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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A note on protein expression changes in chicken breast muscle in response to time in transit before slaughtering 2013 MASI, ANTONIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITACASSANDRO, MARTINO + PROTEOME SCIENCE - -
A proteomic and biochemical investigation on the effects of sulfadiazine in Arabidopsis thaliana 2019 Sharma, NishaArrigoni, GiorgioEbinezer, Leonard BarnabasTrentin, Anna RitaFranchin, CinziaGiaretta, SabrinaCarletti, PaoloGhisi, RossellaMasi, Antonio + ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY - -
Accumulation and effects of perfluoroalkyl substances in three hydroponically grown Salix L. species 2020 Sharma N.Barion G.Shrestha I.Ebinezer L. B.Trentin A. R.Vamerali T.Mezzalira G.Masi A.Ghisi R. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY - -
Antibacterial sulfonamides: accumulation and effects in barley plants 2010 TRENTIN, ANNA RITACAFFIERI, SERGIOGHISI, ROSSELLA + FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN - -
Apoplastic gamma-glutamyl transferase activity encoded by GGT1 and GGT2 is important for vegetative and generative development 2017 GIARETTA, SABRINAPRASAD, DINESHVAMERALI, TEOFILOTRENTIN, ANNA RITAMASI, ANTONIO + PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY - -
Biochemical and quantitative proteomics investigations in Arabidopsis ggt1mutant leaves reveal a role for the gamma-glutamyl cycle in plant's adaptation to environment 2013 TOLIN, SERENAARRIGONI, GIORGIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITAPIVATO, MICAELAMASI, ANTONIO + PROTEOMICS - -
Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in barley plants exposed to UV-B radiation 2002 GHISI, ROSSELLATRENTIN, ANNA RITAMASI, ANTONIOFERRETTI, MASSIMO PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Compensatory expression and substrate inducibility of g-glutamyl transferase GGT2 isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana 2011 TRENTIN, ANNA RITAMASI, ANTONIO + JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY - -
Development and validation of a near infrared spectrophotometric method to determine total antioxidant activity of milk 2017 NIERO, GIOVANNIPENASA, MAUROCURRÒ, SARAHMASI, ANTONIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITACASSANDRO, MARTINODE MARCHI, MASSIMO FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Effect of cheesemaking with microparticulated whey proteins on the concentration of low molecular thiols in cheese 2014 NIERO, GIOVANNISTURARO, ALBATRENTIN, ANNA RITAMASI, ANTONIODE MARCHI, MASSIMOCASSANDRO, MARTINO ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVÁRIENSIS - -
Gamma-glutamyl cycle in plants: a bridge connecting the environment to the plant cell? 2015 MASI, ANTONIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITA + FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - -
In vitro secretomic analysis identifies putative pathogenicity-related proteins of Sporisorium scitamineum - The sugarcane smut fungus 2017 Trentin, Anna RitaPivato, MicaelaCarletti, PaoloArrigoni, GiorgioMasi, Antonio + FUNGAL BIOLOGY - -
Leaf apoplastic proteome composition in UV-B treated Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in extracellular glutathione degradation 2016 MASI, ANTONIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITAARRIGONI, GIORGIO DATA IN BRIEF - -
Nitrate affects transcriptional regulation of UPBEAT1 and ROS localisation in roots of Zea mays L. 2019 Sara TrevisanAnna Rita TrentinRossella GhisiAntonio MasiSilvia Quaggiotti PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM - -
Perfluorinated alkyl substances affect the growth, physiology and root proteome of hydroponically grown maize plants 2022 Ebinezer, Leonard BarnabasBattisti, IlariaSharma, NishaRavazzolo, LauraTrentin, Anna RitaBarion, GiuseppePanozzo, AnnaDall'Acqua, StefanoVamerali, TeofiloQuaggiotti, SilviaArrigoni, GiorgioMasi, Antonio + JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - -
Perfluoroalkyl substances exposure alters stomatal opening and xylem hydraulics in willow plants 2023 Battisti, IlariaZambonini, DarioEbinezer, Leonard BarnabasTrentin, Anna RitaMeggio, FrancoPetit, GiaiMasi, Antonio CHEMOSPHERE - -
Proteome Analysis of Urticating Setae From Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) 2017 BERARDI, LAURAPIVATO, MICAELAARRIGONI, GIORGIOTRENTIN, ANNA RITABATTISTI, ANDREAMASI, ANTONIO + JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY - -
Proteome readjustments in the apoplastic space of Arabidopsis thaliana ggt1 mutant leaves exposed to UV-B radiation 2015 TRENTIN, ANNA RITAPIVATO, MICAELAGIARETTA, SABRINAFABREGA PRATS, MARTAPRASAD, DINESHARRIGONI, GIORGIOMASI, ANTONIO + FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - -
Proteomic analysis of a compatible interaction between sugarcane and Sporisorium scitamineum 2016 TRENTIN, ANNA RITAPIVATO, MICAELACARLETTI, PAOLOARRIGONI, GIORGIOMASI, ANTONIO + PROTEOMICS - -
Quantitative Proteomics of Maize Roots Treated with a Protein Hydrolysate: A Comparative Study with Transcriptomics Highlights the Molecular Mechanisms Responsive to Biostimulants 2020 Franchin C.Trentin A. R.Carletti P.Trevisan S.Quaggiotti S.Arrigoni G.Masi A. + JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -