Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 86 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.053 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A daily time-step hydrological-energy-biomass model to estimate green roof performances across Europe to support planning and policies 2024 Maucieri C.Zanin G. + URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING - -
A phytoalimurgic garden to promote wild edible plants 2010 ZUIN, MARIA CLARALANTE, ANNAZANIN, GIAMPAOLOZANIN, GIUSEPPE + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
A preliminary study on changes in phenolic content during Bianchetta Trevigiana winemaking 2010 LOMOLINO, GIOVANNAZANIN, GIAMPAOLOLANTE, ANNA + JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS - -
Aspetti nutrizionali del ravanello (Raphanus sativus L. [Gruppo Radicula]) in IV gamma: influenza degli aspetti colturali e di conservazione 2010 SAMBO, PAOLOPONCHIA, GIORGIOZANIN, GIAMPAOLO ITALUS HORTUS - -
Assessing Stormwater Nutrient and Heavy Metal Plant Uptake in an Experimental Bioretention Pond 2018 Zanin, GiampaoloBortolini, LuciaBorin, Maurizio LAND - -
Caratterizzazione fisico-chimica di substrati a base di torba, lolla di riso e digestati da fermentazione anaerobica 2013 ZANIN, GIAMPAOLOSAMBO, PAOLO + ITALUS HORTUS - -
Coltivazione del Carpinus betulus L. su substrati a dosi crescenti di compost. 2010 PONCHIA, GIORGIOZANIN, GIAMPAOLO ITALUS HORTUS - -
Comparison of Different Methods to Extract Soil-Water from Containerized Substrates 2011 SAMBO, PAOLOZANIN, GIAMPAOLONICOLETTO, CARLO + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Composition and quality traits of vegetables grown in a low-tech aquaponic system at different fish stocking densities 2020 Maucieri, CarmeloNicoletto, CarloZanin, GiampaoloXiccato, GerolamoBorin, MaurizioSambo, Paolo JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE - -
Compost and rice hulls to increase the sustainability of substrates for bedding plant production 2023 Zanin G.Nicoletto C.Sambo P. + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Concimazione azotata e irrigazione al cipresso leilandi allevato in contenitore. Accrescimento della pianta 2008 ZANIN, GIAMPAOLO + COLTURE PROTETTE - -
Cropscan as a Tool to Drive Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization in Tomato 2009 SAMBO, PAOLOZANIN, GIAMPAOLO + ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Distillery anaerobic digestion residues as fertilizers for field vegetable crops: Performance and efficiency in mid-term successions 2019 Nicoletto C.Sambo P.Zanin G. + AGRONOMY - -
Diurnal greenhouse gas emissions and substrate temperatures from blue-green roofs in north-eastern Italy during a dry-hot summer season 2024 Zanin, GBorin, MMaucieri, C + SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE - -
E-values Generated from Substrate Dry-down Models as a Physical Property Measurement for Evaluating and Classifying Wetness of Root Substrates 2011 ZANIN, GIAMPAOLO + HORTSCIENCE - -
Effect of Different LED Light Wavelengths on Production and Quality of Pleurotus ostreatus Grown on Different Commercial Substrates 2024 De Bonis M.Locatelli S.Sambo P.Zanin G.Nicoletto C. + HORTICULTURAE - -
Effect of NaCl on growth and mineral nutrient of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) 2018 Zanin G. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
Effect of postharvest temperature and packaging on qualitative traits in strawberry 2016 NICOLETTO, CARLOBONATO, SAMUELESANTAGATA, SILVIAZANIN, GIAMPAOLOSAMBO, PAOLO ACTA HORTICULTURAE - -
Effect of stocking density of fish on water quality and growth performance of European Carp and leafy vegetables in a low-tech aquaponic system 2019 Maucieri C.Nicoletto C.Zanin G.Birolo M.Trocino A.Sambo P.Borin M.Xiccato G. PLOS ONE - -
Effect of the anaerobic digestion residues use on lettuce yield and quality 2014 NICOLETTO, CARLOSANTAGATA, SILVIAZANIN, GIAMPAOLOSAMBO, PAOLO SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE - -