Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A study on the effects of rumen acidity on rumination time and yield, composition, and technological properties of milk from early lactating holstein cows 2019 Saha, SudebGallo, LuigiBittante, GiovanniSchiavon, StefanoBergamaschi, MatteoGianesella, MatteoFiore, Enrico ANIMALS - -
Body and milk production traits as indicators of energy requirements and efficiency of purebred Holstein and 3-breed rotational crossbred cows from Viking Red, Montbéliarde, and Holstein sires 2023 Piazza, MartinaSchiavon, StefanoSaha, SudebBerton, MarcoBittante, GiovanniGallo, Luigi JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Body and milk quality traits of purebred holstein and three-generation crossbred cows from viking red, Montbéliarde, and Holstein sires 2018 Saha, SudebCarraro, LucaBittante, GiovanniGallo, Luigi JOURNAL OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE - -
Body traits and milk productivity indicators of purebred and crossbred dairy cows 2020 M. PiazzaS. SahaS. SchiavonN. AmalfitanoG. BittanteL. Gallo - - Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
Body weight and measures of purebred Holstein and crossbred cows from Viking Red, Montbéliarde and Holstein sires 2019 Luigi GalloLuca CarraroSudeb Saha ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Book of Abstracts
Cheese-making properties and cheese yield of milk from Holsteins and 3-way rotational crossbred cows 2018 S. SahaN. AmalfitanòG. BittanteL. Gallo - - Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
Effects of Crossbreeding of Holsteins Cows with Montbéliarde and Swedish Red in First and Second Generation on Cheese Yield Traits 2017 SAHA, SUDEBCipolat-Gotet, ClaudioBittante, GiovanniGallo, Luigi + ACS. AGRICULTURAE CONSPECTUS SCIENTIFICUS - -
Effects of rumen fluid pH on rumen activity and quality and technological properties of milk 2017 Sudeb SahaGiovanni BittanteStefano SchiavonGiacomo CesaroMatteo GianesellaLeonardo ArmatoEnrico FioreLuigi Gallo ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - Book of Abstracts
Effects of Summer Transhumance of Dairy Cows to Alpine Pastures on Body Condition, Milk Yield and Composition, and Cheese Making Efficiency 2019 Saha, SudebAmalfitano, NicolòSturaro, EnricoSchiavon, StefanoTagliapietra, FrancoBittante, GiovanniGallo, Luigi + ANIMALS - -
Effects of summer transhumance of dairy cows to alpine pastures on milk composition and cheese yield 2018 Saha SudebAMALFITANO, NICOLÒTagliapietra FrancoBittante GiovanniGallo Luigi + - - 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas
Milk characteristics and cheese yield of Holsteins and 3-breed rotational (ProCross) crossbred cows 2019 S. SahaG. BittanteN. AmalfitanoL. Gallo - - Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science
Milk coagulation traits and cheese yields of purebred Holsteins and 4 generations of 3-breed rotational crossbred cows from Viking Red, Montbéliarde, and Holstein bulls 2020 Saha S.Amalfitano N.Bittante G.Gallo L. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Production efficiency of purebred Holstein and crossbred cows from Viking Red, Montbéliarde and Holstein sires .. 2019 Sudeb SahaStefano SchiavonLuigi Gallo - - Book of Abstracts
Variation in cheese making properties of milk from dairy cows: focus on animal status, farming system and crossbreeding 2020 Saha, Sudeb - - -