Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
379 ASAS-EAAP Talk: Precision Phenotyping using Infrared Spectroscopy to Improve the Quality of Animal Products 2020 Cecchinato, AlessioPegolo, SaraBittante, Giovanni JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Journal of Animal Science
A comparison between different survival and threshold models with an application to piglet preweaning survival in a dry-cured ham-producing crossbred line 2010 CECCHINATO, ALESSIOGALLO, LUIGICARNIER, PAOLO + JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A landscape of the heritability of Fourier-transform infrared spectral wavelengths of milk samples by parity and lactation stage in Holstein cows 2019 Cecchinato, A.Bittante, G.Toledo-Alvarado, H. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
A preliminary investigation of the role of the transcription co-activators YAP/TAZ of the Hippo signalling pathway in canine and feline mammary tumours. 2016 BEFFAGNA, GIORGIASACCHETTO, ROBERTACAVICCHIOLI, LAURASAMMARCO, ALESSANDROFERRO, SILVIACECCHINATO, ALESSIOZAPPULLI, VALENTINA ELENA GIUDITTA + THE VETERINARY JOURNAL - -
A Stochastic Frontier Approach to Study the Relationship between the Hygienic Quality of Bulk Tank Sheep Milk and Technical Efficiency of the Coagulation Process 2024 Cecchinato, AlessioAmalfitano, Nicolò + FOODS - -
Added Value of Local Sheep Breeds in Alpine Agroecosystems 2022 Marta TestonMatteo OrsiGiovanni BittanteAlessio CecchinatoLuigi GalloPaola GattoLucio Flavio Macedo MotaMaurizio RamanzinSalvatore RanioloEnrico Sturaro + SUSTAINABILITY - -
Adjusting for age can lead to biased genetic evaluation for body weight in cattle 2011 BITTANTE, GIOVANNICECCHINATO, ALESSIODAL ZOTTO, RICCARDODE MARCHI, MASSIMOPENASA, MAURO LIVESTOCK SCIENCE - -
Analysis of piglet survival in a dry-cured ham-producing crossbred line 2009 Cecchinato, Alessio - - -
Aree adipose e muscolari in sezioni di prosciutto crudo stagionato: aspetti genetici e possibilità  di miglioramento 2010 CECCHINATO, ALESSIOBONFATTI, VALENTINASTURARO, ENRICOGALLO, LUIGICARNIER, PAOLO RIVISTA DI SUINICOLTURA - -
Association between days open and milk spectral data in dairy cows 2021 Cecchinato A.Bittante G. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Association of polymorphisms in calpain 1, (mu/I) large subunit, calpastatin, and cathepsin D genes with meat quality traits in double-muscled Piemontese cattle. 2013 RIBECA, CINZIABONFATTI, VALENTINACECCHINATO, ALESSIOMARETTO, FABIOGALLO, LUIGICARNIER, PAOLO + ANIMAL GENETICS - -
Associations between differential somatic cell count and milk yield, quality, and technological characteristics in Holstein cows 2021 Pegolo S.Giannuzzi D.Bisutti V.Tessari R.Gelain M. E.Gallo L.Schiavon S.Tagliapietra F.Bittante G.Cecchinato A. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between Milk Coagulation Properties and Microbiological Quality in Sheep Bulk Tank Milk 2024 Amalfitano, NicolòCecchinato, Alessio + FOODS - -
Associations between Milk Fatty Acid Profile and Body Condition Score, Ultrasound Hepatic Measurements and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Cows 2022 Giannuzzi, DianaToscano, AlessandroPegolo, SaraGallo, LuigiTagliapietra, FrancoSchiavon, StefanoCecchinato, Alessio + ANIMALS - -
Associations between milk infrared-predicted plasma biomarkers of stress resilience and fertility in dairy cattle: Insights for enhancing breeding programs and herd management 2025 Cecchinato, AlessioToledo-Alvarado, HugoBisutti, VittoriaPegolo, SaraSchiavon, StefanoGallo, LuigiBittante, GiovanniGiannuzzi, Diana + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between pathogen-specific cases of subclinical mastitis and milk yield, quality, protein composition, and cheese-making traits in dairy cows 2017 BOBBO, TANIASTOCCO, GIORGIAFIORE, ENRICOGIANESELLA, MATTEOMORGANTE, MASSIMOPASOTTO, DANIELABITTANTE, GIOVANNICECCHINATO, ALESSIO + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in multiple candidate genes on milk yield, composition, coagulation properties and individual cheese yield in Brown Swiss cows 2012 CECCHINATO, ALESSIORIBECA, CINZIAPENASA, MAUROCIPOLAT-GOTET, CLAUDIODE MARCHI, MASSIMOBITTANTE, GIOVANNI + - - Abstracts of the 2012 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting
Associations between subclinical intramammary infection and milk fatty acid profile at the quarter level in Holstein cattle 2023 Pegolo, S.Toscano, A.Bisutti, V.Vanzin, A.Giannuzzi, D.Gallo, L.Tagliapietra, F.Gianesella, M.Schiavon, S.Cecchinato, A. + ANIMAL - -
Associations between the detailed milk mineral profile, milk composition, and metabolic status in Holstein cows 2023 Toscano, AlessandroGiannuzzi, DianaPegolo, SaraVanzin, AliceBisutti, VittoriaGallo, LuigiCecchinato, AlessioSchiavon, Stefano + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Associations between ultrasound hepatic measurements, body measures, and milk production traits in Holstein cows 2022 Piazza, MGiannuzzi, DTessari, RFiore, EGianesella, MPegolo, SSchiavon, SCecchinato, AGallo, L + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -