Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A meta-analysis on the role of soluble fibre in diets for growing rabbits 2013 TROCINO, ANGELAXICCATO, GEROLAMO + WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
A perspective about the changes of the housing systems for rabbits in conventional farms 2019 Trocino A.Zomeño C.Xiccato G. - - Proc. 31th Hungarian Conference on Rabbit Production
A pilot study about on-farm assessment of health and welfare in rabbits kept in different housing systems 2022 Angela TrocinoGerolamo XiccatoFabrizio PirroneDaniela BertottoMartina Bortoletti + FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
A protocol for measuring health and welfare of reproducing does and litters in rabbit farms 2021 Zomeño C.Trocino A.Birolo M.Xiccato G. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12th World Rabbit Congress
A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: Reproducing does 2019 Trocino A.Xiccato G. + WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
A two-year (2010-2011) survey on productive performances and mortality rates of farmed game hares (Lepus europeaus) 2013 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRAPOPPI, LISATROCINO, ANGELA + WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
Adattabilità di polli di razze avicole locali e ibridi commerciali a temperature ambientali elevate e diete a basso impatto 2022 Birolo M.Trocino A.Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Xiccato G. - - Proc. Convegno Finale Progetto PRIN "LoChAl - Use of local chicken breeds in alternative production chain: welfare, quality and sustainability”
ADDITION OF AN AGRICULTURAL BY-PRODUCT RICH IN PHENOLS TO FEEDSTUFF TO INCREASE THE SHELF-LIFE OF MEAT 2017 E. NovelliL. FasolatoG. MarchesiniM. DrigoS. SegatoA. TrocinoS. Balzan + - - Proceeding of 63th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Advances in research on poultry and rabbit meat quality 2009 TROCINO, ANGELAXICCATO, GEROLAMO + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Aggressiveness in group-housed rabbit does: influence of group size and pen characteristics 2017 Zomeño, C.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G.Trocino, A. + APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE - -
Alimentazione del coniglio per una produzione sostenibile 2017 Xiccato G.Trocino A. - - Il coniglio: storia ed evoluzione dell'allevamento in Italia e in Europa
Alojamiento de conejos sin jaulas: luces y sombras 2024 Trocino A.Xiccato G. - - Libro de Actas de 48 Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU
Ambiente, benessere e management del coniglio 2017 Trocino A.Xiccato G. + - - Il coniglio: storia ed evoluzione dell'allevamento in Italia e in Europa
Animal welfare in reared rabbits: A review with emphasis on housing systems 2006 TROCINO, ANGELAXICCATO, GEROLAMO WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
Antimicrobial effects of black soldier fly and yellow mealworm fats and their impact on gut microbiota of growing rabbits 2020 Trocino A.Xiccato G. + ANIMALS - -
Apparato digerente 2008 XICCATO, GEROLAMOTROCINO, ANGELA - - Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura
Apparent digestibility of insect protein meals for rainbow trout 2018 Trocino A. + JOURNAL OF INSECTS AS FOOD AND FEED - -
Application of Quality of Life approach to evaluate the behavior of four slow growing chicken genotypes reared in free range 2024 Trocino A.Ciarelli C. + - - Book of Abstracts of 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP)
Aquaponics: smart system for food production in smart cities 2019 Bordignon F.Maucieri C.Nicoletto C.Birolo M.Trocino A.Zanin G.Sambo P.Borin M.Xiccato G. - - Proc. I Convegno AISSA#under40