Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
Autenticación de la leche ecológica mediante espectroscopía infrarroja
2021 Manuelian, Carmen L.; Vigolo, V.; De Marchi, M.
Characterization of the genetic polymorphism linked to the β-casein A1/A2 alleles using different molecular and biochemical methods
2022 Vigolo, V; Franzoi, M; Cendron, F; Salvadore, G; Penasa, M; Cassandro, M; De Marchi, M
Contenuto di iodio nel latte di diverse specie lattifere
2018 Vigolo, Vania; De Marchi, Massimo; Cassandro, Martino; Niero, Giovanni
Detailed comparison between organic and conventional milk from Holstein-Friesian dairy herds in Italy
2022 Manuelian, Carmen L; Vigolo, V; Burbi, S; Righi, F; Simoni, M; De Marchi, M
Detection of common adulterants in bulk bovine milk using fourier transformed mid-infrared spectroscopy
2024 Guerra, A.; Franzoi, M.; Vigolo, V.; Tosetto, E.; De Marchi, M.
Development of analytical methods for the characterization of genetic polymorphism linked to β-casein alleles and their influence on milk quality and processability in the dairy industry
2023 Vigolo, Vania
Effect of milk β-casein variants on cheese making traits
2021 Vigolo, V.; Franzoi, M.; Penasa, M.; De Marchi, M.
Effect of pasteurization on coagulation properties of bovine milk and the role of major composition traits and protein fractions
2022 Franzoi, M.; Costa, A.; Vigolo, V.; Penasa, M.; De Marchi, M.
Effects of animal versus vegetal rennet on milk coagulation traits in Mediterranean buffalo bulk milk
2020 Manuelian Fuste', C. L.; Boselli, C.; Vigolo, V.; Giangolini, G.; De Marchi, M.
Effects of preservative, storage time, and temperature of analysis on detailed milk protein composition determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
2022 Vigolo, V; Niero, G; Penasa, M; De Marchi, M
Feasibility of MIR and Vis/NIR spectroscopy to authenticate organic bulk milk
2021 Manuelian, Carmen L.; Vigolo, V.; Costa, A.; DE MARCHI, Massimo
MIR and Vis/NIR spectroscopy cannot authenticate organic bulk milk
2021 Manuelian Carmen, L.; Vigolo, V.; Righi, F.; Simoni, M.; Burbi, S.; De Marchi, M.
NMR spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate between organic and conventional cow milk
2021 Franzoi, M.; Ghetti, M.; Meoni, G.; Tenori, L.; Turano, P.; Luchinat, C.; Vigolo, V.; Penasa, M.; De Marchi, M.
Technical note: Repeatability and reproducibility of curd yield and composition in a miniaturized coagulation model
2020 Niero, G.; Goi, A.; Vigolo, V.; Saugo, M.; Franzoi, M.; Cassandro, M.; Penasa, M.; De Marchi, M.
Validation of a gold standard method for iodine quantification in raw and processed milk, and its variation in different dairy species
2019 Niero, G.; Franzoi, M.; Vigolo, Vania; Penasa, M.; Cassandro, M.; Boselli, C.; Giangolini, G.; De Marchi, M.
Variation of iodine content in bovine milk and predictive ability of mid-infrared spectroscopy
2020 Niero, G.; Franzoi, M.; Vigolo, V.; Peruzzo, M.; Cassandro, M.; De Marchi, M.
Variation of lactoferrin and whey protein fractions along different stages of milk technological processing at dairy plant level
2024 Vigolo, V.; Niero, G.; Ballancin, E.; De Marchi, M.
β-Casein A1 and A2: Effects of polymorphism on the cheese-making process
2023 Vigolo, Vania; Visentin, Elena; Ballancin, Eva; Lopez-Villalobos, Nicolas; Penasa, Mauro; De Marchi, Massimo
β-Casein variants differently affect bulk milk mineral content, protein composition, and technological traits
2022 Vigolo, V.; Franzoi, M.; Penasa, M.; De Marchi, M.