Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione - DPSS  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 117 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.039 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comprehensive meta-analysis on Problematic Facebook Use 2018 MARINO, CLAUDIAGini, GianlucaVieno, Alessio + COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR - -
A meta-analysis of the differential relations of traditional and cyber-victimization with internalizing problems 2018 Gini, GianlucaPozzoli, Tiziana + AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR - -
A short-term longitudinal study on the development of moral disengagement among schoolchildren: the role of collective moral disengagement, authoritative teaching, and student-teacher relationship quality 2024 Gini G.Pozzoli T. + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Active Defending and Passive Bystanding Behavior in Bullying: The Role of Personal Characteristics and Perceived Peer Pressure 2010 POZZOLI, TIZIANAGINI, GIANLUCA JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY - -
Association between bullying and psychosomatic problems: A meta-analysis 2009 GINI, GIANLUCAPOZZOLI, TIZIANA PEDIATRICS - -
Associations among overt and relational victimization and adolescents' satisfaction with friends: The moderating role of the need for affective relationships with friends 2008 GINI, GIANLUCA JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE - -
Associations between bullying, psychosomatic symptoms, emotional and behavioral problems. 2008 GINI, GIANLUCA JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH - -
Associations between facial emotion recognition and young adolescents' behaviors in bullying 2017 Pozzoli, TizianaGini, GianlucaAltoè, Gianmarco PLOS ONE - -
Associations between individual and collective efficacy beliefs and students' bystander behavior 2020 Thornberg R.Gini G. + PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS - -
Associations between peer victimization, perceived teacher unfairness, and adolescents' adjustment and well-being 2018 Gini, GianlucaMarino, ClaudiaPozzoli, Tiziana + JOURNAL OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Associations between students’ bystander behavior and individual and classroom collective moral disengagement 2021 Thornberg R.Gini G. + EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Associations of traditional and peer cyber-victimization with adolescents’ internet use: A latent profile analysis 2019 Gini G.Marino C.Pozzoli T. + CYBERPSYCHOLOGY - -
Behavior during cyberbullying episodes: Initial validation of a new self-report scale 2020 Pozzoli, TizianaGini, Gianluca SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY - -
Brief report: Adaptation of the Italian Version of the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale to the adolescent population 2006 GINI, GIANLUCA JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE - -
Bullied children and psychosomatic problems: A meta-analysis 2013 GINI, GIANLUCAPOZZOLI, TIZIANA PEDIATRICS - -
Bullies have enhanced moral competence to judge relative to victims, but lack moral compassion 2011 GINI, GIANLUCAPOZZOLI, TIZIANA + PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES - -
Bullismo a scuola: fattori psico-sociali associati ai ruoli di difensore della vittima e osservatore passivo. 2010 POZZOLI, TIZIANAGINI, GIANLUCA PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITÀ - -
Bullismo e vittimizzazione: il ruolo degli stili genitoriali durante la fase preadolescenziale 2007 VIENO, ALESSIOGINI, GIANLUCASANTINELLO, MASSIMOMIRANDOLA, MASSIMO TERAPIA FAMILIARE - -
Bully/victim roles in primary school children: Self-report or peer-nominations? 2006 GINI, GIANLUCA EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY - -
Bullying and defending behavior: The role of explicit and implicit moral cognition 2016 POZZOLI, TIZIANAGINI, GIANLUCA + JOURNAL OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY - -