Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica (DBC)  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 39 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.047 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
"Analisi chimico-fisiche del colore" 2009 BRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSANODARI, LUCAZOLEO, ALFONSO - - Carte scoperte: il restauro del codice 29 della Biblioteca del Seminario vescovile di Padova", a cura di Leonardo Granata, NovaCharta ed.,2009
A customised atmospheric pressure plasma jet for conservation requirements 2018 Patelli, A.Nodari, L. + IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Florence Heri-Tech - The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies
A universal curve of apatite crystallinity for the assessment of bone integrity and preservation 2018 Dal Sasso, GregorioAngelini, IvanaNodari, LucaArtioli, Gilberto + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Assessment of plasma torches as innovative tool for cleaning of historical stone materials 2016 VOLTOLINA, STEFANONODARI, LUCAPATELLI, ALESSANDRO + JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE - -
Characterization of Pigment and Binder in Badly Conserved Illuminations of a 15th-Century Manuscript 2013 ZOLEO, ALFONSONODARI, LUCARUSSO, UMBERTOBRUSTOLON, MARINA ROSA + ARCHAEOMETRY - -
Characterization of Synthetic Iron Oxides and their Performance as Support for Au Catalysts 2010 CENTOMO, PAOLOZECCA, MARCODI NOTO, VITOLAVINA, SANDRABOMBI, GIUSEPPE GIORGIONODARI, LUCASALVIULO, GABRIELLA + CHEMCATCHEM - -
Charge binding of rhodaminederivative to OH- stabilized nanomaghemite: universal nanocarrier for construction of magnetofluorescent biosensor 2012 MAGRO, MASSIMILIANOSINIGAGLIA, GIULIETTANODARI, LUCASALVIULO, GABRIELLARUSSO, UMBERTOVIANELLO, FABIO + ACTA BIOMATERIALIA - -
Coordination polymers formed by diorganotin dichlorides with 2,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole 2006 ETTORRE, RENATOMARTON, DANIELENODARI, LUCARUSSO, UMBERTO JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY - -
Coprecipitation of Oxalates: An Easy and Reproducible Wet-Chemistry Synthesis Route for Transition-Metal Ferrites 2014 DIODATI, STEFANONODARI, LUCANATILE, MARTA MARIADI NOTO, VITOSAINI, ROBERTAGROSS, SILVIA + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - -
Determinazione della temperatura massima di cottura di manufatti ceramici: verifica dell’affidabilità del metodo della ricottura 2006 NODARI, LUCAMARITAN, LARAMAZZOLI, CLAUDIORUSSO, UMBERTO + - - -
Differentiating between long and short range disorder in infra-red spectra: On the meaning of "crystallinity" in silica 2017 ASSCHER, YOTAMDal Sasso, GregorioNodari, LucaAngelini, IvanaArtioli, Gilberto + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -
DNA binding, cleavage and cytotoxicity of a novel dimetallic Fe(III) triaza-cyclononane complex 2016 GANDIN, VALENTINABRAUDE, JEREMY PHILLIPNODARI, LUCA + INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA - -
Effect of temperature on the release and remobilization of ecotoxic elements in AMD colloidal precipitates: the example of the Libiola copper mine, Liguria, (Italy) 2016 SALVIULO, GABRIELLAZORZI, FEDERICONODARI, LUCABADOCCO, DENIS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Fe3+ reduction during biotite melting in graphitic metapelites: another origin of CO2 in granulites 2005 CESARE, BERNARDONODARI, LUCARUSSO, UMBERTO + CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY - -
Hematite nucleation and growth in the firing of carbonate-rich clay for pottery production 2007 NODARI, LUCAMARCUZZI, ENRICOMARITAN, LARAMAZZOLI, CLAUDIO + JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY - -
Ignatius of Loyola’s Exercitia Spiritualia: Spectroscopic Monitoring and Nanomaterials for an Integrated Conservation Methodology on Ink-degraded Manuscripts 2018 Alfonso ZoleoLuca NodariMaddalena Bronzato + MANUSCRIPT CULTURES - -
Influence of firing conditions on ceramic products: Experimental study on clay rich in organic matter 2006 MARITAN, LARANODARI, LUCAMAZZOLI, CLAUDIO + APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE - -
Influenza del rapporto Ca/Fe nella trasformazione degli ossidi di Fe durante cotture sperimentali in condizioni controllate 2006 NODARI, LUCAMARITAN, LARAMAZZOLI, CLAUDIORUSSO, UMBERTO + - - -
Inorganic-organic interpenetrating frameworks: oxi-hydroxide iron(III) inside poly-4-vinylpyridine-methacrylic acid-N,N '- methylenebisacrylamide. Part I: Synthesis and macrostructure 2005 CENTOMO, PAOLONODARI, LUCARUSSO, UMBERTOZECCA, MARCOCORAIN, BENEDETTO COMPOSITE INTERFACES - -