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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Late Triassic major negative d13C spike linked to Wrangellia LIP: the Carnian Pluvial Event revealed 2011 DAL CORSO, JACOPOMIETTO, PAOLOPRETO, NEREOROGHI, GUIDO + MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE - Abstract volume
Ammonoid-calibrated sporomorph assemblages reflect a shift from hygrophytic to xerophytic elements in the late Anisian (Middle Triassic) of the Southern Alps (Italy) 2014 DAL CORSO, JACOPOPRETO, NEREOMIETTO, PAOLO + REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY - -
Anthropogenic-scale CO2 degassing from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province as a driver of the end-Triassic mass extinction 2022 Capriolo M.Dal Corso J.Marzoli A. + GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE - -
Assessing the causes of the end-Triassic biotic crisis: a review 2014 MARZOLI, ANDREABELLIENI, GIULIANODAL CORSO, JACOPOCALLEGARO, SARA + - - Abstract Volume
Carbon isotope perturbation and intensification of Pangea mega-monsoon in the Carnian (early Late Triassic) 2014 DAL CORSO, JACOPOFRANCESCHI, MARCOCaggiati M.ROGHI, GUIDOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
Carbon-isotope variability of Triassic amber, as compared with wood and leaves (Southern Alps, Italy) 2011 DAL CORSO, JACOPOPRETO, NEREOMIETTO, PAOLO + PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY - -
Deep carbon in CAMP and the T-J mass extinction: new perspectives on LIPs through melt inclusions 2019 Capriolo M.Marzoli A.Callegaro S.Dal Corso J.Bartoli O.Spiess R. + - - -
Deep carbon in CAMP and the T-J mass extinction: new perspectives on LIPs through melt inclusions 2019 Capriolo M.Marzoli A.Callegaro S.Dal Corso J.Bartoli O.Spiess R. + - - -
Direct link between end-Triassic CAMP volcanism, C-cycle perturbation and mass extinction 2013 MARZOLI, ANDREADAL CORSO, JACOPO + - - Mineralogical Magazine
Discovery of a major negative d13C spike in the Carnian (Late Triassic) linked to the eruption of Wrangellia flood basalts 2012 DAL CORSO, JACOPOMIETTO, PAOLOPRETO, NEREO + GEOLOGY - -
Effects of ocean acidification in a supersaturated ocean (Carnian, Late Triassic) 2011 PRETO, NEREODAL CORSO, JACOPOROGHI, GUIDO MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE - Abstract volume
Evaluating the use of amber in palaeoatmospheric reconstructions: The carbon-isotope variability of modern and Cretaceous conifer resins 2017 DAL CORSO, JACOPOPRETO, NEREORAGAZZI, EUGENIOROGHI, GUIDO + GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA - -
Field trip to Permo-Triassic Palaeobotanical and Palynological sites of the Southern Alps 2014 ROGHI, GUIDOBERNARDI, MASSIMODAL CORSO, JACOPOFORTE, GIUSEPPARAGAZZI, EUGENIO + GEO.ALP - -
Gas emissions of CAMP basalts at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary 2014 MARZOLI, ANDREACALLEGARO, SARADAL CORSO, JACOPO + - - Abstract Volume
Gas exsolution bubbles in melt inclusions of CAMP basaltic rocks 2019 Capriolo M.Marzoli A.Bartoli O.Callegaro S.Dal Corso J. + - - -
Increasing influence of soil respiration on the δ13C of carbonates in a marginal marine to continental transect (upper Carnian Travenanzes Formation, Dolomites, Italy). 2012 BREDA, ANNADAL CORSO, JACOPOPRETO, NEREO + - - -
Late Triassic climate change recorded by the oxygen isotopic composition of early diagenetic dolomite (Dolomites, Northern Italy) 2018 Breda A.Preto N.Dal Corso J. + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Lipid biomarkers in shales and carbonates of the "upper Cassian beds" (Heiligkreuz Fm.) of the Dolomites: a preliminary report 2011 PRETO, NEREODAL CORSO, JACOPOGATTOLIN, GIOVANNIROGHI, GUIDO + - - Abstract volume
Marine or continental dolomite in the upper Carnian Travenanzes Formation (Dolomites, Italy)? Stable isotopes can tell 2011 BREDA, ANNADAL CORSO, JACOPOPRETO, NEREO + - - 28th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists
Massive methane fluxing from magma–sediment interaction in the end-Triassic Central Atlantic Magmatic Province 2021 Capriolo M.Marzoli A.Bartoli O.Dal Corso J. + NATURE COMMUNICATIONS - -