Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco - DSF  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 205 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.057 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
1H-NMR Spectroscopy and cytotoxicity of natural phenolic compounds on human wild and cis-platin resistant cancer cell 2005 MONTOPOLI, MONICAFROLDI, GUGLIELMINARAGAZZI, EUGENIOBELLANDA, MASSIMOMAMMI, STEFANOCAPARROTTA, LAURA - - 32° Congresso Nazionale Della Società  Italiana Di Farmacologia
5-HT1B receptor subtype and aging in rat resistance vessels 2008 FROLDI, GUGLIELMINAMONTOPOLI, MONICADORIGO, PAOLACAPARROTTA, LAURA + PHARMACOLOGY - -
A fixed combination of probiotics and herbal extracts attenuates intestinal barrier dysfunction from inflammatory stress in an in vitro model using Caco-2 cells. 2019 Cocetta VCatanzaro DRagazzi EGiron MCMontopoli M + RECENT PATENTS ON FOOD, NUTRITION & AGRICULTURE - -
A multidisciplinary approach for the identification and validation of novel prostate cancer targets - ABSTRACTS OF THE 40TH CONGRESS OF THE ITALIAN PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY (SIF) 2021 Federico GianfantiAndrea AlimontiMonica Montopoli + PHARMADVANCES - -
Actions of ticlopidine and clopidogrel on resistence vessel 2005 FROLDI, GUGLIELMINAMONTOPOLI, MONICARAGAZZI, EUGENIOGAION, ROSA MARIAGIRON, MARIA CECILIADORIGO, PAOLACAPARROTTA, LAURA + - - 32° Congresso della Società Italiana di Farmacologia
Activity of myricetin and other plant-derived polyhydroxyl compounds in human LDL and human vascular endothelial cells against oxidative stress 2016 DONATI, MADDALENAMONTOPOLI, MONICAMANZATO, ENZOFROLDI, GUGLIELMINA + BIOMÉDECINE & PHARMACOTHÉRAPIE - -
Activity of sap from Croton lechleri on rat vascular and gastric smooth muscles 2009 FROLDI, GUGLIELMINAZAGOTTO, GIUSEPPEFILIPPINI, RAFFAELLAMONTOPOLI, MONICADORIGO, PAOLA + PHYTOMEDICINE - -
Aescin protection of human vascular endothelial cells exposed to cobalt chloride mimicked hypoxia and inflammatory stimuli 2007 MONTOPOLI, MONICAFROLDI, GUGLIELMINACAPARROTTA, LAURA + PLANTA MEDICA - -
Ageing and osteoarticular system for healthy ageing on behalf of Integrative Medicine Research Group (IMRG) 2021 MONTOPOLI M. + EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Androgen-deprivation therapies for prostate cancer and risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2: a population-based study (n=4532) 2020 Montopoli, MZumerle, SVettor, RRugge, MZorzi, MRagazzi, EAlimonti, A + ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY - -
Angiogenic transforming capacity of IgG purified from plasma of type 1 diabetic patients 2009 BRUNATI, ANNA MARIAMONTOPOLI, MONICAFINOTTI, PAOLA + JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE - -
Anti-ageing activity of Salvia haenkei in an in vitro epidermal model 2019 Cocetta VCatanzaro DMiolo GRagazzi EAlimonti AMontopoli M + - - Convegno monotematico SIF – Le basi farmacologiche dei nutraceutici
Anti-inflammatory activity of a fixed combination of probiotics and herbal extract in an in-vitro model of intestinal inflammation by stimulating Caco-2 cells with LPS-conditioned THP-1 cells medium 2022 Cocetta, VeronicaMontopoli, Monica + MINERVA PEDIATRICS - -
Anti-inflammatory activity of Serenoa Repens on human prostate adenocarcinoma cells 2018 Catanzaro, D.Catanzaro, D.Montopoli, M. + EUROPEAN UROLOGY. SUPPLEMENTS - Eur Urol Suppl 2018
Anti-senescence activity of Salvia Haenkei on a skin cellular model 2018 Cocetta VCatanzaro DMiolo GRagazzi EAlimonti AMontopoli M + - - AMWC 2018 – The 16th Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine World Congress
Anti-senescence activity of Salvia haenkei on skin cellular model identified by integrated senescence-screening assay 2017 Jessica CadauVeronica CocettaStefano Dall'AcquaEugenio RagazziMonica MontopoliAndrea Alimonti + PIANTE MEDICINALI - -
Antibiotic-induced dysbiosis of the microbiota impairs gut neuromuscular function in juvenile mice 2017 Caputi, ValentinaMarsilio, IlariaCerantola, SilviaOrso, GennyPaccagnella, NicolaDe Martin, SaraMontopoli, MonicaDall'acqua, StefanoDi Gangi, Iole-mariaGaluppini, FrancescaBogialli, SaraRugge, MassimoDebetto, PatriziaGiron, Maria Cecilia + BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY - -
Antioxidant activity and protective effects of various plant-derived polyphenols: assessing the intracellular reactive oxygen species formation and LDL copper-induced oxidation 2012 BERTIN, RICCARDOMONTOPOLI, MONICAFROLDI, GUGLIELMINA + - - -
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Cannabis Sativa in epithelial intestinal cell 2016 COCETTA, VERONICACATANZARO, DANIELADALL'ACQUA, STEFANORAGAZZI, EUGENIOMONTOPOLI, MONICA - - IV°Incontro SYRP: S.I.FIT. Young Researchers Project