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Risultati 1 - 20 di 124 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.053 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A dynamic upper atmosphere of Venus as revealed by VIRTIS on Venus Express 2007 ANGRILLI, FRANCESCOSAGGIN, BORTOLINOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO + NATURE - -
A Schumann-like resonance on Titan driven by Saturn's magnetosphere possibly revealed by the Huygens Probe 2007 BETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO + ICARUS - -
A sounding rocket as a test bench for cost effective measurements: Development of a sounding rocket demonstrator test bench for aerospace technologies and atmospheric measurements 2015 POLI, MATTEOPEZZATO, MATTIADI IORIO, EUGENIOMASTRANGELO, ANDREAVENTURELLI, GIOVANNIDEBEI, STEFANOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO + - - 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, MetroAeroSpace 2015 - Proceedings
A stratospheric balloon experiment to test the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) 2004 ABOUDAN, ALESSIOANGRILLI, FRANCESCOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO + PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE - -
Aerodynamics Design of the Huygens Spin Vanes for the HASI 2003 ANTONELLO, MARCOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO ESA SP - -
Aerothermodynamic Simulations of the Huygens Probe During the Hasi Balloon Flight Campaign 2004 ANTONELLO, MARCOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOMASI, MASSIMO - - Proceedings of the International Workshop Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science
Aerothermodynamic simulations of the huygens probe during the HASI balloon flight campaign 2004 ANTONELLO, MARCOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOMASI, MASSIMO ESA SP - -
Analisi dell’incertezza nella ricostruzione 3D della superficie di Mercurio con la stereo camera di SIMBIO-SYS 2010 DEBEI, STEFANOPERTILE, MARCOABOUDAN, ALESSIOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOCOCUZZA, SILVIOFRISO, ENRICORAMOUS, PAOLOSEGATO, ELISAZACCARIOTTO, MIRCOCREMONESE, GABRIELE + - - Atti VIII Congresso Nazionale di Misure Meccaniche e Termiche
Analisi preliminare delle misure di temperatura dell'atmosfera di Titano 2005 BIANCHINI, GIANNANDREABETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOG. COLOMBATTIDEBEI, STEFANOFANTI, GIULIOFERRI, FRANCESCAB. SAGGIN + - - Vi Congresso nazionale Misure Meccaniche e Termiche
Analysis of the HASI accelerometers data measured during the impact phase of the Huygens probe on the surface of Titan by means of a simulation with a finite-element model 2008 BETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOZACCARIOTTO, MIRCOANGRILLI, FRANCESCO PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE - -
Application of tether technology to generate artificial gravity in a slowly-spinning system for human exploration missions 2024 Samuele EnzoCarlo Bettanini + - - 22nd IAA SYMPOSIUM ON VISIONS AND STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE
Applicazione di sistemi di misura su motocicli da competizione 2009 BETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOLORENZINI, ENRICODEBEI, STEFANO + TUTTO MISURE - -
Ascent trajectory of sounding balloons: dynamical models and mission data reconstruction 2023 C. BettaniniM. BartolomeiA. Aboudan + - MATERIALS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS Aeronautics and Astronautics AIDAA XXVII International Congress
AUTOMATIC COARSE CO-REGISTRATION OF POINT CLOUDS FROM DIVERSE SCAN GEOMETRIES: A TEST OF DETECTORS AND DESCRIPTORS 2023 Pirotti, F.Guarnieri, A.Chiodini, S.Bettanini, C. - - ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Autonomous re-entry system technology demonstrator for sounding rockets: Development of an automated control system as recovery device for precise landing of sounding rockets 2016 POLI, MATTEODONCHEV, TIHOL IVANOVPEZZATO, MATTIADI IORIO, EUGENIOSTANCO, ANDREADEBEI, STEFANOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLO + - - 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, MetroAeroSpace 2016 - Proceedings
Autonomous robot for subsoil exploration: GMD System development and integration 2007 ZACCARIOTTO, MIRCODEBEI, STEFANOBETTANINI FECIA DI COSSATO, CARLOPARZIANELLO, GIORGIOGIACOMETTI, MASSIMILIANO + - - 2nd International Workshop Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues
Avalanche Rescue with Autonomous Drones 2020 Iob, PietroDanieli, PieroOlivieri, LorenzoBettanini, Carlo + - - 2020 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace)
AVERLA: autonomous drone for avalanche rescue 2021 Toson F.De Giudici F.Piva A.Artusi P.Chilò C.Banzi D.Toccane A.Danieli P.Olivieri L.Bettanini C. - - AIDAA XXVI International Conference
Calibration activity of a sky quality meter for autonomous light pollution measurement 2021 Bartolomei M.Olivieri L.Bettanini C - - AIDAA XXVi International Conference
Calibration of an autonomous instrument for monitoring light pollution from drones 2019 Fiorentin P.Bettanini C. + SENSORS - -