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A comparison of region-based and pixel-based CEUS kinetics parameters in the assessment of arthritis 2014 GRISAN, ENRICORAFFEINER, BERNDCORAN, ALESSANDRORIZZO, GAIACIPRIAN, LUCASTRAMARE, ROBERTO - - Medical Imaging 2014: Ultrasonic Imaging and TomographyMedical Imaging 2014: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography
AB0953 A Comparison of Region-Based and Pixel-Based CEUS Kinetics Parameters in the Differentiation of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Simil-Rheumatoid Psoriatic Arthritis 2014 RAFFEINER, BERNDGRISAN, ENRICOBERNARDI, LIVIOBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINF. OmettoCORAN, ALESSANDROBELTRAME, VALERIACIPRIAN, LUCAPUNZI, LEONARDOSTRAMARE, ROBERTO ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES - -
Balneotherapy in chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases—a narrative review 2018 Cozzi FCiprian LCarrara MGalozzi PZanatta EScanu ASfriso PPunzi L. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY - -
Dynamic Automated Synovial Imaging (DASI) For Differentiating Between Rheumatoid Arthritis And Other Forms Of Arthritis: Automated Versus Manual Interpretation In Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound 2013 RAFFEINER, BERNDSTRAMARE, ROBERTOCIPRIAN, LUCABERNARDI, LIVIOBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINBELTRAME, VALERIACORAN, ALESSANDROSCAGLIORI, ELENAPUNZI, LEONARDOGRISAN, ENRICO ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES - -
Dynamic Automated Synovial Imaging (DASI) for Differentiating between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Simil-Rheumatoid Psoriatic Arthritis 2014 GRISAN, ENRICOBERNARDI, LIVIOBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINCORAN, ALESSANDROCIPRIAN, LUCASTRAMARE, ROBERTOPUNZI, LEONARDO + ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES - -
Effects of mud-bath applications on synovial inflammation evaluated by contrasted-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in patients with psoriatic arthritis 2012 CIPRIAN, LUCARAFFEINER, BERNDGRISAN, ENRICOBELTRAME, VALERIAE. ZanattaSTRAMARE, ROBERTOCOZZI, FRANCO + - - Balnea
Effects of mud-bath therapy in psoriatic arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors. Clinical evaluation and assessment of synovial inflammation by contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). 2015 COZZI, FRANCORAFFEINER, BERNDBELTRAME, VALERIACIPRIAN, LUCACORAN, ALESSANDROPERISSINOTTO, EGLEGRISAN, ENRICORAMONDA, ROBERTAOLIVIERO, FRANCESCASTRAMARE, ROBERTOPUNZI, LEONARDO + JOINT BONE SPINE - -
Effetti della fango-balneoterapia sulle manifestazioni cliniche e sull'infiammazione sinoviale valutata mediante ecografia con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS) in pazienti con artrite psoriasica in trattamento con farmaci inibitori del tnf-alfa 2012 Ciprian, Luca - - -
Identification of distinct vascularization pattern in finger joint synovits in rheumatoid arthritis versus other forms of arthritis by contrast enhanced sonography: a preliminary study. 2009 RAFFEINER, BERNDCIPRIAN, LUCAGRISAN, ENRICOSCAGLIORI, ELENABELTRAME, VALERIABOTSIOS, CONSTANTINFIOCCO, UGOSTRAMARE, ROBERTO - - The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (Suppl 3)
Pixel-based approach to assess contrast-enhanced ultrasound kinetics parameters for differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis 2015 RIZZO, GAIARAFFEINER, BERNDCORAN, ALESSANDROCIPRIAN, LUCAFIOCCO, UGOSTRAMARE, ROBERTOGRISAN, ENRICO + JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING - -
Toward Early Detection and Differentiation of Arthritic diseases: Quantification of Haemodynamics Changes in Small Joints 2009 GRISAN, ENRICOCIPRIAN, LUCASTRAMARE, ROBERTOSCAGLIORI, ELENAFIOCCO, UGO - - IFMBE Proceedings of the World Congress 2009 in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Unilateral psoriatic arthritis in hemiparesis 2015 FURLAN, ANTONIOCIPRIAN, LUCASTRAMARE, ROBERTO ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY - -