Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A data-driven network model of primary myelofibrosis: transcriptional and post-transcriptional alterations in CD34+ cells 2016 CALURA, ENRICAPIZZINI, SILVIABISOGNIN, ANDREACOPPE, ALESSANDROSALES, GABRIELEGAFFO, ENRICOROMUALDI, CHIARABORTOLUZZI, STEFANIA + BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL - -
A hierarchical Bayesian model for RNA-Seq data 2013 Risso, DavideSales, GabrieleRomualdi, ChiaraChiogna, Monica - - Complex Models and Computational Methods in Statistics
A hierarchical Bayesian model for RNA-Seq data 2013 Risso D.SALES, GABRIELEROMUALDI, CHIARACHIOGNA, MONICA - CONTRIBUTIONS TO STATISTICS Complex Models and Computational Methods in Statistics
A mitochondrial NADPH-cholesterol axis regulates extracellular vesicle biogenesis to support hematopoietic stem cell fate 2024 Calura, EnricaSales, GabrieleRomualdi, Chiara + CELL STEM CELL - -
A mouse-specific retrotransposon drives a conserved Cdk2ap1 isoform essential for development 2021 Sales, GabrieleSpeed, Terence P.Risso, Davide + CELL - -
A new approach for the identification of processed pseudogenes 2010 SALES, GABRIELE + JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY - -
A Novel MAO-B/SSAO Inhibitor Improves Multiple Aspects of Dystrophic Phenotype in mdx Mice 2024 Gasparella FrancescaNogara LeonardoGerminario ElenaCiciliot StefanoVenegas Francisca CarolinaFontana FrancescaSales GabrieleSabbatini DanieleBlaauw BertCanton MarcellaVitiello Libero + ANTIOXIDANTS - -
A prognostic regulatory pathway in stage I epithelial ovarian cancer: New hints for the poor prognosis assessment 2016 CALURA, ENRICAMARTINI, PAOLOSALES, GABRIELEROMUALDI, CHIARA + ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY - -
A thorough annotation of the krill transcriptome offers new insights for the study of physiological processes 2022 Urso, IleniaBiscontin, AlbertoCorso, DavideRomualdi, ChiaraDe Pittà, CristianoSales, Gabriele + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Along signal paths: an empirical gene set approach exploiting pathway topology. 2012 MARTINI, PAOLOSALES, GABRIELECHIOGNA, MONICAROMUALDI, CHIARA + NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH - -
An aberrant microRNA signature in childhood T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma affecting CDKN1B expression, NOTCH1 and growth factor signaling pathways. 2014 MUSSOLIN, LARAROMUALDI, CHIARASALES, GABRIELEROSOLEN, ANGELO + LEUKEMIA - -
Analysis of miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles Highlights Alterations in Ionizing Radiation Response of Human Lymphocytes under Modeled Microgravity 2012 GIRARDI, CRISTINADE PITTA', CRISTIANOSALES, GABRIELELANFRANCHI, GEROLAMOCELOTTI, LUCIAMOGNATO, MADDALENA + PLOS ONE - -
Analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles highlights alterations in the DNA-damage response to ionizing radiation in human lymphocytes cultured in modeled microgravity 2011 GIRARDI, CRISTINADE PITTA', CRISTIANOSALES, GABRIELELANFRANCHI, GEROLAMOCELOTTI, LUCIAMOGNATO, MADDALENA + - - -
BrewerIX enables allelic expression analysis of imprinted and X-linked genes from bulk and single-cell transcriptomes 2022 Sales G.Diamante L.Perrera V.Romualdi C.Martello G. + COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY - -
Characterizing genomic alterations in cancer by complementary functional associations 2016 ROMUALDI, CHIARASALES, GABRIELE + NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY - -
Cisplatin resistance can be curtailed by blunting Bnip3-mediated mitochondrial autophagy 2022 Vianello C.Cocetta V.Catanzaro D.Sales G.Scorrano L.Giacomello M.Montopoli M. + CELL DEATH & DISEASE - -
Developmental and Tumor Angiogenesis Requires the Mitochondria-Shaping Protein Opa1 2020 Herkenne, StéphanieEk, OlivierZamberlan, MargheritaPellattiero, AnnaChergova, MayaRigoni, GiovanniFonseca, Tiago BrancoSamardzic, DijanaAgnellini, AndriellyBean, CamillaTiso, NatasciaArgenton, FrancescoViola, AntonellaSoriano, Maria EugeniaGiacomello, MartaZiviani, ElenaSales, GabrieleScorrano, Luca + CELL METABOLISM - -
Disentangling the microRNA regulatory milieu in multiple myeloma: integrative genomics analysis outlines mixed miRNA-TF circuits and pathway-derived networks modulated in t(4;14) patients 2016 CALURA, ENRICABISOGNIN, ANDREASALES, GABRIELENERI, ANTONINOROMUALDI, CHIARABORTOLUZZI, STEFANIA + ONCOTARGET - -
Evidence of a lytic pathway in an invertebrate complement system: identification of a terminal complement complex gene in a colonial tunicate and its evolutionary implications. 2024 Loriano BallarinAnna PeronatoSales Gabriele + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -