Università di Padova  

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A strategy to identify breakdown location in MITICA test facility: results of high voltage test campaign 2023 Chitarin G.Dan M.Patton T.Santoro F. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Acceleration Grid Power Supply Conversion System of the MITICA Neutral Beam Injector: on site integration activities and tests 2019 M. DanD. Zella + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Corrigendum to “Status of SPIDER beam source after the first 3.5 years of operation” [Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 192, July 2023, 113831] (Fusion Engineering and Design (2023) 192, (S0920379623004131), (10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113831)) 2023 Candela V.Candeloro V.Cavallini C.Dan M.Marconato N.Segalini B.Badocco D.Pastore P.Grando L.Sartori E.Sonato P. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Development and Validation of a Special Protection System for Internal Fault in a High-Power Three-Level NPC VSC 2021 Dan, MattiaZanotto, LorisFinotti, Claudio + ENERGIES - -
Early Operational Experience and Improvements of SPIDER Ion Source Power Supplies at Beam Energies Exceeding 30 keV 2022 Dan M.De Nardi M.Jain P.Lunardon F.Santoro F. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Electrical diagnostics for high voltage tests in MITICA 2023 Patton, T.Aprile, D.Chitarin, G.Dan, M.Gobbo, R.Pilan, N.Rigoni, A.Valente, M.Lotto, L.Molon, F.Tollin, M. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
First operation in SPIDER and the path to complete MITICA 2020 Serianni, G.Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Zanotto, L.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Canton, A.Dalla Palma, M.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gomez, G.Cristofaro, S.Fantz, U. + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
First operations with caesium of the negative ion source SPIDER 2022 Sartori, EmanueleAgostini, MatteoBarbisan, MarcoBrombin, MatteoDan, MattiaFadone, MicheleGrando, LucaMaistrello, AlbertoPimazzoni, AntonioPoggi, CarloUgoletti, MargheritaVeltri, PierluigiZaniol, BarbaraAgostinetti, PieroAprile, DanieleCandeloro, ValeriaCavallini, CaterinaChitarin, GiuseppeCristofaro, SofiaDalla Palma, MauroDe Muri, MichelaDenizeau, SylvestreFellin, FrancescoJain, PalakLuchetta, AdrianoManduchi, GabrieleMarconato, NicoloMario, IsabellaMilazzo, RuggeroPatton, TommasoPilan, NicolaRecchia, MauroRigoni, AndreaSegalini, BeatriceSiragusa, MarcoZanotto, LorisZaupa, MatteoZuin, MatteoSerianni, Gianluigi + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
Highlights of recent SPIDER results and improvements 2023 Sartori, EBrombin, MCandeloro, VDan, MGrando, LJain, PPimazzoni, AUgoletti, MVeltri, PZaniol, BCavallini, CChitarin, GDe Muri, MDe Nardi, MDenizeau, SLunardon, FMarconato, NMcCormack, OMilazzo, RPilan, NRecchia, MSantoro, FSegalini, BZanotto, LZaupa, M + JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION - -
Improvements in the SPIDER RF system 2021 Maistrello, AlbertoRecchia, MauroZamengo, AndreaChitarin, GiuseppeDan, MattiaGasparini, FerdinandoJain, PalakGaio, ElenaZanotto, Loris + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests 2023 Chitarin, G.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Candela, V.Candeloro, V.Cavallini, C.Cordaro, L.Dan, M.De Muri, M.De Nardi, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Marconato, N.Martini, G.Milazzo, R.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rigoni-Garola, A.Santoro, F.Sartori, E.Segalini, B.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Valente, M.Veronese, F.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gorini, G.Muraro, A.Deambrosis, S. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
On the road to ITER NBIs: SPIDER improvement after first operation and MITICA construction progress 2021 Serianni, G.Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Candeloro, V.Canton, A.Cavallini, C.Cordaro, L.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Lorenzini, R.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Martines, E.Martini, G.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Sartori, E.Sonato, P.Trevisan, L.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Veltri, P.Fantz, U.Cristofaro, S.McCormack, O.Bruno, D.D'Arienzo, M. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Overview on electrical issues faced during the SPIDER experimental campaigns 2023 Brombin M.Dan M.De Nardi M.Jain P.Lunardon F.Marconato N.Recchia M.Santoro F.Zanotto L.Fasolo D.Grando L.Milazzo R.Pimazzoni A.Sartori E.Ugoletti M.Zaniol B.Zella D.Veltri P. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Preparation of the vacuum insulation tests on the MITICA 1 MV electrostatic Accelerator 2021 Chitarin, G.Luchetta, A.Aprile, DMarconato, N.Patton, T.Dan, M. + - - Proc. of 2020 29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), 2021
Progress in the ITER neutral beam test facility 2019 Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Pasqualotto, R.Serianni, G.Zanotto, L.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Dalla Palma, M.Dan, M.Denizeau, S.De Muri, M.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Fiorentin, A.Gaio, E.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marchiori, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Ocello, E.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Veltri, P.Gomez, G.Fantz, U.D’Arienzo, M.Sandri, S. + NUCLEAR FUSION - -
Protection from internal faults in a special high power switching conversion system for thermonuclear fusion application 2017 DAN, MATTIA + - - IEEE PEDS 2017
SPIDER in the roadmap of the ITER neutral beams 2019 Serianni, G.Chitarin, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Dalla Palma, M.Dan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Ferbel, L.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Baltador, C.Veltri, P. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
SPIDER, the Negative Ion Source Prototype for ITER: Overview of Operations and Cesium Injection 2023 Sartori E.Barbisan M.Brombin M.Candeloro V.Dan M.Fadone M.Grando L.Jain P.Maistrello A.Pimazzoni A.Poggi C.Ugoletti M.Veltri P.Zaniol B.Aprile D.Cavallini C.Chitarin G.Denizeau S.Fellin F.Lunardon F.Marconato N.McCormack O.Milazzo R.Muraro A.Patton T.Pilan N.Recchia M.Rigoni-Garola A.Santoro F.Segalini B.Siragusa M.Zaupa M. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Start of SPIDER operation towards ITER neutral beams 2018 Chitarin, G.Serianni, G.Grando, L.Luchetta, A.Zanotto, L.Agostinetti, P.Agostini, M.Aprile, D.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Palma, M. DallaDan, M.De Muri, M.Denizeau, S.Fadone, M.Fellin, F.Ferbel, L.Gambetta, G.Gasparini, F.Gnesotto, F.Jain, P.Maistrello, A.Manduchi, G.Marconato, N.Moresco, M.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Pimazzoni, A.Piovan, R.Poggi, C.Recchia, M.Rostagni, G.Sartori, E.Siragusa, M.Sonato, P.Spagnolo, S.Ugoletti, M.Zamengo, A.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M.Baltador, C.Veltri, P. + - AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES (NIBS 2018)
Status and challenges for the concept design development of the EU DEMO Plant Electrical System 2022 M. DanF. GaspariniF. LunardonD. Ratti + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -