TAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOCATTANI, MIRKO + ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE - -
A ring-test of a wireless in vitro gas production system 2011 TAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOCATTANI, MIRKO + - - Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Feed Science Conference
A simplified approach to calculate slurry production of growing pigs at farm level 2009 SCHIAVON, STEFANOCATTANI, MIRKOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A simplified approach to calculate slurry production of growing pigs at farm level 2009 SCHIAVON, STEFANOCATTANI, MIRKOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A simplified approach to calculate slurry production of growing pigs at farm level 2009 SCHIAVON, STEFANOM. Dal MasoTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A survey on environmental footprint of intensive beef herds based on farm data: gate-to-gate LCA approach 2015 BERTON, MARCOCESARO, GIACOMOGALLO, LUIGIRAMANZIN, MAURIZIOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSTURARO, ENRICO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Book of Abstracts
A survey on rations, milk yield and nutrient excretion of dairy farm in the Veneto region (Italy) 2008 SCHIAVON, STEFANOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOCATTANI, MIRKO + - - SUSTAINABLE FARM ANIMAL BREEDING
Addition of fermentable fibre in diets for weaning piglets 2002 TAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSCHIAVON, STEFANOBAILONI, LUCIA + - - Prooceedings of the Conference Beyond Antimicrobials - the Future of Gut Microbiology
Addition of herbal supplement to in vitro fermentation of dairy cow rumen modulates the microbial community 2023 Selene MassaroGiorgia SecchiDiana GiannuzziStefano SchiavonFranco Tagliapietra + - - 7th International conference on microbial diversity: Agrifood microbiota as a tool for a sustainable future, Parma, Italy, September 26-29, 2023
Allegato D alla DGR del Veneto del 7 agosto 2007, n. 2439 - Bilanci aziendali dell'azoto e del fosforo negli allevamenti. 2007 SCHIAVON, STEFANOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCO + - - DGR Veneto 7 agosto 2007, n. 2439 - Approvazione dei criteri tecnici applicativi e della modulistica per la presentazione delle comunicazioni di spandimento e dei piani di utilizzazione agronomica degli effluenti di allevamento
Alpine herbs affect rumen in vitro degradability and methane emissions 2023 Massaro S.Tagliapietra F. + - - Innovations and sustainability for future generations
Alteration of bovine milk fatty acid profile caused by the dietary crude protein content supplemented or not with rumen protected conjugated linoleic acids 2015 CESARO, GIACOMOPELLATTIERO, ERIKATAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSCHIAVON, STEFANOBITTANTE, GIOVANNI ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - ASPA 21° Congress - Book of Abstract
Ascorbic acid, alfa-tocopherol acetate and wine marc extract incubated in vitro with rumen fluid: gas production and fermentation products 2009 TAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOBAILONI, LUCIASCHIAVON, STEFANO + - - Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production
Aspetti generali sui modelli di quantificazione delle escrezioni di azoto e fosforo nelle principali tipologie di allevamento del Veneto 2008 SCHIAVON, STEFANOGALLO, LUIGITAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOBAILONI, LUCIA + - - Allegato A del Decreto della Direzione Agroambiente e Servizi per l'Agricoltura n. 308 del 7.8.2008 - Modelli di quantificazione delle escrezioni di azoto e fosforo nelle principali tipologie di allevamento del Veneto
Assessment of factors Influencing in vitro gas and methane production by meta-analysis 2015 MACCARANA, LAURACATTANI, MIRKOMANTOVANI, ROBERTOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSCHIAVON, STEFANOBAILONI, LUCIA - - ASPA 21° Congress - Book of Abstract
Associations between differential somatic cell count and milk yield, quality, and technological characteristics in Holstein cows 2021 Pegolo S.Giannuzzi D.Bisutti V.Tessari R.Gelain M. E.Gallo L.Schiavon S.Tagliapietra F.Bittante G.Cecchinato A. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between Milk Fatty Acid Profile and Body Condition Score, Ultrasound Hepatic Measurements and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Cows 2022 Giannuzzi, DianaToscano, AlessandroPegolo, SaraGallo, LuigiTagliapietra, FrancoSchiavon, StefanoCecchinato, Alessio + ANIMALS - -
Associations between subclinical intramammary infection and milk fatty acid profile at the quarter level in Holstein cattle 2023 Pegolo, S.Toscano, A.Bisutti, V.Vanzin, A.Giannuzzi, D.Gallo, L.Tagliapietra, F.Gianesella, M.Schiavon, S.Cecchinato, A. + ANIMAL - -
Associations between ultrasound measurements and hematochemical parameters for the assessment of liver metabolic status in Holstein–Friesian cows 2021 Giannuzzi D.Tessari R.Pegolo S.Fiore E.Gianesella M.Tagliapietra F.Gallo L.Schiavon S.Bittante G.Cecchinato A. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -