Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.259
EU - Europa 1.980
AS - Asia 1.171
AF - Africa 28
OC - Oceania 15
SA - Sud America 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 7.470
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.227
IT - Italia 1.120
HK - Hong Kong 375
CN - Cina 278
SG - Singapore 278
DE - Germania 158
GB - Regno Unito 123
FI - Finlandia 112
FR - Francia 96
UA - Ucraina 85
VN - Vietnam 80
SE - Svezia 57
NL - Olanda 36
PH - Filippine 35
ES - Italia 33
CA - Canada 24
MY - Malesia 22
PL - Polonia 22
RO - Romania 21
KR - Corea 19
RU - Federazione Russa 17
BE - Belgio 15
CH - Svizzera 15
IE - Irlanda 15
IN - India 15
RS - Serbia 13
ID - Indonesia 12
AU - Australia 11
AT - Austria 9
TW - Taiwan 9
BR - Brasile 8
TR - Turchia 8
HR - Croazia 7
MX - Messico 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
JP - Giappone 6
GH - Ghana 5
HU - Ungheria 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
PK - Pakistan 5
DK - Danimarca 4
IL - Israele 4
KH - Cambogia 4
LY - Libia 4
NO - Norvegia 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
CO - Colombia 3
DZ - Algeria 3
GR - Grecia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
NG - Nigeria 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
EU - Europa 2
IR - Iran 2
LT - Lituania 2
MM - Myanmar 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
OM - Oman 2
PE - Perù 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TO - Tonga 2
AL - Albania 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
QA - Qatar 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 7.470
Città #
Woodbridge 411
Ann Arbor 410
Jacksonville 380
Fairfield 360
Santa Clara 356
Houston 330
Central 305
Padova 262
Singapore 226
Chandler 218
Wilmington 182
Ashburn 156
Boardman 154
Princeton 126
Cambridge 94
Medford 93
Seattle 86
Dong Ket 66
Beijing 61
Milan 53
Des Moines 50
San Diego 45
Nanjing 43
Rome 43
Helsinki 39
Guangzhou 28
Verona 21
Nanchang 18
Bologna 17
Trieste 17
Redwood City 16
Hebei 15
Lecce 14
Merate 14
Dublin 13
Norwalk 13
Cagliari 12
Indiana 12
Jiaxing 12
Los Angeles 12
Florence 11
Groningen 11
Manchester 11
Roxbury 11
Tianjin 11
Hong Kong 10
London 10
Brendola 9
Leeds 9
Lenauheim 9
Riese Pio X 9
Shanghai 9
Shenyang 9
Zhengzhou 9
Bari 8
Jinan 8
Naples 8
New York 8
Porcia 8
Vicenza 8
Beograd 7
Berlin 7
Crema 7
Glasgow 7
Gliwice 7
Hefei 7
Passirano 7
Rubano 7
Southampton 7
Barcelona 6
Delft 6
Grado 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Legnaro 6
Mountain View 6
Napoli 6
Oria 6
Pescara 6
Trowbridge 6
Wanchai 6
Astana 5
Belgrade 5
Bognor Regis 5
Dallas 5
Dongdaemun-gu 5
Forlì 5
Gambier 5
Ghent 5
Kharkiv 5
Madrid 5
Mannheim 5
Oderzo 5
San Francisco 5
Seoul 5
Smolensk 5
Split 5
São Paulo 5
Taipei 5
Vienna 5
Warsaw 5
Totale 5.198
Nome #
Encoding of information in titles: Academic practices across four genres in linguistics 470
A lifetime of English Studies. Essays in honour of Carol Taylor Torsello 286
Lingue e contesti. Studi in onore di Alberto M. Mioni 205
Caffi. La mitigazione: Un approccio pragmatico alla comunicazione nei contesti terapeutici 186
What's the Reader of a Second-Person Narrative Expected to Do? Discourse Structure and Point of View in Italo Calvino's "If On a Winter's Night a Traveler" 182
Textually Interesting Aspects of Agatha Christie's "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" 173
Acknowledgments: structure and phraseology of gratitude in PhD dissertations 150
"Pride and Prejudice" on the Page and on the Screen: Literary Narrative, Literary Dialogue and Film Dialogue 150
Il ruolo del retroterra linguistico-culturale dell’apprendente di lingua straniera nello sviluppo dell’abilità di pronuncia 146
Holding up one’s end of the conversation in spoken English: Lexical backchannels in L2 examination discourse 126
I futuri insegnanti d’inglese alla scuola primaria. Un’indagine sulla percezione delle competenze 117
Mixed methods in raising sociopragmatic awareness: a proposal for combining insights from the teacher’s feedback and the interlocutor’s point of view 113
Perception of Alveolar and Velar Allophones of English /l/ in Word-initial and Word-final positions 106
Giving credit where credit is due: the case of acknowledgments in PhD dissertations 105
Structural and generic complexity in back-cover blurbs of academic books 105
Assessing pragmatic aspects of L2 communication: why, how and what for 105
Evaluation in back-cover blurbs 103
The company women and men keep: what collocations can reveal about culture 96
Masculinist Metaphors, Feminist Research 95
Co-text of use of forty English nominal premodifiers. Singular and plural variants 91
Positive and negative politeness phenomena in Italian and American print advertising -- an exercise in cross-cultural pragmatics 88
The PhD thesis report: building trust in an emerging genre 88
A guided approach to the development of listening skills 87
Selling what is not there -- metaphors in print Italian car advertising 85
A research-based teaching unit for ESL/EFL students: Responses to gratitude 85
GO to V: Literal meaning and metaphorical extensions 83
Responding to gratitude in elicited oral interaction. A taxonomy of communicative options 83
Interfacing between Linguists and Literary Scholars: A Conference on Mixed-method Approaches and a First Survey of Italian Collaborative Practices 82
Job Application Letters as Requests: Characterization of a Genre Within Speech Act Theory 80
Chapter 4: Corpus Work 79
Structure, content and functions of calls for conference abstracts 76
How (dis)similar? Telling the difference between near-synonyms in a foreign language 74
Linguistic research with large-scale corpora 73
