2006 Bertoncello, Renzo; B., DAL BIANCO; S., Voltolina
A DV-Xa Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic Structure of some Tris(cyclopentadienyl) Complexes of U(IV)
1986 D., Ajò; Bertoncello, Renzo; Casarin, Maurizio; E., Ciliberto; I., Fragalà; A., Gulino; A., Vittadini
A multidisciplinary approach to conservation: a case study of Ignatius of Loyola's autograph diario spirituale
2019 Zoleo, Alfonso; Rossi, Cecilia; Mancuso, Alessia; Bertoncello, Renzo; Melania, Zanetti
A Study of sputtered Fe-Al Multilayers and their Stability at 400 K in Oxidizing Atmosphere
1994 M., Carbucicchio; G., Palombarini; Bertoncello, Renzo; Glisenti, Antonella; Tondello, Eugenio; G., Sberverglieri
Accelerated ageing tests on carbonate stones and assessment of their recession rate
2018 Salvini, Silvia; Mazzoli, Claudio; Massironi, Matteo; Pozzobon, Riccardo; Bertoncello, Renzo; Maritan, Lara
Ag and S ion implantation: chemical and physical investigation
1996 Bertoncello, R.; Battaglin, G.; Caccavale, F.; Cattaruzza, E.; Colombo, P.; Daolio, S.; Gross, Silvia; Mazzoldi, P.; Trivillin, F.
Aging of Fe-Al Thin Films Multilayers in Oxidizing Environment in the 300-400 K Range
1994 M., Carbucicchio; G., Palombarini; Bertoncello, Renzo; Glisenti, Antonella; Tondello, Eugenio; G., Sberveglieri
Alteration and corrosion phenomena in Roman submerged glass fragments
2004 Barbana, F; Bertoncello, Renzo; Milanese, L; Sada, Cinzia
An archeometric study of the bulk and surface weathering characterisitcs of Early Medieval (5th-7th century) glass from the Po valley, northern Italy
2004 Salviulo, Gabriella; Silvestri, Alberta; Molin, Gianmario; Bertoncello, Renzo
An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure of Zinc Thiophenolate-Capped Clusters
1997 Bertoncello, Renzo; Bettinelli, M; Casarin, Maurizio; Maccato, Chiara; Pandolfo, Luciano; Vittadini, A.
An X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of the Surface Composition of CoxFe80−xSi10B10 Metallic Glasses
1995 Glisenti, Antonella; Bertoncello, Renzo; Casarin, Maurizio; D., Marcolin; Granozzi, Gaetano; M., Baricco; E., Angelini
Analisi del degrado delle ceramiche
2008 Bertoncello, Renzo
Ancient glass artefacts: from the conservator practice to a scientific inorganic chemical approach
2001 Bertoncello, Renzo
Angle-Resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy contribution to the elucidation of the mechanism of cathodic deposition of As-Sb alloys
1994 Bertoncello, Renzo; Glisenti, Antonella; Granozzi, Gaetano; M. M., Musiani
Angle-resolved XPS contributin to the elucidation of the mechanism of cathodic deposition of As-Sb alloys
1993 Bertoncello, Renzo; Glisenti, Antonella; Granozzi, Gaetano; M., Musiani
Application of multispectral imaging and portable spectroscopic instruments to the analysis of an ancient persian illuminated manuscript
2021 Rossi, C.; Zoleo, A.; Bertoncello, R.; Meneghetti, M.; Deiana, R.
Archaeometric study of Medieval glass: compositional and structural characterization of bulk and surface
2001 Silvestri, Alberta; Bertoncello, Renzo; Molin, Gianmario; Salviulo, Gabriella
Archaeometric study of Medieval glass: compositional and structural characterization of bulk and surface
2001 Salviulo, Gabriella; Silvestri, Alberta; Molin, Gianmario; Bertoncello, Renzo
Archaeometric study of Medieval glass: compositional and structural characterization of bulk and surface
2000 Salviulo, Gabriella; Silvestri, Alberta; Molin, Gianmario; Bertoncello, Renzo
Archeometric study of Medieval glass: compositional and structural characterization of bulk and surfaces
2001 Silvestri, Alberta; Bertoncello, Renzo; Molin, Gianmario; Salviulo, Gabriella