Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparative study on semen quality and cryopreservation ability in Italian native chicken breeds 2024 Penasa, Mauro + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A comparison of milk clotting characteristics and quality traits of Rendena and Holstein-Friesian cows 2015 VAROTTO, ALICEDE MARCHI, MASSIMOPENASA, MAUROCASSANDRO, MARTINO ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A comparison of the predicted coagulation characteristics and composition of milk from multi-breed herds of Holstein-Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental cows 2014 PENASA, MAUROSTURARO, ALBACASSANDRO, MARTINODE MARCHI, MASSIMO + INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL - -
A laboratory micro-manufacturing method for assessing individual cheese yield 2009 DAL ZOTTO, RICCARDOPENASA, MAUROGALLO, LUIGIBITTANTE, GIOVANNI + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
A tool to optimise dairy herd replacements combining conventional, sexed, and beef semen 2024 Ferrari, ValentinaPenasa, MauroCassandro, Martino + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Accounting for additive genetic relationship in genetic evaluation of Burlina breed 2011 PENASA, MAUROCASSANDRO, MARTINO + - - Book of Abstracts of the XIX National Congress of the Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA), ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE
Added value of milk for cheese yield in local and cosmopolitan dairy cattle breeds 2009 PENASA, MAUROCASSANDRO, MARTINO + - - Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of The European Association for Animal Production (EAAP)
Adjusting for age can lead to biased genetic evaluation for body weight in cattle 2011 BITTANTE, GIOVANNICECCHINATO, ALESSIODAL ZOTTO, RICCARDODE MARCHI, MASSIMOPENASA, MAURO LIVESTOCK SCIENCE - -
Age at first calving in Italian Holstein Friesian population: a preliminary study 2021 Ferrari V.Penasa MCassandro M. + - - Book of Abstracts of the 29th International Symposium "Animal Science Days"
Alternative somatic cell count traits exploitable in genetic selection for mastitis resistance in Italian Holstein and Jersey cows 2018 Bobbo T.Penasa M.Cassandro M. + - - Proceedings of The 2018 International Bovine Mastitis Conference (NMC 2018)
Alternative somatic cell count traits exploitable in genetic selection for mastitis resistance in Italian Holsteins 2018 Bobbo, T.Penasa, M.Cassandro, M. + JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Alternative use of somatic cells counts in genetic selection for mastitis resistance: A new estimated breeding value for Italian Holstein breed 2018 M. PenasaM. Cassandro + INTERBULL BULLETIN - Proceedings of the 2018 Interbull Meeting
Analysis of miRNAs in milk of four livestock species 2024 Cendron, FilippoRosani, UmbertoDe Marchi, MassimoPenasa, Mauro + BMC GENOMICS - -
Antibioticfreebeef: si scrive benessere si legge sostenibilità 2021 A. DianaM. SantinelloM. PenasaM. De Marchi + STALLE DA LATTE - -
Antiossidanti e radicali: la frontiera nel lattiero-caseario 2016 NIERO, GIOVANNIPENASA, MAURODE MARCHI, MASSIMOCASSANDRO, MARTINO L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Application of mid-infrared spectroscopy to enhance bovine milk technological traits in dairy industry 2015 DE MARCHI, MASSIMOPENASA, MAUROCASSANDRO, MARTINO BIOTECHNOLOGIE, AGRONOMIE, SOCIETE ET ENVIRONNEMEN - -
Application of UV-visible and near-infrared spectroscopies for the assessment of lysozyme addition, season of production and cow feeding in Grana Padano PDO cheese 2023 Chiarin, ENiero, GCassandro, MDe Marchi, MPenasa, M INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL - -
Applicazioni della spettroscopia al medio infrarosso (MIRS) per la predizione di nuovi fenotipi del latte 2014 DE MARCHI, MASSIMOPENASA, MAUROCASSANDRO, MARTINO - - -
Assessment of the ED-XRF technique to quantify mineral elements in nonlyophilised milk and cheese 2023 Visentin, ENiero, GCassandro, MPenasa, MDe Marchi, M INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY - -