Università di Padova
5 anni di esclusione delle precipitazioni non inducono significative modifiche anatomico-funzionali in individui maturi di Picea abies e Fagus sylvatica
2022 Zambonini, Dario; Hesse, B; Häberle, K-H; Petit, G
Consistent decrease in conifer embolism resistance from the stem apex to base resulting from axial trends in tracheid and pit traits
2024 Zambonini, Dario; Savi, Tadeja; Rosner, Sabine; Petit, Giai
L’assimilazione di sostanze perfluoro alchiliche (PFAS) nelle piante determinano una maggiore vulnerabilità alla cavitazione sul trasporto idraulico in piante di salice
2022 Zambonini, Dario; Battisti, Ilaria; Masi, Antonio; Petit, Giai
No xylem phenotypic plasticity in mature Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica trees after five years of throughfall precipitation exclusion
2022 Petit, Giai; Zambonini, Dario; Hesse, Benjamin D; Häberle, Karl-Heinz
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) exposure alters xylem hydraulics and gas exchange in willow plants
2022 Battisti, Ilaria; Ebinezer, LEONARD BARNABAS; Trentin, ANNA RITA; Zambonini, Dario; Barion, Giuseppe; Petit, Giai; Masi, Antonio
Perfluoroalkyl substances exposure alters stomatal opening and xylem hydraulics in willow plants
2023 Battisti, Ilaria; Zambonini, Dario; Ebinezer, Leonard Barnabas; Trentin, Anna Rita; Meggio, Franco; Petit, Giai; Masi, Antonio
RESISTANCE TO XYLEM EMBOLISM IN CONIFER TREES: Apex-to-base anatomical patterns determines a steep axial variation in xylem embolism resistance along the stem in Abies alba and Picea abies
2022 Zambonini, D.; Zagudaeva, K.; Savi, T.; Rosner, S.; Petit, G.
Structure-function relationships of the hydraulic architecture of trees under climate change
2023 Zambonini, Dario
Susceptibility to Xylella fastidiosa and functional xylem anatomy in Olea europaea: revisiting a tale of plant–pathogen interaction
2021 Petit, Giai; Bleve, Gianluca; Gallo, Antonia; Mita, Giovanni; Montanaro, Giuseppe; Nuzzo, Vitale; Zambonini, Dario; Pitacco, Andrea
The lesson learnt from two long-term precipitation exclusion experiments: how intensity and duration of drought may influence xylem and phloem plasticity
2022 Zambonini, Dario; Hesse, Benjamin; Häberle, Karl-Heinz; Peltier, Drew; Trowbridge, Amy; Adams, Henry; Mcdowell, Nate; Petit, Giai
The lesson learnt from two long-term precipitation exclusion experiments: xylem/phloem plasticity is not a real option in trees
2022 Zambonini, Dario; Benjamin, Hesse; Karl-Heinz, Häberle; Drew, Peltier; Amy, Trowbridge; Henry, Adams; Nate, Mcdowell; Petit, Giai
Time- and depth-resolved mechanistic assessment of water stress in Australian ecosystems under the CMIP6 scenarios
2021 Guglielmo, Magda; Zambonini, Dario; Porta, Giovanni; Malik, Arunima; Tang, Fiona. H. M.; Maggi, Federico
Trait selection and community weighting are key to understanding ecosystem responses to changing precipitation regimes
2018 Griffin-Nolan, R. J.; Bushey, J. A.; Carroll, C. J. W.; Challis, A.; Chieppa, J.; Garbowski, M.; Hoffman, A. M.; Post, A. K.; Slette, I. J.; Spitzer, D.; Zambonini, D.; Ocheltree, T. W.; Tissue, D. T.; Knapp, A. K.