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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
20,000 years of landscape evolution at Ca' Tron (Venice, Italy): paleoenviroment, archaeology, VR webGIS. 2007 BONDESAN, ALDINOBONETTO, JACOPOBUSANA, MARIA STELLAMIOLA, ANTONELLAMOZZI, PAOLOM. C. Villani + - - Hidden Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe. Cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies
A first checklist of the alien-dominated vegetation in Italy 2020 Villani M. + PLANT SOCIOLOGY - -
A methodological protocol for Annex i Habitats monitoring: The contribution of vegetation science 2016 Caruso G.Sburlino G.Villani M. + PLANT SOCIOLOGY - -
A morphological, caryological and morphometrical analysis of Teucrium euganeum Vis. and its allies 2004 Tornadore N.Marcucci R.Villani M. + PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -
A note on the author citation and typification of Cineraria aurantiaca Hoppe (Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. aurantiaca; Asteraceae) 2021 Villani M. + PHYTOTAXA - -
A note on the type of the name Rhizobotrya alpina (Brassicaceae) 2015 Villani M.Marcucci R. + PHYTOTAXA - -
An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types 2019 Villani M.Marcucci R. + PHYTOTAXA - -
An inventory of the names of vascular plants endemic to Italy, their loci classici and types 2015 Villani M. + PHYTOTAXA - -
Analysis, determination and cultivation of endophytic fungi associated with the orchid Spiranthes spiralis. 2009 TONDELLO, ALESSANDRAVENDRAMIN, ELENAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINABALDAN, BARBARASQUARTINI, ANDREA ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY - -
Are Red Lists really useful for plant conservation? The New Red List of the Italian Flora in the perspective of national conservation policies 2014 Villani M. C. + PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -
Are the ancient forests of the Eastern Po Plain large enough for a long term conservation of herbaceous nemoral species? 2012 Villani M. + PLANT BIOSYSTEMS - -
At the intersection of cultural and natural heritage: Distribution and conservation of the type localities of Italian endemic vascular plants 2017 Villani M. + BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION - -
Caratterizzazione di un arboreto da biomassa della pianura mantovana con disparità  di sviluppo 2010 CONCHERI, GIUSEPPETATEO, FABIOSTEVANATO, PIERGIORGIOVILLANI, MARIACRISTINASQUARTINI, ANDREA - - Biodiversità  e Sostenibilità  nelle Produzioni Primarie. Raccolta dei Riassunti del XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società  Italiana di Chimica Agraria
Ci vuole un fiore 2021 Villani Mariacristina - - -
Cistus laurifolius L. subsp. Laurifolius 2015 Villani M. + INFORMATORE BOTANICO ITALIANO - -
Conoscenza, tutela e valorizzazione di siti archeologici mediante applicazioni virtuali: il caso di Ca'Tron (Venezia, Italia) 2008 BUSANA, MARIA STELLABONDESAN, ALDINOMIOLA, ANTONELLAMOZZI, PAOLOKIRSCHNER, PAOLOM. C. VILLANI + - - Eredità culturali dell'Adriatico. Archeologia, storia, lingua e letteratura
Conservation status of Italian coastal dune habitats in the light of the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive) 2020 Villani M. + PLANT SOCIOLOGY - -
Contribution to the floristic knowledge of eastern Irpinia and Vulture-Melfese area (Campania and Basilicata, southern Italy) 2019 Marcucci R.Villani M. + ITALIAN BOTANIST - -
Dual mycorrhizal infection of non-rhizoctonial nature in roots of the endangered orchid Orchis militaris L. 2007 VENDRAMIN, ELENATONDELLO, ALESSANDRABALDAN, BARBARAVILLANI, MARIACRISTINASQUARTINI, ANDREA + - - Book of abstracts
Evolution of isoprene emission in Arecaceae (palms) 2021 Villani M.Baldan B. + EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS - -