Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A perceptive web based landscape evaluation of the Delta del Po natural Park: testing the difference between experts and lay people priorities. 2010 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL - - Living landscape. The European Landscape Convention in research perspective
An analysis of the potential effects of the modification of the Prosecco Protected Designation of Origin: a choice experiment 2014 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIELDJUMBOUNG LONTSI, DANIELE AURELIE + POLITICA AGRICOLA INTERNAZIONALE - -
An analysis of the territorial factors affecting milk purchase in Italy 2013 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE - -
An Explorative Analysis of the Influence of Landscape Visual Aesthetic Quality on Food Preferences in Italy: A Pilot Study 2022 Tempesta, TizianoVecchiato, Daniel FOODS - -
Analysis of the Factors that Influence Olive Oil Demand in the Veneto Region (Italy) 2019 Tempesta, TizianoVecchiato, Daniel AGRICULTURE - -
Biomass energy production in agriculture: A weighted goal programming analysis 2011 BALLARIN, ANDREAVECCHIATO, DANIELTEMPESTA, TIZIANO + ENERGY POLICY - -
Choice experiments and environmental taxation: An application to the Italian hydropower sector 2017 VECCHIATO, DANIELTEMPESTA, TIZIANO + ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT - -
Consumer behaviour in rural tourism. Conjoint analysis of choice attributes in the Italian-Slovenian cross-boundary area 2014 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL + POLITICA AGRICOLA INTERNAZIONALE - -
Consumer preferences for red deer meat: a discrete choice analysis considering attitudes towards wild game meat and hunting 2018 Vecchiato, DanielTempesta, TizianoViganò, Roberto + MEAT SCIENCE - -
Consumer preferences regarding the introduction of new organic products. The case of the Mediterranean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Italy 2013 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL + APPETITE - -
Consumers Demand for Social Farming Products: An Analysis with Discrete Choice Experiments 2019 Tempesta, TizianoVecchiato, DanielBugatti, Maria + SUSTAINABILITY - -
Evaluating consumer perceptions of social farming through choice modelling 2019 Tempesta, TizianoVecchiato, Daniel + SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION - -
Food quality perception: does landscape matter? An investigation with Choice Experiments 2011 VECCHIATO, DANIELTEMPESTA, TIZIANODJUMBOUNG LONTSI, DANIELE AURELIEARBORETTI GIANCRISTOFARO, ROSACORAIN, LIVIOSALMASO, LUIGIBOATTO, VASCO LADISLAO + - - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference On Landscape Economics,
Food waste, consumer attitudes and behaviour. A study in the North-Eastern part of Italy. 2015 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL + - - CAP 2014-2020: Scenarios for European Agri-Food and Rural Systems Proceedings of the 51st SIDEA Conference Benevento, Palazzo De Simone, 18-20 September 2014
General, stress relief and perceived safety preferences for green spaces in the historic city of Padua (Italy) 2020 Thomas CampagnaroDaniel VecchiatoRiccardo Da ReRiccardo RizzettoPaolo SemenzatoTommaso SitziaTiziano TempestaDina Cattaneo + URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING - -
Households’ Preferences for a New ‘Climate-Friendly’ Heating System: Does Contribution to Reducing Greenhouse Gases Matter? 2019 Troiano S.Vecchiato D.Marangon F.Tempesta T. + ENERGIES - -
How do you like wind farms? Understanding people’s preferences about new energy landscapes with choice experiments 2014 VECCHIATO, DANIEL AESTIMUM - -
Il consumo di branzino biologico: un’indagine esplorativa in Veneto 2012 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL + - - -
Il ruolo della certificazione energetica e della qualità ambientale nel mercato immobiliare: un’analisi tramite modelli edonici 2023 Bonardi Pellizzari, C.Franceschinis, C.Tempesta, T.Thiene, M.Vecchiato, D. - - XLIX incontro di Studi Ce.S.E.T. “Il ruolo degli indicatori socio-economico-ambientali nelle politiche e nelle scelte degli investimenti pubblici e privati. Minimizzare gli impatti e massimizzare i benefici"
L’utilisation de l'expérience de choix discret pour analyser l'effet du marché du Prosecco vin d’Appellation d’Origine Garantie et Protégée: une étude exploratoire 2012 TEMPESTA, TIZIANOVECCHIATO, DANIEL + - - -