Criteria for the identification of moves: the case of written offers 72
Can you Tell a Move When you Encounter One? Identifying Clues to Communicative Functions 72
Review: Task-Based Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Pragmatics, Edited by N. Taguchi and Y.-J. Kim (2018), Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 303 pp. 71
GOING TO V vs GOING TO BE V-ing: Two equivalent patterns? 70
Requests in job application letters 70
Preface 69
Extended speech acts between speech and writing: Challenges and opportunities for learners and teachers 69
Linguists wanted: job announcements in the academic and professional world 67
Encoding of goal-directed motion vs resultative aspect in the COME + infinitive construction 67
Acknowledgments in PhD dissertations: The complexity of thanking 66
"The Literature-Linguistics Interface -- Bridging the Gap Between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Literary Texts" 66
null 64
Course descriptions: communicative practices of an institutional genre 63
Producing and accepting offers: the co-construction of discourse in goal-oriented interaction 63
Pragmatic issues in specialized communicative contexts 62
Semantic patterns of HAVE been to V: Corpus data and elicited data 60
Content and wording of university course descriptions 58
To be going to be doing: a pattern in search of a description 58
How (dis)similar? Telling the difference between near-synonyms in a foreign language 58
The Adaptation of a Novel to Filmic Needs: Thematic Focus in the Subtitles of Two Filmic Versions of "Pride and Prejudice" 58
Grammar of gratitude: expressing thanks in PhD dissertation acknowledgments 57
Pragmatic perception of communicative acceptability: gut reactions and constructive criticism 57
Lingua inglese e mediazione interlinguistica. Ricerca e didattica con supporto telematico 56
Structure, Content and Functions of Calls for Conference Abstracts, in V. J. Bhatia, P. Sánchez Hernández, and P. Pérez-Parades (eds.), Researching Specialized Languages (John Benjamins, 2011). 56
Aspects of requests in Job Application Letters 56
How to Pretend Things with Words: The Less You Have to Say the More You Talk 55
Modal expressions in job application letters 55
The progressive form of the be going to future: a preliminary report 55
Book review of Peng, Hua "Chinese PhD Acknowledgements: A Communicative of Practice Perspective". Bern: Peter Lang, 2010 (pp. 255) 55
Addressing interpersonal needs in oral interaction: the case of apology responses 54
Assessing pragmatic skills in speech act production and perception 54
L'inglese nelle contrattazioni private: antologia di atti linguistici per l'interazione orale 53
Introduzione 53
THE LITERATURE-LINGUISTICS INTERFACE. BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO LITERARY TEXTS. Selected Proceedings of the International Conference "Bridging Gaps, Creating Links: The Qualitative-Quantitative Interface in the Study of Literature" (Padua, June 7-9, 2018). Edited by Rocco Coronato, Sara Gesuato 52
Assessing pragmatic aspects of L2 communication: reflections and practices 52
Academic book blurbs: textual and lexical strategies in an interested review genre 50
Teaching, learning and investigating pragmatics 49
Steps towards convergence: essays of interaction between linguistic and critical approaches to literature 48
Representing Academic Identities in Email: Content and Structure of Automatic Signatures 47
The emergence of Be Going to Be V-ing in native and non-native varieties of English 46
Learning to converse through dialogic speech acts. An approach to the development of interactional skills 46
Atti linguistici 44
“Have been to see a film” and “got back from doing six laps”: temporal use of two English motion verb constructions 44
Calls for abstracts: an academic genre shaping professional practices 43
Introduction 43
Fit for academia? The PhD thesis report: a genre in the making 43
Pope Francis's" Laudato Si'": A corpus study of environmental and religious discourse 42
Doing things with words across time. Snapshots of communicative practices in and from the past 42
Representation of Events and Event Participants in Academic Course Descriptions 41
Disability Rights case study 40
Introduction 40
Introduction: English linguistics 39
Motional and aspectual meanings of COME + to_infinitive in native and non-native varieties of English 39
News fractals: linguistic and discursive properties of BBC news alerts 39
Guida all'antologia 38
Developing conversational skills through dialogic speech acts 38
null 37
Atti del convegno ‘In ricordo di Alberto Mioni’ 37
Introduction 35
Convegni: brevi report 34
Introduzione 34
Splitting Hairs: Designing Corpus-Driven Hairstyling Glossary Entries for a Diverse Audience 33
The Words of Facts: How British and Italian Students Use in Fact in Academic Writing 33
Language use across time -- what you didn't know you've always wanted to know about historical pragmatics. 32
Offering Exchanges: From Research Data to Classroom Practice 29
Introduction 27
Totale 7.584
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.471
article - articoli 7.477
book - libri 467
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 2.654
other - altro 552
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.090
Totale 41.711

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020430 0 0 0 0 0 57 34 98 59 86 40 56
2020/2021906 23 56 39 79 38 58 28 54 108 55 114 254
2021/2022895 28 159 96 52 30 84 32 76 69 26 68 175
2022/2023811 174 10 15 87 140 92 16 48 96 37 56 40
2023/20241.350 62 63 85 79 74 142 96 395 75 66 101 112
2024/20251.152 71 225 122 109 549 76 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.759