Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A bi-objective model to include workers’ vibration exposure in assembly line design 2021 Finco S.Calzavara M.Battini D. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A cost-based tool for the comparison of different e-grocery supply chain strategies 2023 Calzavara, MartinaFinco, SerenaPersona, AlessandroZennaro, Ilenia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS - -
A device to monitor fatigue level in order-picking 2018 Calzavara, MartinaPersona, AlessandroSgarbossa, FabioVisentin, Valentina INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS - -
A Joint Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem (JALBFP) considering direct and indirect supply strategies 2021 Calzavara M.Finco S.Battini D.Persona A. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A method to choose between carton from rack picking or carton from pallet picking 2018 Battini, DariaCalzavara, MartinaPersona, AlessandroSgarbossa, Fabio COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING - -
A methodological framework for efficient and resilient supply network design 2022 Calzavara, MZennaro, IBattini, D + - IFAC-PAPERSONLINE IFAC-PapersOnLine
A methodological framework for the design of efficient resilience in supply networks 2024 Calzavara M.Martignago M.Zennaro I.Battini D. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A model for rest allowance estimation to improve tasks assignment to operators 2019 Calzavara, MartinaPersona, AlessandroSgarbossa, FabioVisentin, Valentina INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A model for warehouse picking forward area allocation and dimensioning 2014 BATTINI, DARIACALZAVARA, MARTINAPERSONA, ALESSANDROSGARBOSSA, FABIO - - Proceedings of XIX Summer School "F. Turco"
A Model to Optimize the Reference Storage Assignment in a Supermarket to Expedite the Part Feeding Activities 2018 Zangaro, FrancescoBattini, DariaCalzavara, MartinaPersona, AlessandroSgarbossa, Fabio IFAC-PAPERSONLINE - IFAC-PapersOnLine
A parts feeding model for big size products: the active and idle assembly islands strategy 2020 Ilenia zennaroSerena FincoMartina CalzavaraDaria BattiniAlessandro Persona INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - -
A selection procedure for the design of mixed-model assembly systems considering walking workers and fixed workers 2024 Calzavara, MartinaFaccio, MaurizioFinco, SerenaPersona, AlessandroZennaro, Ilenia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A sustainable joint economic lot size model for supplier selection under carbon emissions: A case study 2024 Katiraee, NiloofarBerti, NicolaIsolan, IlariaCalzavara, MartinaBattini, Daria CLEANER LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN - -
A Sustainable Order Quantity model under a Cap and Trade system 2018 Battini DariaCalzavara MartinaSgarbossa FabioZangaro Francesco - - Proceedings of the 4th ICDSST International Conference on Decision Support System Technology
Achieving productivity and operator well-being: a dynamic task allocation strategy for collaborative assembly systems in Industry 5.0 2024 Calzavara, MartinaFaccio, MaurizioGranata, IreneTrevisani, Alberto INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY - -
Additional effort estimation due to ergonomic conditions in order picking systems 2017 BATTINI, DARIACALZAVARA, MARTINAPERSONA, ALESSANDROSGARBOSSA, FABIO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
Age replacement policy in the case of no data: the effect of Weibull parameter estimation 2020 Sgarbossa F.Zennaro I.Calzavara M. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda 2020 Calzavara M.Battini D.Bogataj D.Sgarbossa F.Zennaro I. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
An integrated storage assignment method for manual order picking warehouses considering cost, workload and posture 2019 Calzavara, MartinaSgarbossa, Fabio + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -