Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A conceptual framework for machine learning algorithm selection for predictive maintenance 2024 Florian E.Zennaro I. + ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - -
A cost-based tool for the comparison of different e-grocery supply chain strategies 2023 Calzavara, MartinaFinco, SerenaPersona, AlessandroZennaro, Ilenia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS - -
A methodological framework for efficient and resilient supply network design 2022 Calzavara, MZennaro, IBattini, D + - IFAC-PAPERSONLINE IFAC-PapersOnLine
A methodological framework for the design of efficient resilience in supply networks 2024 Calzavara M.Martignago M.Zennaro I.Battini D. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
A New Methodological Framework for Optimizing Predictive Maintenance Using Machine Learning Combined with Product Quality Parameters 2024 Riccio C.Zennaro I. + MACHINES - -
A new roadmap for an age-inclusive workforce management practice and an international policies comparison 2024 Katiraee N.Berti N.Zennaro I.Battini D. + OPEN RESEARCH EUROPE - -
A novel decision support system for managing predictive maintenance strategies based on machine learning approaches 2022 Eleonora florianilenia zennaro + SAFETY SCIENCE - -
A parts feeding model for big size products: the active and idle assembly islands strategy 2020 Ilenia zennaroSerena FincoMartina CalzavaraDaria BattiniAlessandro Persona INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - -
A selection procedure for the design of mixed-model assembly systems considering walking workers and fixed workers 2024 Calzavara, MartinaFaccio, MaurizioFinco, SerenaPersona, AlessandroZennaro, Ilenia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
Age replacement policy in the case of no data: the effect of Weibull parameter estimation 2020 Sgarbossa F.Zennaro I.Calzavara M. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda 2020 Calzavara M.Battini D.Bogataj D.Sgarbossa F.Zennaro I. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
An optimization model for the storage assignment of the references under ergonomics constraints 2019 francesco zangaroserena fincodaria battiniilenia zennaro - - Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 11-13-September-2019
Availability in Human order picking systems: an empirical study on worker’s performance profile 2023 Berti N.Persona A.Zennaro I. - - 28th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, RQD 2023
Big size highly customised product manufacturing systems: a literature review and future research agenda 2019 zennaro ileniafinco serenadaria battinialessandro persona INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH - -
Buffer Allocation Problem (BAP) related to Microdowntime in Automatic Production Lines: A bottling plant case study 2016 Battini DariaPersona AlessandroSgarbossa FabioZennaro Ilenia - - Proceedings XXI Summer school "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering
Buffer size evaluation in a bottle plant production system: a comparison between different solving methods 2022 ilenia zennarofinco serenaaldrighetti riccardodaria battini INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - -
Centralised healthcare supply networks for efficient and sustainable drug management: An Italian case study 2020 Battini D.Zennaro I.Aldrighetti R. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED SUPPLY MANAGEMENT - -
COMPARING DIFFERENT WORKFORCE STRATEGIES IN MIXED MODEL ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS 2023 Francesca CatalanoNicola BertiIlenia ZennaroAlessandro Persona - - 27th International Conference on Production Research Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 23-28 July 2023
Consideration of the learning effect in the comparison of Fixed Worker and Walking Worker assembly systems 2023 Ilenia ZennaroMartina CalzavaraMaurizio FaccioAlessandro Persona - - IFAC World Congress 2023, 9-14 July 2023, Yokohama, JAPAN
Considering workers' features in manufacturing systems: A new job-rotation scheduling model 2020 Finco S.Zennaro I.Battini D.Persona A. - IFAC-PAPERSONLINE IFAC-PapersOnLine