Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari - DISLL
A survey of lecturers’ needs and feedback on EMI training
2017 Helm, Francesca; Guarda, Marta
Book review. Researching online foreign language interaction and exchange: theories, methods and challenges
2013 Guarda, Marta
Computer-Mediated-Communication and Foreign Language Education
2012 Guarda, Marta
Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy
2015 Helm, Francesca; Bradley, Linda; Guarda, Marta; Thouësny, Sylvie
Emotional Responses to Multiple Language Use in EMI: An Exploration of Student Attitudes on Two Italian Degree Programmes
2025 Dalziel, FIONA CLARE; Guarda, Marta
Focus on form in CMC: using written learner data to foster language and pragmatic skills in communicative contexts
2016 Guarda, Marta
Giving voice and face to other cultures: the Soliya Connect Program and the development of intercultural communicative competence
2013 Guarda, Marta
La comunicazione mediata dal computer nella didattica delle lingue straniere
2012 Guarda, Marta
Maintaining teaching and learning quality in higher education through support of EMI lecturers
2018 Clark, CAROLINE MARY DE BOHUN; Guarda, Marta
Negotiating a transcultural place in an English as a lingua franca telecollaboration exchange: a mixed methods approach to the analysis of intercultural communicative competence and third space in an online Community of Practice
2013 Guarda, Marta
Providing Lecturer Support for English_Medium Instruction: an Experience at Padova University's Language Centre
2016 Ackerley, Katherine; Clark, CAROLINE MARY DE BOHUN; Dalziel, FIONA CLARE; Guarda, Marta
Sharing Perspectives on English-Medium Instruction
2017 Ackerley, Katherine; Guarda, Marta; Helm, Francesca
Telecollaborazione: apprendere le lingue straniere in contesti autentici
2014 Guarda, Marta; Guth, SARAH PATRICIA; Helm, Francesca
Writer visibility and agreement / disagreement strategies in online asynchronous interaction: a learner corpus study
2012 Guarda, Marta
‘I have discovered new teaching pathways’: the link between language shift and teaching practice
2017 Guarda, Marta; Helm, Francesca
“I just sometimes forget that I’m actually studying in English”: exploring student perceptions on English-Medium Instruction at an Italian university,
In corso di stampa Guarda, Marta
“Improvisation is not allowed in a second language”: A survey of Italian lecturers’ concerns about teaching their subjects through English
2015 Helm, Francesca; Guarda, Marta