Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A High Nuclear Nm23-H1 Expression Is Associated With A Better Prognosis In Elderly Patients With Laryngeal Carcinoma 2013 BLANDAMURA, STELLALovato, AFranchella, SOTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOSTELLINI, EDOARDOSTAFFIERI, ALBERTOMARIONI, GINO + ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA - -
A multicenter real-life study to determine the efficacy of corticosteroids and olfactory training in improving persistent COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction 2022 Ottaviano, GiancarloScarpa, BrunoNicolai, Piero + LARYNGOSCOPE INVESTIGATIVE OTOLARYNGOLOGY - -
A panel of biomarkers for predicting response to postoperative RT for laryngeal cancer? 2014 MARIONI, GINOOTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOSTAFFIERI, ALBERTOBLANDAMURA, STELLA + AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY - -
A pilot study to determine the effects of nasal co-phenylcaine on drug-induced sleep endoscopy 2019 Pendolino A. L.Ottaviano G. + EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY - -
A systematic review of the clinical evidence and biomarkers linking allergy to adeno-tonsillar disease 2021 Ottaviano G + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - -
Adherence to Intranasal Steroids in Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis Prior to and during Biologic Therapy: A Neglected Matter. 2024 Ottaviano G + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - -
Airflow: Physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses 2024 ottaviano giancarlo - - Textbook of rhinology
Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma: Relationship with Transverse Maxillary Contraction and Transverse Expansion Stability in Children 2023 Ottaviano G.Favero L.Scarpa B.Favero R. + APPLIED SCIENCES - -
Altered brain regional homogeneity is associated with depressive symptoms in COVID-19 2022 Cattarinussi, GiuliaMiola, AlessandroTrevisan, NicolòValeggia, SilviaTramarin, ElenaMucignat, CarlaMorra, FrancescoMinerva, MatteoLibrizzi, GiovanniBordin, AnnaCausin, FrancescoOttaviano, GiancarloAntonini, AngeloSambataro, FabioManara, Renzo JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS - -
Anatomia rino-oro-ipofaringea in prospettiva roncochirurgica. 2008 OTTAVIANO, GIANCARLO - - -
Angiogenesi tumorale: il ruolo prognostico dell’espressione di CD105 nei carcinomi squamosi della laringe. 2006 MARIONI, GINOOTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOBLANDAMURA, STELLA + - - -
Anosmia associated with hearing loss and benign positional vertigo after head trauma. 2009 OTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOMARIONI, GINOMARCHESE RAGONA RDE FILIPPIS, COSIMOSTAFFIERI, ALBERTO + ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA - -
Are panels of clinical, laboratory, radiological, and microbiological variables of prognostic value in deep neck infections? An analysis of 301 consecutive cases 2019 Marioni GFavaretto NStramare ROttaviano Gde Filippis C. + ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA - -
Bilateral laryngomucocele. 2011 Marchese-Ragona RMotta ROttaviano G + ARCHIVES OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY - -
Bone health and body composition in transgender adults before gender-affirming hormonal therapy: data from the COMET study 2023 Ceolin C.Giannini S.Coin A.Sergi G.Ferlin A.Garolla A.Aprile A.Campello E.Ceolin C.Favaro A.Ferlin A.Gatta M.Ghisi M.Giannini S.Iafrate M.Meneguzzo P.Miscioscia M.Ottaviano G.Saccardi C.Sergi G.Simioni P.Vianello F. + JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION - -
Botulinum toxin therapy: functional silencing of salivary disorders. 2017 Lovato, AOTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOMARIONI, GINOMARCHESE RAGONA, ROSARIO + ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA - -
Bourgeonal Olfactory Threshold And Human Capacity Of Reproduction: A Prospective Study. 2010 OTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOMARIONI, GINOMarchese Ragona RSTAFFIERI, ALBERTOFORESTA, CARLO + - - -
BOURGEONAL OLFACTORY TRHESHOLD AND HUMAN CAPACITY OF REPRODUCTION: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY 2011 Giancarlo OttavianoMarchese-Ragona RCarlo Foresta + - - Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Human Chemosensation 2010.
Brain anatomical substrates of mirror movements in Kallmann syndrome 2015 Manara, RSalvalaggio, ABRIANI, CHIARAOTTAVIANO, GIANCARLOWeis, LROSSATO, MARCOBONANNI, GUGLIELMOFAVARO, ANGELA + NEUROIMAGE - -