Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - DiSC
Adsorbing surface strongly influences the pseudoperoxidase and nitrite reductase activity of electrode-bound yeast cytochrome c. The effect of hydrophobic immobilization
2020 Lancellotti, L.; Borsari, M.; Bonifacio, A.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Di Rocco, G.; Casalini, S.; Ranieri, A.; Battistuzzi, G.; Sola, M.
Biorecognition in organic field effect transistors biosensors: The role of the density of states of the organic semiconductor
2016 Berto, M.; Casalini, S.; Di Lauro, M.; Marasso, S. L.; Cocuzza, M.; Perrone, D.; Pinti, M.; Cossarizza, A.; Pirri, C. F.; Simon, D. T.; Berggren, M.; Zerbetto, F.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Biscarini, F.
Catalytic reduction of dioxygen and nitrite ion at a Met80Ala cytochrome c-functionalized electrode
2008 Casalini, S.; Battistuzzi, G.; Borsari, M.; Ranieri, A.; Sola, M.
Characterization and Modeling of Reduced-Graphene Oxide Ambipolar Thin-Film Transistors
2022 Lago, Nicolo; Buonomo, Marco; Hensel, Rafael Cintra; Sedona, Francesco; Sambi, Mauro; Casalini, Stefano; Cester, Andrea
Characterization and Modeling of Reduced-Graphene Oxide Ambipolar Thin-Film Transistors
2022 Lago, N; Buonomo, M; Hensel, Rc; Sedona, F; Sambi, M; Casalini, S; Cester, A
Charge-Injection Organic Gauges to Detect Dopamine Down to the Nanomolar Scale
2015 Leonardi, F.; Casalini, S.; Albonetti, C.; Kovtun, A.; Liscio, A.; Biscarini, F.
Cu-modified electrolyte-gated transistors based on reduced graphene oxide
2023 Hensel, Rc; Comisso, N; Musiani, M; Sedona, F; Sambi, M; Cester, A; Lago, N; Casalini, S
Double layer capacitance measured by organic field effect transistor operated in water
2012 Cramer, T.; Kyndiah, A.; Murgia, M.; Leonardi, F.; Casalini, S.; Biscarini, F.
EGOFET Gated by a Molecular Electronic Switch: A Single-Device Memory Cell
2019 Parkula, V.; Maglione, M. S.; Casalini, S.; Zhang, Q.; Greco, P.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Rovira, C.; Mas-Torrent, M.; Biscarini, F.
EGOFET Peptide Aptasensor for Label-Free Detection of Inflammatory Cytokines in Complex Fluids
2018 Berto, M.; Diacci, C.; D'Agata, R.; Pinti, M.; Bianchini, E.; Lauro, M. D.; Casalini, S.; Cossarizza, A.; Berggren, M.; Simon, D.; Spoto, G.; Biscarini, F.; Bortolotti, C. A.
Electrical release of dopamine and levodopa mediated by amphiphilic β-cyclodextrins immobilized on polycrystalline gold
2015 Foschi, G.; Leonardi, F.; Scala, A.; Biscarini, F.; Kovtun, A.; Liscio, A.; Mazzaglia, A.; Casalini, S.
Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistor Based on a Solution Sheared Organic Semiconductor Blend
2016 Leonardi, F.; Casalini, S.; Zhang, Q.; Galindo, S.; Gutierrez, D.; Mas-Torrent, M.
Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistor for Monitoring Amyloid Aggregation
2024 Ruiz-Molina, Sara; Martinez-Domingo, Carme; Ricci, Simona; Casalini, Stefano; Mas-Torrent, Marta
Electrolyte-gated organic synapse transistor interfaced with neurons
2016 Desbief, S.; di Lauro, M.; Casalini, S.; Guerin, D.; Tortorella, S.; Barbalinardo, M.; Kyndiah, A.; Murgia, M.; Cramer, T.; Biscarini, F.; Vuillaume, D.
Electron transfer and electrocatalytic properties of the immobilized Methionine80Alanine cytochrome c variant
2008 Casalini, S.; Battistuzzi, G.; Borsari, M.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Ranieri, A.; Sola, M.
Electron transfer properties and hydrogen peroxide electrocatalysis of cytochrome c variants at positions 67 and 80
2010 Casalini, S.; Battistuzzi, G.; Borsari, M.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Di Rocco, G.; Ranieri, A.; Sola, M.
Electrowetting of nitro-functionalized oligoarylene thiols self-assembled on polycrystalline gold
2015 Casalini, S.; Berto, M.; Bortolotti, C. A.; Foschi, G.; Operamolla, A.; Lauro, M. D.; Omar, O. H.; Liscio, A.; Pasquali, L.; Montecchi, M.; Farinola, G. M.; Borsari, M.
Enhanced performance of impedimetric immunosensors to detect SARS-CoV-2 with bare gold nanoparticles and graphene acetic acid
2025 Hensel, R. C.; Di Vizio, B.; Materòn, E. M.; Shimizu, F. M.; Angelim, M. K. S. C.; de Souza, G. F.; Módena, J. L. P.; Moraes-Vieira, P. M. M.; de Azevedo, R. B.; Litti, L.; Agnoli, S.; Casalini, S.; Oliveira, O. N.
Erratum: Characterization and Modeling of Reduced-Graphene Oxide Ambipolar Thin-Film Transistors (IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (2022) 69:6 (3192-3198) DOI: 10.1109/TED.2022.3169451)
2022 Lago, N.; Buonomo, M.; Hensel, R. C.; Sedona, F.; Sambi, M.; Casalini, S.; Cester, A.
Fluid Mixing for Low-Power ‘Digital Microfluidics’ Using Electroactive Molecular Monolayers
2018 Maglione, M. S.; Casalini, S.; Georgakopoulos, S.; Barbalinardo, M.; Parkula, V.; Crivillers, N.; Rovira, C.; Greco, P.; Mas-Torrent, M.