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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
An extensional syn-sedimentary structure in the Early Jurassic Trento Platform (Southern Alps, Italy) as analogue of potential hydrocarbon reservoirs developing in rifting-affected carbonate platforms 2017 MARTINELLI, MATTIAFRANCESCHI, MARCOMASSIRONI, MATTEOSALVETTI, GIORDANOZAMPIERI, DARIO + MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY - -
Carbon isotope records reveal synchronicity between carbon cycle perturbation and the “Carnian Pluvial Event” in the Tethys realm (Late Triassic) 2015 CORSO, JACOPOFRANCESCHI, MARCOROGHI, GUIDOMarcello CaggiatiPRETO, NEREO + GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE - -
Carbonate platform crisis in the Carnian (Late Triassic) of Hanwang (Sichuan Basin, South China): Insights from conodonts and stable isotope data 2018 Jin, XinRigo, ManuelFranceschi, MarcoPreto, Nereo + JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES - -
Discrimination between marls and limestones using intensity data from terrestrial laser scanner 2009 FRANCESCHI, MARCOTEZA, GIORDANOPRETO, NEREOGALGARO, ANTONIO + ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING - -
Drowning of microbial mounds on the slopes of the Latemar platform (middle Triassic) 2020 Franceschi M.Preto N.Caggiati M.Gianolla P. + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES - -
Eustatic sea-level fall and global fluctuations in carbonate production during the Carnian Pluvial Episode 2022 Jin, XFranceschi, MMartini, RRigo, MPreto, N + EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS - -
Geological map of the Middle Triassic Latemar platform (Western Dolomites, Northern Italy) 2013 GRAMIGNA, PIERPARIDEFRANCESCHI, MARCOGATTOLIN, GIOVANNIPRETO, NEREOMASSIRONI, MATTEO + JOURNAL OF MAPS - -
Geometry and evolution of Triassic high-relief, isolated microbial platforms in the Dolomites, Italy: The Anisian Latemar and Carnian Sella platforms compared 2017 PRETO, NEREOFRANCESCHI, MARCOGATTOLIN, GIOVANNI + AAPG BULLETIN - -
Global-scale brittle plastic rheology at the cometesimals merging of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko 2020 Franceschi M.Penasa L.Massironi M.Naletto G.Ferrari S.Fondriest M. + PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -
Global-scale brittle plastic rheology at the cometesimals merging of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko 2020 Franceschi M.Penasa L.Massironi M.Ferrari S.Fondriest M. + PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -
High precipitation rate in a Middle Triassic carbonate platform: Implications on the relationship between seawater saturation state and carbonate production 2016 FRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREOMARANGON, ALESSANDRO + EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS - -
Integration of 3D modeling, aerial LiDAR and photogrammetry to study a synsedimentary structure in the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi (Southern Alps, Italy) 2015 FRANCESCHI, MARCOMARTINELLI, MATTIAMASSIRONI, MATTEO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING - -
Integration of intensity textures and local geometry descriptors from Terrestrial Laser Scanning to map chert in outcrops 2014 PENASA, LUCAFRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREOTEZA, GIORDANOPOLITO, VANESSA ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING - -
Laser scanned-based cyclostratigraphy: an example from a Paleocene hemipelagic succession of NE Italy 2008 FRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREOTEZA, GIORDANOGIUSBERTI, LUCAFORNACIARI, ELIANA RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA - -
Multiple negative carbon-isotope excursions during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic) 2018 Dal Corso, JacopoRigo, ManuelFranceschi, MarcoRoghi, GuidoMietto, PaoloCaggiati, MarcelloGattolin, GiovanniBreda, AnnaPreto, Nereo + EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS - -
Origin of facies zonation in microbial carbonate platform slopes: Clues from trace element and stable isotope geochemistry (Middle Triassic, Dolomites, Italy) 2018 Preto, NereoFranceschi, Marco + SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
Past to present deformation of the central-eastern Southern Alps: from the foreland to the Giudicarie belt 2018 Rigo, ManuelFranceschi, MarcoMartin, SilvanaRossato, SandroZampieri, Dario + GEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIPS & MAPS - -
Sequence stratigraphy after the demise of a high-relief carbonate platform (Carnian of the Dolomites): Sea-level and climate disentangled 2015 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIPRETO, NEREOBREDA, ANNAFRANCESCHI, MARCO + PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY - -
Spatial analysis of thickness variability applied to an Early Jurassic carbonate platform in the central Southern Alps (Italy): a tool to unravel syn-sedimentary faulting 2014 FRANCESCHI, MARCOMASSIRONI, MATTEO + TERRA NOVA - -