Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 55 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.045 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Can I Have More Than This?" The Role of Romantic Relationship Quality, Maximization Style, and Social Media Addiction in Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms 2024 Mancin, PaoloGhisi, MartaCerea, Silvia + CYBERPSYCHOLOGY, BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING - -
"You Can't Be Too Skinny. You Can't Be Too Fat. I Don't Know What You Are Supposed To Be.": A qualitative focus group study exploring body image experiences of South Asian women in the UK 2023 Cerea S. + BODY IMAGE - -
A multifaceted experimental study of interpersonal functioning and cognitive biases towards social stimuli in adolescents with eating disorders and healthy controls 2021 Silvia CereaValentina Cardi + JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - -
A test of the construct validity of the triarchic psychopathy measure in an Italian community sample 2015 ANGRILLI, ALESSANDROBOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIAGHISI, MARTA + PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Affective correlates of trichotillomania across the pulling cycle: Findings from an Italian sample of self-identified hair pullers 2016 BOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIASICA, CLAUDIOGHISI, MARTA + PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH - -
Are difficulties in emotion regulation and intolerance of uncertainty related to negative affect in borderline personality disorder? 2018 Bottesi, GioiaTESINI, VERONICA GIOIACerea, SilviaGhisi, Marta CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST - -
Assessment of anxiety and coping features in bruxers: a portable electromyographic and electrocardiographic study 2016 MANFREDINI, DANIELEARREGHINI, ANGELALOMBARDO, LUCAVISENTIN, ALESSANDRACEREA, SILVIA + JOURNAL OF ORAL & FACIAL PAIN AND HEADACHE - -
Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age 2023 Cerea S.Ghisi M. + BODY IMAGE - -
Body dysmorphic disorder and its associated psychological and psychopathological features in an Italian community sample 2018 Cerea, SilviaBottesi, GioiaGhisi, Marta + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE - -
Body Dysmorphic Disorder and psychological features in an Italian community sample in need of medical aesthetic treatments 2024 Cerea S. + AESTHETIC MEDICINE - -
Broad and Narrow Transdiagnostic Risk Factors in Eating Disorders: A Preliminary Study on an Italian Clinical Sample 2022 Iannattone, SaraCerea, SilviaCarraro, EleonoraGhisi, MartaBottesi, Gioia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Cognitive Behavioral Training Using a Mobile Application Reduces Body Image Related Symptoms in High Risk Female University Students: A Randomized Controlled Study 2021 Silvia CereaMarta GhisiGioia BottesiTeresa ManoliEleonora Carraro + BEHAVIOR THERAPY - -
Cognitive training via a mobile application to reduce some forms of body dissatisfaction in young females at high-risk for body image disorders: A randomized controlled trial 2022 Silvia CereaTeresa ManoliGioia BottesiMarta Ghisi + BODY IMAGE - -
Comprehensive Behavioral Therapy of Trichotillomania: A Multiple-Baseline Single-Case Experimental Design 2020 Bottesi, GioiaCerea, SilviaGranziol, UmbertoCarraro, EleonoraSica, ClaudioGhisi, Marta + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Coping Strategies and Their Impact on Quality of Life and Physical Disability of People with Multiple Sclerosis 2021 Silvia CereaMarta Ghisi + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - -
Development and validation of the "Questionario sul dismorfismo corporeo" in an Italian community sample 2017 CEREA, SILVIABOTTESI, GIOIAGRANZIOL, UMBERTOGHISI, MARTA JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED PSYCHOTHERAPIES - -
Dimensionality and psychometric properties of an Italian translation of the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2): An assessment using a bifactor exploratory structural equation modelling framework 2021 Ghisi M.Cardi V.Bottesi G.Cerea S. + APPETITE - -
Dispositional and situational coping among individuals with alcohol use disorder 2017 CEREA, SILVIABOTTESI, GIOIAVIENO, ALESSIOGHISI, MARTA + JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT - -
Disregolazione comportamentale e Disturbo Borderline di Personalità: valutazione di impulsività, aggressività e compulsività in un gruppo clinico. 2014 BOTTESI, GIOIACEREA, SILVIAGHISI, MARTA + PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA E COMPORTAMENTALE - -
Dysfunctional obsessional beliefs and body dysmorphic disorder features: Findings from a family study 2018 Marta GhisiSilvia Cerea + MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - -