Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
5 anni di esclusione delle precipitazioni non inducono significative modifiche anatomico-funzionali in individui maturi di Picea abies e Fagus sylvatica 2022 Zambonini DarioPetit G + - - 5 anni di esclusione delle precipitazioni non inducono significative modifiche anatomico-funzionali in individui maturi di Picea abies e Fagus sylvatica
A dendro-anatomical approach for the study of past, present and future dynamics of high altitude forests 2013 PETIT, GIAICASTAGNERI, DANIELECARRER, MARCO - - Abstract book
A new and sustainable approach for truffle management 2022 Alessia SartoriGiai Petit + - - A new and sustainable approach for truffle management
A standardization method to disentangle environmental information from axial trends of xylem anatomical traits. 2019 • Lechthaler SGELMINI, YLENIAPirotti FAnfodillo TPetit G. + TREE PHYSIOLOGY - -
Allometric Trajectories and “Stress”: A Quantitative Approach 2016 ANFODILLO, TOMMASOPETIT, GIAILECHTHALER, SILVIA + FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE - -
An appreciation of apex-to-base variation in xylem traits will lead to more precise understanding of xylem phenotypic plasticity 2024 Giai Petit NEW PHYTOLOGIST - -
An insight in tree-water-relation responses to climate from 13-years of sap flow and dendrometers daily cycles 2013 CARRARO, VINICIOCARRER, MARCOPETIT, GIAIANFODILLO, TOMMASO + - - Abstract book
Analysis of the axial gradient of water potential in the main leaf venation of Fraxinus excelsior and Sorbus aucuparia 2013 PETIT, GIAIANFODILLO, TOMMASO - - Abstract book
Analysis of the tapering of xylem conduits as a compensation mechanism for hydraulic limitations to tree growth 2008 Giai Petit - - -
Analysis on the tapering of Xylem conduits as a compensation mechanism for hydraulic limitations to tree growth 2008 Petit, Giai - - -
Anatomical responses to long-term co2 enrichment and soil warming in Larix decidua trees at the alpine treeline 2015 PRENDIN, ANGELA LUISAPETIT, GIAI + - - Trace 2015 - Book of abstract
Axial conduit widening and growth rate determine the radial patterns of sapflow and the transition of sapwood into heartwood 2017 PETIT, GIAI + - - Abstract book
Axial conduit widening in woody species: a still neglected anatomical pattern 2013 ANFODILLO, TOMMASOCRIVELLARO, ALANPETIT, GIAI IAWA JOURNAL - -
Axial conduit widening, tree height, and height growth rate set the hydraulic transition of sapwood into heartwood 2023 Petit, GiaiCarrer, MarcoPrendin, Angela Luisa + JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY - -
Axial vessel widening in arborescent monocots 2014 PETIT, GIAICARRER, MARCOANFODILLO, TOMMASO + TREE PHYSIOLOGY - -
Axial xylem architecture of Larix decidua exposed to CO2 enrichment and soil warming at the tree line 2018 Prendin, Angela LuisaPetit, Giai + FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY - -
Basipetal widening of xylem and phloem conduits along the stem in different woody species 2013 PETIT, GIAICRIVELLARO, ALAN - - Abstract book
Come un individuo di frassino maggiore realizza l'equi-resistenza idraulica in tutti i percorsi radici-foglie 2011 PETIT, GIAIANFODILLO, TOMMASO + - - Abstract book
Comment on "The blind men and the elephant: the impact of context and scale in evaluating conflicts between plant hydraulic safety and efficiency" by Meinzer et al. (2010) 2011 PETIT, GIAIANFODILLO, TOMMASO OECOLOGIA - -
Comparative axial widening of phloem and xylem conduits in small woody plants 2014 PETIT, GIAICRIVELLARO, ALAN TREES - -