Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A protocol for measuring health and welfare of reproducing does and litters in rabbit farms 2021 Zomeño C.Trocino A.Birolo M.Xiccato G. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12th World Rabbit Congress
Adattabilità di polli di razze avicole locali e ibridi commerciali a temperature ambientali elevate e diete a basso impatto 2022 Birolo M.Trocino A.Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Xiccato G. - - Proc. Convegno Finale Progetto PRIN "LoChAl - Use of local chicken breeds in alternative production chain: welfare, quality and sustainability”
Aggressiveness in group-housed rabbit does: influence of group size and pen characteristics 2017 Zomeño, C.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G.Trocino, A. + APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE - -
Aquaponics: smart system for food production in smart cities 2019 Bordignon F.Maucieri C.Nicoletto C.Birolo M.Trocino A.Zanin G.Sambo P.Borin M.Xiccato G. - - Proc. I Convegno AISSA#under40
Aspetti produttivi in sistemi di acquaponica a input ridotti 2021 Nicoletto C.Maucieri C.Birolo M.Sambo P. COLTURE PROTETTE - -
Assessing the motivation of Leghorn hens to access outdoor space and pasture resources 2023 Marco birolo + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Behaviour and reactivity of female and male rabbits housed in collective pens: effect of floor type and stocking density at different ages 2018 Trocino A.Filiou E.Zomeño C.Birolo M.Bertotto D.Xiccato G. WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
Behaviour and welfare of rabbit does in a part-time group housing system: effects of genotype and environmental enrichment 2024 Trocino A.Pirrone F.Birolo M.Xiccato G. + - - Book of Abstracts of the 13th World Rabbit Congress – WRC 2024
Broiler performance and meat quality of two Italian local breeds in alternative to Ross 308 strain reared under different climatic conditions 2021 Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Trocino A.Xiccato G.Birolo M. - - Proc. 29th Animal Science Days International Symposium
Caecal microbiota composition in chickens of different genotypes fed low-input diets 2024 Zardinoni G.Trocino A.Stevanato P.Birolo M.Bordignon F.Xiccato G. - - The Book of Abstracts of XVI European Poultry Conference - EPC2024
Changes in ovoposion time in brown hens during the cycle in an aviary system 2022 Pillan G.Xiccato G.Bordignon F.Birolo M.Trocino A. + - - Proc. 26th World’s Poultry Congress, Books of Abstracts 2022
Changes of stress indicators in different matrices in growing rabbits before and after transport 2016 Bertotto, D.Radaelli, G.Negrato, E.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G.Trocino, A. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress
Characterization study of aggressive behaviours in group-housed rabbit does 2016 Trocino, A.Zomeño, C.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress
Chlorella and vegetable oil inclusion in diets for growing rabbits: effects on growth, digestibility, plasma metabolites, and caecal fermentations and microbiota 2024 Bordignon, F.Trocino, A.Zardinoni, G.Molin, M.Birolo, M.Stevanato, P.Xiccato, G. + ANIMAL - -
Chlorella vulgaris microalgae as a sustainable feed ingredient: effects on meat quality and myopathy occurrence in broiler chickens 2023 Boskovic Cabrol M.Huerta AlmudenaBordignon F.Birolo M.Xiccato G.Trocino A. - - Proceedings of the 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Color of nest curtains: effects on egg and hens position in an aviary system 2021 Pillan G.Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Birolo M.Xiccato G.Trocino A. + - - Proc. 29th Animal Science Days International Symposium
Comparative life cycle assessment of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming at two stocking densities in a low-tech aquaponic system 2022 Bordignon, FrancescoSturaro, EnricoTrocino, AngelaBirolo, MarcoXiccato, GerolamoBerton, Marco AQUACULTURE - -
Comportamiento, miedo y estrés en conejos de engorde: resultados en condiciones de alojamiento inadecuadas 2017 Zomeño, C.Xiccato, G.Filiou, E.Birolo, M.Bertotto, D.Trocino, A. + - - Proc. XLII Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU
Crossbreeding to improve local chicken breeds: predicting growth performance of the crosses using the Gompertz model and estimated heterosis 2023 Birolo M.Bittante G. + POULTRY SCIENCE - -
Dietary black soldier fly as suitable ingredient for Muscovy duck: preliminary results on carcass and breast meat traits 2018 Dabbou S.Birolo M.Trocino A. + - - Proceedings of the XVth European Poultry Conference