Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 124 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.055 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Can I Have More Than This?" The Role of Romantic Relationship Quality, Maximization Style, and Social Media Addiction in Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms 2024 Mancin, PaoloGhisi, MartaCerea, Silvia + CYBERPSYCHOLOGY, BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING - -
"You Can't Be Too Skinny. You Can't Be Too Fat. I Don't Know What You Are Supposed To Be.": A qualitative focus group study exploring body image experiences of South Asian women in the UK 2023 Cerea S. + BODY IMAGE - -
A multifaceted experimental study of interpersonal functioning and cognitive biases towards social stimuli in adolescents with eating disorders and healthy controls 2021 Silvia CereaValentina Cardi + JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - -
A test of the construct validity of the triarchic psychopathy measure in an Italian community sample 2015 ANGRILLI, ALESSANDROBOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIAGHISI, MARTA + PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Affective correlates of trichotillomania across the pulling cycle: Findings from an Italian sample of self-identified hair pullers 2016 BOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIASICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTA + PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - -
Ansia da competizione negli sport di squadra e individuali: indagine preliminare sulle caratteristiche psicologiche associate. 2016 Cerea S.RAZZETTI, ENRICOBottesi G.Palmarozza M.Vidotto G.Ghisi M. - - Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport (AIPS)
Are difficulties in emotion regulation and intolerance of uncertainty related to negative affect in borderline personality disorder? 2018 Bottesi, GioiaTESINI, VERONICA GIOIACerea, SilviaGhisi, Marta CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST - -
Assessment of anxiety and coping features in bruxers: a portable electromyographic and electrocardiographic study 2016 MANFREDINI, DANIELEARREGHINI, ANGELALOMBARDO, LUCAVISENTIN, ALESSANDRACEREA, SILVIA + JOURNAL OF ORAL & FACIAL PAIN AND HEADACHE - -
Assessment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Features in an Italian Community Sample. 2016 Ghisi M.Cerea S.Bottesi G. + - - Atti del 8th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT)
Assessment of coping and anxiety features in bruxers: a portable EMG/ECG study 2016 Angela ArreghiniDaniele ManfrediniAlessandra VisentinSilvia Cerea + - - In Atti del II° Congresso Nazionale Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibolari (GSID)
Association between ecological momentary assessment of awake bruxism by a novel smartphone device and psychological anxiety features 2017 Alessandra ZaniAlessandro BracciSilvia CereaLorenzo FaveroLuca Guarda-NardiniDaniele Manfredini + - - In Atti del III° Congresso Nazionale Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibolari (GSID)
Autostima e comportamenti alimentari disfunzionali in sport estetici e sport di palla 2018 M. GhisiS. CereaM. GiraldoG. Bottesi - - Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport (AIPS)
Benefits of Tai Chi Chuan and yoga classes at work: Perceived mental and physical benefits in employees of the University of Padua 2022 Alessandra PecuniosoSilvia CereaRosa NardelliGioia GrigolinAlessandra ArmentiAntonio PaoliMarta Ghisi - - Benefits of Tai Chi Chuan and yoga classes at work: Perceived mental and physical benefits in employees of the University of Padua
Benessere, Yoga e Tai Chi: un’indagine esplorativa su un gruppo di dipendenti dell’Università di Padova 2021 Marta GhisiSilvia CereaGioia GrigolinRosa NardelliAntonio Paoli - - Atti del XXIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Psicologia dello Sport e dell’esercizio (AIPS)
Better coping for better clinical outcomes: impact of coping strategies in multiple sclerosis. 2019 Silvia CereaMarta Ghisi + - - Atti del 35° Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)
Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age 2023 Cerea S.Ghisi M. + BODY IMAGE - -
Body dysmorphic disorder and its associated psychological and psychopathological features in an Italian community sample 2018 Cerea, SilviaBottesi, GioiaGhisi, Marta + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE - -
Body Dysmorphic Disorder and psychological features in an Italian community sample in need of medical aesthetic treatments 2024 Cerea S. + AESTHETIC MEDICINE - -
Body Dysmorphic Disorder in patients with Anorexia Nervosa. 2016 Ghisi M.Cerea S.Palmarozza M.Bottesi G. + - - Atti del XVIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) Sezione Clinica e Dinamica
Body Dysmorphic Disorder symptoms in patients undergoing cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine procedures: psychological predictors 2023 Silvia CereaMarta Ghisi + - - Body Dysmorphic Disorder symptoms in patients undergoing cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine procedures: psychological predictors