Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A blue-print for gene function analysis through Base Editing in the model plant Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens 2021 Alboresi, AlessandroMorosinotto, Tomas + NEW PHYTOLOGIST - -
A Dynamic model of photoproduction, photoregulation and photoinhibition in microalgae using chlorophyll fluorescence. 2014 BERNARDI, ANDREABEZZO, FABRIZIOMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + - - Preprints of the IFAC 19th World Congress
A Framework for the Dynamic Modelling of PI Curves in Microalgae 2015 BERNARDI, ANDREAMENEGHESSO, ANDREAMOROSINOTTO, TOMASBEZZO, FABRIZIO + - Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
A Mathematical model to guide Genetic Engineering of Photosynthetic Metabolism 2017 Perin, GiorgioBernardi, AndreaBellan, AlessandraBezzo, FabrizioMorosinotto, Tomas METABOLIC ENGINEERING - -
A model of chlorophyll fluorescence in microalgae integrating photoproduction, photoinhibition and photoregulation 2015 BERNARDI, ANDREAMENEGHESSO, ANDREABEZZO, FABRIZIOMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY - -
A model-based investigation of genetically modified microalgae strains 2016 BERNARDI, ANDREAMENEGHESSO, ANDREAMOROSINOTTO, TOMASBEZZO, FABRIZIO - - Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
A new cryptic species of the unicellular red algal genus Dixoniella (Rhodellophyceae, Proteorhodophytina): Dixoniella giordanoi. 2021 Moschin E.Morosinotto T.Moro I. + PHYCOLOGIA - -
A New Remote Sensing-Based System for the Monitoring and Analysis of Growth and Gas Exchange Rates of Photosynthetic Microorganisms Under Simulated Non-Terrestrial Conditions 2020 Battistuzzi M.Cocola L.Alei E.Morosinotto T.Claudi R.La Rocca N. + FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - -
A palmitic acid elongase affects eicosapentaenoic acid and plastidial monogalactosyldiacylglycerol levels in nannochloropsis 2017 PERIN, GIORGIOMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + PLANT PHYSIOLOGY - -
A plant secretory signal peptide targets plastome-encoded recombinant proteins to the thylakoid membrane 2011 MOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - -
A Red-shifted Antenna Protein Associated with Photosystem II in Physcomitrella patens 2011 ALBORESI, ALESSANDROGEROTTO, CATERINAMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - -
A Structural Basis for the pH-Dependent Xanthophyll Cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana 2009 MOROSINOTTO, TOMASSAGA, GIORGIA + PLANT CELL - -
A thylakoid-located two-pore K+ channel controls photosynthetic light utilization in plants. 2013 CARRARETTO, LUCAFORMENTIN, ELIDETEARDO, ENRICOCHECCHETTO, VANESSAMOROSINOTTO, TOMASGIACOMETTI, GIORGIOSZABO', ILDIKO' + SCIENCE - -
Acclimation of Koliella antarctica to different light intensities. 2013 LA ROCCA, NICOLETTAMORO, ISABELLASCIUTO, KATIAMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + - - Abstracts Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Vegetale (SIBV)
Acclimation of Nannochloropsis gaditana to different illumination regimes: effects on lipids accumulation 2011 SIMIONATO, DIANASFORZA, ELEONORABERTUCCO, ALBERTOGIACOMETTI, GIORGIOMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY - -
Acclimation of photosynthesis and lipids biosynthesis to prolonged nitrogen and phosphorus limitation in Nannochloropsis gaditana 2021 Fattore N.Bellan A.Pedroletti L.Vitulo N.Morosinotto T. ALGAL RESEARCH - -
Acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus in the mesophilic red alga Dixoniella giordanoi 2021 Fattore, NicolòSavio, SimoneVera-Vives, AntoniBattistuzzi, MarianoMoro, IsabellaLa Rocca, NicolettaMorosinotto, Tomas PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Adjusted light and dark cycles can optimize photosynthetic efficiency in algae growing in photobioreactors. 2012 SFORZA, ELEONORASIMIONATO, DIANAGIACOMETTI, GIORGIOBERTUCCO, ALBERTOMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS PLOS ONE - -
Alternative electron transport mediated by flavodiiron proteins is operational in organisms from cyanobacteria up to gymnosperms 2017 ALBORESI, ALESSANDROMOROSINOTTO, TOMAS + NEW PHYTOLOGIST - -
Alternative electron transport mediated by flavodiiron proteins is operational in organisms from cyanobacteria up to gymnosperms 2017 Alboresi A.Morosinotto T. + NEW PHYTOLOGIST - -