Settore Laboratori di ricerca e didattica "C.A.S.A."-DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A unique midgut-associated bacterial community hosted by the cave beetle Cansiliella servadeii (Coleoptera: Leptodirini) reveals parallel phylogenetic divergences from universal gut-specific ancestors 2013 PAOLETTI, MAURIZIOMAZZON, LUCAMartinez Sañudo I.SIMONATO, MAUROGOMIERO, TIZIANOTONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARACONCHERI, GIUSEPPESQUARTINI, ANDREA + BMC MICROBIOLOGY - -
Analysis, determination and cultivation of endophytic fungi associated with the orchid Spiranthes spiralis. 2009 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRAVENDRAMIN, ELENAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Antioxidant treatments counteract the non-culturability of bacterial endophytes isolated from legume nodules 2013 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRAPOLONE, ELISABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA + ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Bacterial endophyte Bacillus licheniformis primes Vitis vinifera l. cv. glera confers a better tolerance to dehydration. 2017 Zottini M.Barizza E.Zanella F.Tondello A.Lo Schiavo F.Squartini A.Baldan B. + - - Book of Abstract : Proceedings of the Joint Congress SIBV - SIGA
Biocontrol traits of Bacillus licheniformis GL174, a culturable endophyte of Vitis vinifera cv. Glera 06 Biological Sciences 0604 Genetics 06 Biological Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 06 Biological Sciences 0605 Microbiology 2018 Nigris, SebastianoBaldan, EnricoTondello, AlessandraZANELLA, FILIPPO GIACOMOVitulo, NicolaFavaro, GabriellaTelatin, AndreaBarizza, ElisabettaMarcato, StefaniaZottini, MichelaSquartini, AndreaValle, GiorgioBaldan, Barbara + BMC MICROBIOLOGY - -
Characterization of bacteria associated to nodules of two endemic legumes of Algeria: Hedysarum naudinianum and Hedysarum perrauderianum. 2014 ROMOLI, OTTAVIAZANARDO, MARINABALDAN, ENRICOALBERGHINI, SARATONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA + ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Characterization of bacterial communities isolated from municipal waste compost and screening of their plant-interactive phenotypes 2022 Alessandra TondelloAndrea FasoloStefania MarcatoLaura TreuGiuseppe ConcheriAndrea SquartiniBarbara Baldan + SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
Co-localizing symbiont and endophytic bacteria in legumes by tagging with different fluorescent proteins. 2009 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Coexistence of predominantly nonculturable rhizobia with diverse,endophytic bacterial taxa within nodules of wild legumes 2008 POLONE, ELISABALDAN, BARBARATONDELLO, ALESSANDRAALBERGHINI, SARASQUARTINI, ANDREA + FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY - -
Compost, micro-organisms and plants: stimulating a natural dialogue for sustainable future 2018 Andrea FasoloAlessandra TondelloStefania MarcatoTiziano BonatoWerner ZanardiElisabetta BarizzaMichela ZottiniGiuseppe ConcheriAndrea SquartiniBarbara Baldan - - ABSTRACTS KEYNOTE LECTURES, COMMUNICATIONS, POSTERS
Compost, microrganismi e piante: stimolare un dialogo naturale per un futuro sostenibile 2017 Tondello AlessandraFASOLO, ANDREAConcheri GiuseppeBONATO, TIZIANOZANARDI, WERNERSquartini AndreaBarizza ElisabettaZottini MichelaBaldan Barbara + - - Poster session. Workshop SESA Recenti sviluppi nello studio della contaminazione chimica per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente
Compost, microrganismi e piante: un dialogo naturale per un futuro sostenibile 2019 A. TondelloA. FasoloS. MarcatoE. BarizzaM. ZottiniG. ConcheriA. SquartiniB. Baldan + - - Conferenza sui fertilizzanti organici di qualità e la conservazione della fertilità organica del suolo - SESSIONE TECNICA
Determining the hierarchical order by which intestinal tract, administered diet, and individual relay can shape the gut microbiome of fattening quails 2024 Bertoldo G.Tondello A.Concheri G.Cullere M.Stevanato P.Zotte A. D.Squartini A. + PLOS ONE - -
Difference in composition and functional analysis of bacterial communities between Mytilus galloprovincialis gills and surrounding water in a brackish inshore bay, analyzed by 16S rDNA multi-amplicon sequencing 2024 Zardinoni, GiuliaRavi, SamathmikaGiagnoni, LuciaTondello, AlessandraDacasto, MauroSquartini, AndreaTrocino, AngelaStevanato, Piergiorgio + ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Dual mycorrhizal infection of non-rhizoctonial nature in roots of the endangered orchid Orchis militaris L. 2007 VENDRAMIN, ELENATONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINASQUARTINI, ANDREA + - - Book of abstracts
Edophytes Watching: combining molecular and microscopy approches to isolate, identify, tag, and monitor fungi and bacteria inside plants 2010 Tondello, Alessandra - - -
Fungi associated with the southern Eurasian orchid Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall 2012 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRAVENDRAMIN, ELENAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA FUNGAL BIOLOGY - -
Grapevine endophytic bacteria: plant colonization potential and effects on plant physiology 2015 Zottini M.Barizza E.Tondello A.Petrin S.Zanella F. G.Squartini A.Baldan B. + - - Book of Abstract Joint congress SIBV-SIGA 8-11 Settembre 2015 Milano
Identification of the root nodule symbiont of the rare legume species Hedysarum confertum Desf. (Hedysarum humile L.) in its Italian relictual site 2011 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA + PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -