Università di Padova  

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Beam and installation improvements of the NIO1 ion source 2020 Barbisan, M.Pimazzoni, A.Poggi, C.Ugoletti, M.Baltador, C.De Muri, M.Jain, P.Minarello, A.Recchia, D.Sartori, E.Sattin, M.Serianni, G.Veltri, P. + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
Beamlet scraping and its influence on the beam divergence at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility 2020 Fantz, UMimo, ABarbisan, MPimazzoni, ASerianni, GUgoletti, MVeltri, P + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
Characterization of plasmas in negative ion sources using a Cs-H Collisional Radiative model 2024 Milazzo, R.Poggi, C.Sartori, E.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B. + JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION - -
Correlation of source parameters and beam properties in the early operation of the full size ITER negative ion beam source 2024 Ugoletti, M.Poggi, C.Sartori, E.Zaniol, B. + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
Development of a set of movable electrostatic probes to characterize the plasma in the ITER neutral beam negative-ion source prototype 2021 Sartori E.Zuin M.Fadone M.Jain P.Kisaki M.Maistrello A.Moro G.Pimazzoni A.Poggi C.Segalini B.Tollin M.Ugoletti M.Veltri P.Serianni G. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Experimental experience and improvement of NIO1 H− ion source 2019 Serianni, G.Baltador, C.Barbisan, M.De Muri, M.Pimazzoni, A.Poggi, C.Veltri, P.Aprile, D.Armelao, L.Baseggio, L.Candeloro, V.Jain, P.Minarello, A.Pasqualotto, R.Sartori, E.Sattin, M.Ugoletti, M. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
First operation in SPIDER and the path to complete MITICA 2020 Serianni, G.Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Zanotto, L.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Canton, A.Dalla Palma, M.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gomez, G.Cristofaro, S.Fantz, U. + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
First operations with caesium of the negative ion source SPIDER 2022 Sartori, EmanueleAgostini, MatteoBarbisan, MarcoBrombin, MatteoDan, MattiaFadone, MicheleGrando, LucaMaistrello, AlbertoPimazzoni, AntonioPoggi, CarloUgoletti, MargheritaVeltri, PierluigiZaniol, BarbaraAgostinetti, PieroAprile, DanieleCandeloro, ValeriaCavallini, CaterinaChitarin, GiuseppeCristofaro, SofiaDalla Palma, MauroDe Muri, MichelaDenizeau, SylvestreFellin, FrancescoJain, PalakLuchetta, AdrianoManduchi, GabrieleMarconato, NicoloMario, IsabellaMilazzo, RuggeroPatton, TommasoPilan, NicolaRecchia, MauroRigoni, AndreaSegalini, BeatriceSiragusa, MarcoZanotto, LorisZaupa, MatteoZuin, MatteoSerianni, Gianluigi + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
Highlights of recent SPIDER results and improvements 2023 Sartori, EBrombin, MCandeloro, VDan, MGrando, LJain, PPimazzoni, AUgoletti, MVeltri, PZaniol, BCavallini, CChitarin, GDe Muri, MDe Nardi, MDenizeau, SLunardon, FMarconato, NMcCormack, OMilazzo, RPilan, NRecchia, MSantoro, FSegalini, BZanotto, LZaupa, M + JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION - -
Investigation of Negative Ion Energy Distribution and Extraction Mechanism With a Compact Retarding Field Energy Analyzer in a Large Filament-Arc Source for Neutral Beam Injectors 2022 Sartori, EUgoletti, MBrombin, MPimazzoni, AMoro, GMarconato, N + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Latest experimental and theoretical advances in the production of negative ions in caesium-free plasmas 2021 Agostinetti P.Barbisan M.Chitarin G.Fadone M.Ferron N.Furno I.Pimazzoni A.Poggi C.Sartori E.Serianni G.Suweis S.Ugoletti M.Veltri P. + THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. D, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS - -
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests 2023 Chitarin, G.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Candela, V.Candeloro, V.Cavallini, C.Cordaro, L.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Marconato, N.Martini, G.Milazzo, R.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rigoni-Garola, A.Santoro, F.Sartori, E.Segalini, B.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Valente, M.Veronese, F.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gorini, G.Muraro, A.Deambrosis, S. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Negative ion beam source as a complex system: identification of main processes and key interdependence 2019 Agostinetti, P.Barbisan, M.Chitarin, G.Ferron, N.Pimazzoni, A.Poggi, C.Sartori, E.Serianni, G.Suweis, S.Ugoletti, M.Veltri, P. + RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI - -
On the road to ITER NBIs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress 2021 Serianni, G.Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Candeloro, V.Canton, A.Cavallini, C.Cordaro, L.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Lorenzini, R.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Martines, E.Martini, G.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Sartori, E.Sonato, P.Trevisan, L.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Veltri, P.Fantz, U.Cristofaro, S.McCormack, O.Bruno, D.D'Arienzo, M. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Optimizing the ITER NBI ion source by dedicated RF driver test stand 2024 Pimazzoni, A.Sartori, E.Aprile, D.Brombin, M.Candeloro, V.Grando, L.Magagna, M.Maniero, M.Marconato, N.Poggi, C.Segalini, B.Sonato, P.Tollin, M.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Zella, D.Zuin, E. + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - -
Overview on electrical issues faced during the SPIDER experimental campaigns 2023 Brombin M.Dan M.De Nardi M.Jain P.Lunardon F.Marconato N.Recchia M.Santoro F.Zanotto L.Bernardi M.Fasolo D.Grando L.Milazzo R.Pimazzoni A.Sartori E.Ugoletti M.Zaniol B.Zella D.Veltri P. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Progress in the ITER neutral beam test facility 2019 Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Serianni, G.Zanotto, L.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Dalla Palma, M.Dan, M.Denizeau, S.De Muri, M.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Fiorentin, A.Gaio, E.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marchiori, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Ocello, E.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gomez, G.Fantz, U.D’Arienzo, M.Sandri, S. + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
Role of radiation re-absorption in the thermal helium beam diagnostic 2024 Ugoletti, M.La Matina, M. + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
Spatially resolved diagnostics for optimization of large ion beam sources 2022 Serianni, GSartori, EAgostinetti, PBarbisan, MCandeloro, VDe Muri, MFadone, MMario, IPatton, TPimazzoni, APoggi, CSegalini, BUgoletti, MVeltri, PZaniol, BPasqualotto, R + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
SPIDER Beam Homogeneity Characterization Through Visible Cameras 2022 Ugoletti, MPimazzoni, ASartori, E + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -