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Risultati 1 - 19 di 19 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.056 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Age-related differences in processing the sense of agency 2014 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA - - European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology
Are chicks sensitive to the Ebbinghaus illusion? 2010 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARARUGANI, ROSAREGOLIN, LUCIA + - - 2nd Workshop on Cognition and Evolution
Clinical psychological and neuropsychological issues with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) 2014 MAPELLI, DANIELACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABOTTIO, TOMASOTARZIA, VINCENZOGEROSA, GINO + ANNALS OF CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY - -
Correlation between olfactory function, age, sex, and cognitive reserve index in the Italian population. 2022 Cavazzana AParma VOttaviano G + EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY - -
Does our Sense of Agency get better as we become adults? Evidence from a behavioural study 2014 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA - - Neuroethic Workshop
Forecasting model for drug utilization and expenditure in support of clinical governance in the Veneto Region. The example of drugs for chronic lymphocytic leukemia 2023 Poggiani C.Cavazzana A.Rebba V. + PHARMADVANCES - -
Funzioni cognitive e qualità di vita: confronto tra pazienti sottoposti a trapianto cardiaco e pazienti con assistenza meccanica 2013 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAVOLPE, BIANCAROSAVincenzo TarziaMAPELLI, DANIELA + - - AIP Sperimentale, Roma 2013
Global processing of visual configurations in domestic chicks. 2011 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARARUGANI, ROSAREGOLIN, LUCIA + - - Atti del convegno Current challenges and applications of comparative cognition.
Holistic perception of visual configurations in young domestic chicks. 2011 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARARUGANI, ROSAREGOLIN, LUCIA + - - Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Summer Conference
Intentional binding as a marker of agency across the lifespan 2017 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION - -
Intentional Binding effect in children: insights from a new paradigm 2014 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA FRONTIERS - -
It’s a Matter of Mind! Cognitive Functioning Predicts the Athletic Performance in Ultra- Marathon Runners 2015 CONA, GIORGIACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAPAOLI, ANTONIOMARCOLIN, GIUSEPPEGRAINER, ALESSANDROBISIACCHI, PATRIZIA PLOS ONE - -
Neural underpinnings of the "agent brain": new evidence from transcranial direct current stimulation 2015 CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAPENOLAZZI, BARBARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE - -
Neural underpinnings of the perceived linkage between voluntary actions and sensory effects: a transcranial direct current stimulation study In corso di stampa CAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAPENOLAZZI, BARBARABEGLIOMINI, CHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA - - Cognitive Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting
One, two, three, four, or is there something more? Numerical discrimination in day-old domestic chicks 2013 RUGANI, ROSACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAREGOLIN, LUCIA + ANIMAL COGNITION - -
Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) 2013 RUGANI, ROSACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARAREGOLIN, LUCIA + ANIMAL COGNITION - -
Riserva cognitiva e funzioni cognitive in un gruppo di pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca 2013 VOLPE, BIANCAROSACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARACosimo LeserriGEROSA, GINOMAPELLI, DANIELA + - - AIP Sperimentale, Roma 2013
SENSE OF AGENCY AND INTENTIONAL BINDING: How does the brain link voluntary actions with their consequences? 2016 Cavazzana, Annachiara - - -
‘Mens sana in corpore sano’: Cognitive functioning predicts race performance in ultra-marathon runners. 2015 CONA, GIORGIACAVAZZANA, ANNACHIARABISIACCHI, PATRIZIA + - - ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’: Cognitive functioning predicts race performance in ultra-marathon runners.