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Risultati 1 - 20 di 267 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.047 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors-phase 1: Calibration and characterization of the neutron source 2018 Cenedese, A.Piron, L.Sonato, P. + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
A comparison between Zernike and PCA representation of atmospheric turbulence 2007 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMASIERO, ANDREA - - Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2007), New Orleans, LA, USA
A comparison of Kalman filter based algorithms for turbulent phase control in an adaptive optics system 2008 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMARAN, FABIOMASIERO A. - - Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
A comparison of UWB and motion capture uav indoor positioning 2019 Masiero A.Fissore F.Antonello R.Cenedese A.Vettore A. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives
A computationally efficient model predictive control scheme for space debris rendezvous 2019 Bruschetta M.Carli R.Cenedese A. + - IFAC-PAPERSONLINE IFAC-PapersOnLine
A Data-Driven Daylight Estimation Approach to Lighting Control 2017 Schenato, LucaCenedese, Angelo + IEEE ACCESS - -
A distributed approach to 3D reconstruction in marker motion capture systems 2019 Cenedese A.Varotto L. - - ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
A Dual Quaternion Feedback Linearized Approach for Maneuver Regulation of Rigid Bodies 2018 Antonello, AndreaMichieletto, GiuliaAntonello, RiccardoCenedese, Angelo IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS - -
A General Regularized Distributed Solution for System State Estimation from Relative Measurements 2022 Fabris M.Michieletto G.Cenedese A. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS - -
A Kalman filter approach for the synchronization of motion capture systems 2012 MASIERO, ANDREACENEDESE, ANGELO - - Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012)
A locked mode indicator for disruption prediction on JET and ASDEX upgrade 2019 Bettini P.Marconato N.Cenedese A.Chitarin G.Piron L.Sonato P.MARTIN, PIERO + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
A machine learning approach based on generative topographic mapping for disruption prevention and avoidance at JET 2019 Cenedese, A.Chitarin, G.Piron, L.Sonato, P. + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
A machine learning approach for gesture recognition with a lensless smart sensor system 2018 Cenedese, AngeloSusto, Gian Antonio + - - Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
A machine learning based approach for gesture recognition from inertial measurements 2014 CENEDESE, ANGELOSUSTO, GIAN ANTONIO + - - Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control
A Markov-Random-Field-based approach to modeling and prediction of atmospheric turbulence 2008 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMASIERO, ANDREA - - Proc. of the 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
A multiscale stochastic approach for phase screens synthesis 2011 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMASIERO, ANDREA PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE - Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, ACC 2011
A multivariate symbolic approach to activity recognition for wearable applications 2017 TERZI, MATTEOCenedese, A.Susto, G. A. IFAC-PAPERSONLINE - Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress
A Natural Indirect Adaptive Controller for a Satellite-Mounted Manipulator 2024 Giordano, JacopoCenedese, Angelo + - - Proceedings of the 2024 American Control Conference (ACC)
A new approach to the solution of the vacuum magnetic problem in fusion machines 2007 ZABEO, LUCACENEDESE, ANGELO + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
A Novel Application of Selective Modal Analysis to Large-Scale Electromagnetic Devices 2016 CENEDESE, ANGELOBETTINI, PAOLO + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS - -