Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Lombardia in gioco, a scuola di sport”, a regional project for the implementation of physical activity in a region of north-west Italy in 2015-2016 2017 Andrea Casolo + - - Physical Education in Primary School - Researches, Best Practices, Situation
Alla base degli sport. L’atletica leggera e la ginnastica artistica per i più piccoli 2019 Andrea Casolo - - Pedagogia e cultura della corporeità nell'età evolutiva
Alterations in magnitude and spatial distribution of erector spinae muscle activity in cyclists with a recent history of low back pain 2024 Sampieri A.Marcolin G.Gennaro F.Moro T.Paoli A.Casolo A. + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY - -
Analysis of motor unit spike trains estimated from high-density surface electromyography is highly reliable across operators 2021 Andrea Casolo + JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY - -
Athletic bioimpedance-based equations underestimate fat free mass components in male elite soccer players: development and validation of new soccer-specific predictive models 2023 Campa, FrancescoCerullo, GiuseppeCasolo, AndreaMoro, TatianaPaoli, Antonio + JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE - -
Athletic bioimpedance-based equations underestimate fat free mass components in male elite soccer players: development and validation of new soccer-specific predictive models 2023 Campa F.Casolo A.Moro T.Paoli A. + JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE - -
Attività fisica, salute e benessere 2020 Andrea Casolo - - L'uomo e il movimento - Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia
Behavior of motor units during submaximal isometric contractions in chronically strength-trained individuals 2021 Casolo A. + JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY - -
Body Composition And Ultrasound Measurements As Valuable Tools To Maximize The Recruitment Of Participants With Relevant Number Of Identifiable Motor Units During Submaximal Strength Test 2023 Alessandro SampieriGioi SpinelloMartino FranchiAntonio PaoliTatiana MoroAndrea Casolo + - - Body Composition And Ultrasound Measurements As Valuable Tools To Maximize The Recruitment Of Participants With Relevant Number Of Identifiable Motor Units During Submaximal Strength Test
Can non-invasive motor unit analysis reveal distinct neural strategies of force production in young with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes? 2024 Valli G.Casolo A.Toniolo L.De Vito G. + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY - -
COVID-19 disease in professional football players: symptoms and impact on pulmonary function and metabolic power during matches 2022 Casolo A. + PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS - -
Dai giochi di movimento alla vita, attraverso lo sport: l’esempio della FIDAL 2018 Andrea Casolo FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO - -
Deficit in knee extension strength following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is explained by a reduced neural drive to the vasti muscles 2021 Casolo A. + THE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY - -
Detraining Effects Prevention: A New Rising Challenge for Athletes 2020 Casolo A. + FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY - -
Direct translation of findings in isolated animal preparations to in vivo human motoneuron behaviour is challenging 2020 Casolo A. + THE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY - -
Educare allo sport attraverso le Life Skills 2019 Andrea Casolo + - - Pedagogia e cultura della corporeità nell'età evolutiva
Effect of an Endurance and Strength Mixed Circuit Training on Regional Fat Thickness: The Quest for the “Spot Reduction” 2021 Paoli, AntonioCasolo, AndreaSaoncella, MatteoBertaggia, CarloMarcolin, GiuseppeMoro, Tatiana + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Effect of resistance training on bioelectrical phase angle in older adults: a systematic review with Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 2022 Campa F.Moro T.Paoli A.Casolo A. + REVIEWS IN ENDOCRINE & METABOLIC DISORDERS - -
Effective teaching competences in physical education 2019 Andrea Casolo + JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT - -
Effects of 12 sessions of remote supervised training in pediatric patients affected by haematolymphoid and soft tissue tumors. 2023 Gioi SpinelloAlessandro SampieriAndrea CasoloTatiana MoroIncardona RMTonellato MTremolada MBiffi AAntonio Paoli + - - Effects of 12 sessions of remote supervised training in pediatric patients affected by haematolymphoid and soft tissue tumors.