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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
3D Extension at Plate Boundaries Accommodated by Interacting Fault Systems 2020 Collanega L.Breda A.Massironi M. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
A continental/siliciclastic to shallow-marine/carbonate system in the Upper Triassic of Dolomites (Travenanzes Formation, northern Italy) 2008 BREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA - -
A revision of the Triassic sequence stratigraphic framework of the Dolomites (Italy). The impact of climate, volcanics, tectonic and changes in the carbonate factories 2014 PRETO, NEREOCaggiati M.BREDA, ANNA + - - Abstract volume
A varied ichnocoenosis in the Cretaceous Kem Kem Beds of Morocco 2011 BREDA, ANNAGATTOLIN, GIOVANNI + - - -
Allogenic vs autogenic control of post-LGM infill architecture in the Ombrone paleovalley (Southern Tuscany, Italy) 2014 BREDA, ANNA + - - Abstract volume
An alluvial plain - sabkha - lagoon system in the Upper Triassic of the Dolomites, northern Italy. 2006 BREDA, ANNAMASSARI, FRANCESCOMENEGUOLO, RENATAPRETO, NEREO - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Anatomy of a 65 m-thick post-glacial succession: The Ombrone paleovalley system of southern Tuscany (Italy). 2013 BREDA, ANNA + - - Abstract volume
Anatomy of an Upper Triassic continental to marginal-marine system: the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Travenanzes Formation (Dolomites, northern Italy) 2011 BREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
Application of 3D modeling to highlight depositional geometry changes. A case study from Tofane Group (Dolomites, Italy). 2012 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIFRANCESCHI, MARCOTEZA, GIORDANOBREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO - - -
Carbon cycle perturbations recorded by 13C of bulk organic matter: the Carnian Pluvial Event in the Dolomites, northern Italy 2015 PRETO, NEREOBREDA, ANNARIGO, MANUELROGHI, GUIDO + - - EGU General Assembly 2015
Carbonate microfacies analysis of penecontemporaneous dolomites of the Carnian Travenanzes Formation (Southern Alps, Italy) 2016 Anna BredaNereo Preto + GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Carta geologica regionale scala 1:25.000 - Foglio257-Dolceacqua e Foglio 270-Ventimiglia 2012 BREDA, ANNA + - - -
Chronicle of a carbonate platform demise: facies and geometry changes and the roles of climate and sea-level 2016 Giovanni GattolinNereo PretoAnna BredaMarco Franceschi + - - Abstracts book of the Dolomieu Conference on carbonate platforms and dolomite
Climate vs. sea level change on the generation of carbonate depositional sequences: the case of the Carnian (Late Triassic) of the Dolomites 2014 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIBREDA, ANNAFRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
Climatic control of arenites: an example from the Carnian (Upper Triassic) of the Dolomites (northern Italy). 2006 MENEGUOLO, RENATAPRETO, NEREOBREDA, ANNA - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Continental to shallow marine carbonate-siliciclastic sedimentation in high-subsidence vs. low-subsidence settings (Upper Carnian of Southern Alps, Italy). 2009 BREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO + - - 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists
Contribution to the magnetostratigraphy of the Carnian: New magneto-biostratigraphic constraints from Pignola-2 and Dibona marine sections, Italy 2017 MARON, MATTEOROGHI, GUIDOBREDA, ANNARIGO, MANUEL + NEWSLETTERS ON STRATIGRAPHY - -
Demise of Late Triassic carbonate platforms triggered the onset of a tide-dominated depositional system in the Dolomites, Northern Italy 2013 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIBREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY - -
Depositional canyon heads at the edge of narrow and tectonically steepened continental shelves: comparing geomorphic elements, processes and facies in modern and outcrop examples 2017 Breda AnnaMellere Donatella + MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY - -
Depositional systems of the Eastern Southern Alps (NE Italy, W Slovenia) during the late Carnian. 2012 Caggiati M.BREDA, ANNARIGO, MANUEL + RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA - -