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[TNFalpha blockers and infectious risk in rheumatoid arthritis]. 2009 Ometto FSFRISO, PAOLOTODESCO, SILVANOPUNZI, LEONARDO + REUMATISMO - -
AB0953 A Comparison of Region-Based and Pixel-Based CEUS Kinetics Parameters in the Differentiation of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Simil-Rheumatoid Psoriatic Arthritis 2014 RAFFEINER, BERNDGRISAN, ENRICOBERNARDI, LIVIOBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINF. OmettoCORAN, ALESSANDROBELTRAME, VALERIACIPRIAN, LUCAPUNZI, LEONARDOSTRAMARE, ROBERTO ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES - -
Adherence in rheumatoid arthritis patients assessed with a validated Italian version of the 5-item Compliance Questionnaire for Rheumatology 2019 Ometto, FrancescaAzzolina, DanilaASTORRI, DAVIDEFRISO, LARAFavero, MartaGregori, DarioDoria, Andrea + CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Adult-onset Still's disease with myocarditis successfully treated with the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist anakinra. 2011 OMETTO FPUNZI, LEONARDORAMONDA R. + JOINT BONE SPINE - -
An update on serum biomarkers to assess axial spondyloarthritis and to guide treatment decision 2020 Lorenzin MOmetto FOrtolan AFelicetti MDoria ARamonda R + THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE - -
Answer to Ben Nessib et al. Joint Bone Spine 2023;90:105539 2023 Ortolan A.Felicetti M.Lorenzin M.Ometto F.Doria A.Ramonda R. + JOINT BONE SPINE - -
Assessment of Neuropathic Pain in Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis 2024 Ometto, FrancescaCozzi, GiacomoDoria, AndreaBriani, ChiaraRamonda, Roberta + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - -
Calprotectin in rheumatic diseases 2017 OMETTO, FRANCESCAFriso, LaraAstorri, DavidePUNZI, LEONARDODORIA, ANDREA + EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE - -
Diagnostic and prognostic role of renal histopathology in rheumatic diseases 2018 Saccon, FrancescaGatto, M.Larosa, M.Ometto, F.Felicetti, M.Padoan, R.Zen, M. REUMATISMO - -
Effects of half dose etanercept (25 mg once a week) on clinical remission and radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission achieved with standard dose. 2015 RAFFEINER, BERNDBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINOMETTO, FRANCESCABERNARDI, LIVIOSTRAMARE, ROBERTOTODESCO, SILVANOSFRISO, PAOLOPUNZI, LEONARDO CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Elderly onset of primary Sjogren's syndrome: Clinical manifestations, serological features and oral/ocular diagnostic tests. Comparison with adult and young onset of the disease in a cohort of 336 Italian patients. 2010 BOTSIOS, CONSTANTINFURLAN, ANTONIOOSTUNI PSFRISO, PAOLOTODESCO, SILVANOPUNZI, LEONARDO + JOINT BONE SPINE - -
Elderly onset of primary Sjögren's syndrome: Clinical manifestations, serological features and oral/ocular diagnostic tests. Comparison with adult and young onset of the disease in a cohort of 336 Italian patients. 2011 SFRISO, PAOLOOMETTO FPUNZI, LEONARDO + JOINT BONE SPINE - -
Fetuin-A: A Novel Biomarker of Bone Damage in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis. Results of an Interim Analysis of the SPACE Study 2023 Ometto F.Belluzzi E.Oliviero F.Ruggieri P.Doria A.Lorenzin M.Ramonda R. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Grade and location of power Doppler are predictive of damage progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission by anti-tumour necrosis factor α 2017 RAFFEINER, BERNDGRISAN, ENRICOSTRAMARE, ROBERTORIZZO, GAIABERNARDI, LIVIOPUNZI, LEONARDOOMETTO, FRANCESCADORIA, ANDREA + RHEUMATOLOGY - -
Hypovitaminosis D and orthostatic hypotension: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2016 Ometto, FrancescaSOLMI, MARCOSERGI, GIUSEPPEMANZATO, ENZOVERONESE, NICOLA + JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION - -
Inefficacy or paradoxical effect? Uveitis in ankylosing spondylitis treated with etanercept. 2014 RAFFEINER, BERNDOMETTO, FRANCESCABERNARDI, LIVIOBOTSIOS, CONSTANTINPUNZI, LEONARDO CASE REPORTS IN MEDICINE - -
Late-onset primary Sjögren syndrome: Clinical and immunological manifestations. Comparison with early-onset or adult-onset disease in a cohort of 336 Italian male patients 2011 Botsios C.Sfriso P.Ometto F.Raffeiner B.Todesco S.Punzi L. + REVUE DU RHUMATISME - -
Macroscopic Synovial Inflammation Correlates with Symptoms and Cartilage Lesions in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy: A Clinical Study 2022 Belluzzi, ElisaLazzaro, AntonelloPozzuoli, AssuntaRuggieri, PietroOmetto, FrancescaRamonda, RobertaFavero, Marta + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE - -
Mediterranean diet in axial spondyloarthritis: an observational study in an Italian monocentric cohort 2021 Ometto F.Ortolan A.Lorenzin M.Cozzi G.Favero M.Valentini R.Doria A.Ramonda R. + ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY - -
Methods used to assess remission and low disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. 2010 Ometto FSFRISO, PAOLOTODESCO, SILVANODORIA, ANDREAPUNZI, LEONARDO + AUTOIMMUNITY REVIEWS - -