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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
3D modeling of a complex carbonate platform: the case of the Latemar (Middle Triassic, Dolomites) 2011 FRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREOGATTOLIN, GIOVANNIMARANGON, ALESSANDRO + - - Abstract volume
A new tool in cyclostratigraphy: terrestrial laser scanner imaging reveals astronomical forcing in the Early Cretaceous of the Tethys realm 2011 FRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
A snapshot of Middle Triassic seawater from the geochemistry of marine cements along a steep carbonate platform slope – Latemar platform, Dolomites, Italy 2016 PRETO, NEREOFRANCESCHI, MARCO + - - Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomit
An extensional syn-sedimentary structure in the Early Jurassic Trento Platform (Southern Alps, Italy) as analogue of potential hydrocarbon reservoirs developing in rifting-affected carbonate platforms 2017 MARTINELLI, MATTIAFRANCESCHI, MARCOMASSIRONI, MATTEOSALVETTI, GIORDANOZAMPIERI, DARIO + MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY - -
An Upper Anisian microbial platform: the Latemar (western Dolomites, Italy) 2011 MARANGON, ALESSANDROGATTOLIN, GIOVANNIFRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
Application of 3D modeling to highlight depositional geometry changes. A case study from Tofane Group (Dolomites, Italy). 2012 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIFRANCESCHI, MARCOTEZA, GIORDANOBREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO - - -
Application of Implicit 3D Modelling to Reconstruct the Layered Structure of the Comet 67P 2022 Luca PenasaMatteo MassironiMarco FranceschiGiampiero NalettoSabrina FerrariIvano BertiniElisa FrattinFiorangela La Forgia + - - 3D Digital Geological Models: From Terrestrial Outcrops to Planetary Surfaces
Application of terrestrial laser scanner to cyclostratigraphy 2008 Franceschi, Marco - - -
Carbon isotope perturbation and intensification of Pangea mega-monsoon in the Carnian (early Late Triassic) 2014 DAL CORSO, JACOPOFRANCESCHI, MARCOCaggiati M.ROGHI, GUIDOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
Carbon isotope records reveal synchronicity between carbon cycle perturbation and the “Carnian Pluvial Event” in the Tethys realm (Late Triassic) 2015 CORSO, JACOPOFRANCESCHI, MARCOROGHI, GUIDOMarcello CaggiatiPRETO, NEREO + GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE - -
Carbonate platform crisis in the Carnian (Late Triassic) of Hanwang (Sichuan Basin, South China): Insights from conodonts and stable isotope data 2018 Jin, XinRigo, ManuelFranceschi, MarcoPreto, Nereo + JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES - -
Chronicle of a carbonate platform demise: facies and geometry changes and the roles of climate and sea-level 2016 Giovanni GattolinNereo PretoAnna BredaMarco Franceschi + - - Abstracts book of the Dolomieu Conference on carbonate platforms and dolomite
Climate vs. sea level change on the generation of carbonate depositional sequences: the case of the Carnian (Late Triassic) of the Dolomites 2014 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIBREDA, ANNAFRANCESCHI, MARCOPRETO, NEREO + - - Abstract volume
Cyclostratigraphic investigations in the Calcare Massiccio (Early Jurassic, Umbria-Marche Basin) through photogrammetry 2019 Penasa L.Franceschi M.Gattolin G.Preto N. + - SPECIAL PAPER - GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Special Paper of the Geological Society of America
Discrimination between marls and limestones using intensity data from terrestrial laser scanner 2009 FRANCESCHI, MARCOTEZA, GIORDANOPRETO, NEREOGALGARO, ANTONIO + ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING - -
Drowning and survival of isolated carbonate buildups in a fast subsiding setting (Middle Triassic of the Dolomites, Southern Alps) 2019 Caggiati M.Franceschi M. + - - 34th IAS Meeting - Abstract Book
Drowning of microbial mounds on the slopes of the Latemar platform (middle Triassic) 2020 Franceschi M.Preto N.Caggiati M.Gianolla P. + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES - -
Eustatic sea-level fall and global fluctuations in carbonate production during the Carnian Pluvial Episode 2022 Jin, XFranceschi, MMartini, RRigo, MPreto, N + EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS - -
Facies and geometries of carbonate platforms of the Dolomites after the Carnian Pluvial Event (CPE). 2012 GATTOLIN, GIOVANNIFRANCESCHI, MARCOBREDA, ANNAPRETO, NEREO RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA - Abstract Volume